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Joey Kaylor

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Everything posted by Joey Kaylor

  1. Keith- there are a few guys on IATN that have tried to join in the last week or so, and got a message like the one i got when i first tried joining. may want to check them, i know a few of them will be very helpful in this community.
  2. THAT is some messed up !@*!#?!. i got the same message. oh well.
  3. still on frikkin backorder. i said to hell with it and ordered one from a tool company. a few bucks more than from rotunda, but they have their own tech support for us independents. he also had 54 of them in stock.
  4. son of a bitch. 3 grand as a max bid, and its still not enough. [censored] that. guess what rotunda said today? still on f'in backorder. i wonder if someone from a ford dealer called and asked if they could get one?
  5. we shall see how bidding goes......i'm tired of dealing with Rotunda.
  6. yet another week went by, and not avail. yet. calling in the morning again to see what the time frame is looking like. all i want is a VCM kit, i have a laptop that will work (albeit their tech gurus say it wont cause its not an outdated Dell or an overpriced toughbook). from experience i have seen others have, namely Bruce, i have pretty much written off any and all support they might offer, since we aint a dealer. i dont think i am even going to price a VMM again, a PICO will cost a few grand less and be able to do more stuff. its getting tiring to diag. these 6.0's with the crap that OTC has on their scanners!
  7. damn. thats gonna cause some paranoid customers! just about as good as the 4.9's with the fan that kept running to keep the fuel rail from vapor locking.
  8. so far, every time i call Retarda, and i ask about the IDS purchase, they first tell me that there are units avail., and for my dealer code. well, when i tell them i'm an indy, thier tone immediately changes and they tell me there are no units to ship, to be put on the waiting list. i'm curious if any of ya'll have tried to purchase one in the last few weeks, if the VCM kit is actually not available or are they feeding me a line of bullshit. compensation for assistance is always given thanks!
  9. mother of God. at least i have a few more months of not seeing them than ya'll do. but those look like fun. glad to see ford finally ditching the high pressure oil system!
  10. if i am looking at it right, they finally followed GM's lead and ran the body bolts in from the bottom. hoooorah!!
  11. haha..... trucks still down there........alternator didnt fix it. from what i gathered, they have replaced the turbo twice now. the fleet manager is getting royally pissed off (rightfully so, a truck that cost about 125 grand is basically useless to them, cause it usually stalls or loses power on a call) and is looking for another cab/chassis to remount onto. i got a feeling this is gonna be a long week!
  12. oh, well in that case.... there are about four methods of cooking bio, they dont all use the same chemicals, but those are the most common ones for most blends. they'll use either methanol or ethanol, the main reason for that is to get rid of the water when you wash the fuel after cooking.
  13. sombtich, bio has MEK?! HAZ MAT classes we refer to it as methyl ethyl deathyl. apparently its some nasty ass shit.
  14. i dont see how bio can delam a tank. knock the sludge off one that has had old shit in it for a while, yes. but to delam a tank, it has to be some rather potent chemical, cause it would damage the injectors and other crap too. i seem to remember seeing some from of TSB about tanks coming apart, and ford doing everything they could to not say it was their fault due to using a shitty supplier though. or at least hearing about it. one truck i had an OASIS ran on showed quite a bit of labor and parts replaced due to a tank coming apart/trash.
  15. ever get a chance, check out their site. they do RHD conversions also, and their mail van is pretty slick (sorry, i work on quite a few postal heeps, i mean jeeps. kinda cool you can carry a few tons of mail in one vehicle and still be able to deliver...) http://www.quigley4x4.com
  16. we have gotten precisely jack shit as far as info. the only reason i heard about it was a discussion on IATN a few months back. my wife works at NAPA, and even their sales reps didnt know about it! of course, that doesnt really carry much merit, most of them wouldnt know merc v from synchromesh...... i got bored and read the back of a bottle of valvoline merc v we had on the shelf. it had in fine print: meets mercon V specifications. also to be used in any vehicle having mercon II/III specifications. but its got SHUDDERGUARD!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  17. hate to bring up an old thread, but i got a case of motorcraft MercV in today, and it states on the bottle "for all ford products calling for Mercon V or Dextron-Mercon" WTF?
  18. my one question: is there any difference in the units other than the amperage? do they take the same regulator? as far as i could tell, there are only about three part numbers for the lower alternators, the amperage being the only difference. the clock position is the main differences between the upper and lower ones, at least that i could tell on the few we have done. i really want to go smack the crap out of someone at ford right now. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  19. HVBOM showed it was built with the following: 6C3Z10346BA upper, 3C3Z10346CA lower. however, when he pulled it, it also showed the truck was originally built with a 120A upper only, the other numbers were in a footnote or some crap like that. i dont have the original unit, it was sent back as a core about a month ago. what gets me is that i pulled codes after the repair, and found none in the system. they swear that the alternator was throwing a hard code immediately, and that is the cause of the driveability issue. the assholes havent called me yet, but i am sure they will. thanks fellers
  20. so we are in a fight with the local dealership right now, and i am looking for some insight on a situation. *long post warning* we service a fleet of ambulances, and the one that has had the most trouble lately is an 03 F450, 6.0 of course. for the longest time, it has been having an intermittent stall, power loss, or some form of low power concern. it has been in to this one dealer about six times, each time its an NPF. they slapped a VDR on it once, but according to the tech that worked on it, "it didnt get anything to tell me whats wrong" thats bullshit, but thats another story. about two months ago, the truck had a primary alternator fail (this unit only has about 32k on it, its not run as often as some we have serviced) which of course overtaxed the secondary unit. it went in on a hook to the dealer, and they replaced the primary alternator only, i am fairly certain they did it under the extended warr, with deductable. two weeks later, the truck starts having a charging issue again, after running some tests, and per the fleet managers request, i replaced the secondary alternator with a ford unit. heres were it gets interesting: the truck went in to that same dealer for the same low power and stalling concern for the 7th time last week. i get a call from the fleet manager, pissed off cause he is telling me we installed the wrong alternator on the vehicle, which is doing damage. i call the dealer, and after an hour of being jerked around, i finally get the tech on the phone, and he explains to me that the truck is setting a hard fault P1148. he also tells me that i installed the wrong part number alternator, and that they have to install a new unit because this one is the incorrect one, causing problems. i spent an hour on the phone with Motorcraft, the ford dealer i bought the alternator from (different than the one that the truck is at, we've had conflicts in the past at this particular one) and the dealer the truck is at now. the truck, according to the build information, was built with a 3C3Z10346CA secondary alternator. we installed a 6C2Z10346EA, which is what came up from my parts guy as the correct alternator. doing some number crossing, it crosses over to the 3C3Z alternator, its the 06 replacement of an 03 PN or some crap like that. it also comes up on motocrafts catalog to be for an 06 only E and F series powerstroke. however, supposedly my parts guy is telling me that the 6C2Z alternator is the right one for that truck, after checking the cross references. i come up with different numbers, but they are adimant that we installed the right unit. bottom line is: i would like a second opinion as to who i need to resolve this with. either i was sold the wrong part, or the other dealer is trying to pad up a warr. job with a crapload of CP work (this dealer has done this alot in the past, their techs love to talk trash about independents) i havent heard if the truck is back yet, but i did manage to tell the fleet manager to let me fix the truck after it gets back the 8th time in for the same complaint /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif and, if someone doesnt mind, can i get an OASIS on this unit? supposedly it had about 47hrs of work on it when it was brand new, and im curious. 1FDXF47P13EB39127
  21. i've never had problems out of them, at least not lately. we stopped using the NAPA WIX filters about six months ago, mainly due to us finding a good source on Motorcraft ones for the same price. i have seen their fuel filters cause issues though, mainly due to letting water go through the paper and royally mess up some injectors.
  22. i'm getting impatient. called rotunda on friday, STILL on backorder!!!! supposedly when the next batch of them comes in, i'm like # 10 on the waiting list. what the hell is up with ford discontinuing the VDR? the lady with rotunda told me that it was discontinued, with no replacement planned.
  23. so am i gonna have a major problem running this on my Presario 3150? i ginally get to finalize the sale on our unit this week, and would like to be able to not have to buy a new laptop at the same time. bruce-i take it the main problem was software issues?
  24. so they use two pressure sensors to determing the manifold pressure? or is it just an interpolated reading from the MAP?
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