thank you for the fast replys!! hotline had the idea of using regulated shop air down to 2lbs and applying to dipstick tube and watching for the leak, they also said to make sure it is no more than 2lbs or the front or rear main will blow out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif that, I have not tried yet. I am sure it is low pressure oil because it is a pretty heavy green trail that comes down from top of the oil cooler and runs down, I also forgot to bring up the sending unit, it is dry and the connector is clean this is also a shuttle bus with only 38,000 miles. Back to the tubes I am wondering if I am just installing them dead wrong. The way I have been doing it is by pushing them into the bore and then tighting the hold down clamp, then the retaining bracket for the tubes to hold them in place. how have you guy's installed them? also trying to find any info on them in the manual is slim to none. thanks again for everyones help i will dig into this tomorrow and update. thanks !!