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G. Bedford

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Everything posted by G. Bedford

  1. Just did one this past week, but the o ring was split from poor installation. Customer couldn't wait for a new o ring to arrive(didn't have one in stock, go figure) so had to rob another off a lot unit. Only 2200 miles on the truck and the entire underside from the trans to the rear bumper was dripping oil.
  2. The webmaster on the Ford boards has been busy today removing and locking threads on the topic. Damage control.
  3. We are trying to come up with something to work in our shop for the exhaust,too. We only have a single over-head exhaust hose at each bay, so need to go from both tips to one hose. We had our first batch of '08s come off the transport during a recent below 0 cold spell. We had to warm them up in the shop and must say the exhaust smell will gag a maggot.
  4. First off, I have considered buying my own VCM/laptop set-up. I am old school though. When I entered the biz over 25 years ago a tech supplied hand tools and some air tools. The shop at the time charged a whopping $24 bucks an hour labor. The top techs got $12 of it. Along came the need to change the split because the cost of doing business was increasing and certainly we couldn't possibly pass this increase onto the customer, now could we? Now I see techs being asked to purchase "shop tools", and I shake my head. If the tech can afford the tool from their take home pay, why can't the shop afford it? If having the tool yourself so raises your efficency doesn't it also benefit the shop as much or more due to the pay splits seen today? The tax breaks given to the business for tool purchases cannot be matched on my personal tax forms. I just read lately on the Ford boards one tech mention he had purchased his own hoist for at work! Do I have the money to buy my own tool? Yes. But it scares me where my employer will go if I set a precedent. You guys can laugh if you want, but 25 years ago I thought the top techs by today would need only to bring their skill and desire to repair to the jobsite. I'm saddened.
  5. Sure seems to be more second guessing of repairs lately. What sucks worse is Ford sending out inspectors on warranty jobs. Warranty time and waiting with a tied up stall for Hector the Inspector to come by. Unreal.
  6. Happy to hear things came out for you. Thank you for posting, because I certainly found out some info on the HPOP I didn't know before.
  7. Just looked at the pump/core and Larry is correct about that check ball. Remove the IPR valve and look to the bottom of the bore. You should see the ball behind the thin rod section of the plug that was removed. If it is not there a hole allows the oil to return to a cavity at the front face of the pump. Is the ball there?
  8. Just found the pictures on-line with a quick google search. Interestingly enough, I just did this same repair on a '02 F-250 yesterday. Mine was under warranty yet so I replaced the HPOP. Methinks I will troop into parts tomorrow and retrieve the core for a little "bench dissection" to satisfy my curiosity.
  9. Hi Tony, did your normal diag. routine include a close inspection of the FICM harness chaffe points? Might be worth while to flex/tug the harness and check for a engine "skip" while doing so.
  10. Here are some pictures of the HPOP disassembled. http://rides.webshots.com/album/54701954RsTFrJ?start=12
  11. Pretty sweet. I remember when I first competed in the UMTC, we had to use those global format wiring diagrams. Gawd, those sucked!!
  12. Not uncommon for the management to "force" a tech out so they don't have to pay unemployment. Best of luck to you!
  13. We have most of our techs diesel certified, so we are able to dispatch work pretty evenly. Since we are close to the oil patch we get alot of beat up roustabout rigs in. Management keeps track and seems to make sure no one "dies" on too much warranty. Though I have to admit some techs in the shop tend to have more warranty hours because of their own failures. I have only been at the 50% warranty mark a few times.
  14. We have done a couple branch tubes. We lifted the body then removed the trans./transfer case as a unit by using a cherry picker. This left everything wide open and a fairly good working height to look in the rear to start your bolts.
  15. The old relay DY860 F7tz-12B533-CA came with the little pigtail and the nuts. The newer DY861 F81Z-12B533-AC comes without. The glow plug relay is the same apparantly. We stock both. If you need the hardware, use the older number and just toss the pigtail.
  16. I have not resealed a bed plate yet. Interesting that Ford pooh-poohed the lifting of cabs by the techs, but will now have a procedure for the 6.4l. Maybe in a couple years Ford will have an "in-chassis" bed-plate reseal procedure. Who knows?
  17. I'd like to thank Larry for posting the info on the connectors from Summit. After seeing it I had the parts dept. order one of each connector to see what it would look like. They showed up yesterday and look good. I now have my own harness test jumpers for cheap(the 5 pin is $80 on RTTP) and the parts dept. has decided to stock a few of each. Thanks again, Larry.
  18. No worse I guess than Ford thinking of charging for technician calls to the Hot-Line. Imagine paying Ford for information they gained by their own technicians in the field. Sound familiar?
  19. I have seen my scores, but we get very few surveys returned. I don't really care where I'm at on their system, to be truthful. Due to the amount of parts problems, 126 game-playing, and product failings most of the scoring isn't anything I can control. I don't care to see the scoring used in pay plans like used with the Service Advisors at many stores. Tying the scores to pay has caused far too many problems.
  20. The main change for me is the labor time update. My shop has been so timid on M-time, I see now I have been seriously shorted on the one's I have done before.
  21. The truck we did yesterday afternoon and was left overnight is still missing on two holes this morning. Jury is still out here.
  22. Both of our WDS units lost the programming function yesterday. I remember an update I did about a month or two ago to each unit that said it would extend the functions until sometime in October. I guess the day came. Now our only IDS unit will get even more use, unless they decide to convert our NGS+ into a PDS or IDS. I had installed extra memory sticks into our WDS units, which really helped against lock-ups. Since the IDS was the new toy, there was almost always a WDS docked when I needed a tool. I actually prefer the WDS if I feel I may need to do COP stress tests or fuel pressure readings. All the cords to the VMM is simply ridiculous. Frankly, I feel the PDS/IDS is a shop tool. I would laugh if my dealer even suggested I buy my own.
  23. Good catch. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif I missed it completely. Been a long Rally week here and everyone is bushed.
  24. I may be missing something, but my TSB copy says 2003-2005 Excursion,2003-2007 F-Super Duty and 2004-2006 E-350/450 are covered. The Turbo Reconditioning article on this site says they are not? Help!
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