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Everything posted by jaysonfordtech

  1. Here in Washington state it is mandated 2% as well, and we just got an email from ford stating that customers must use the severe duty schedule now no matter the use because of the biofuel.
  2. I bought a set of Hankooks for my focus, rated at 100k miles. They lasted about 30k and were down to 4/32. Bought a set of Goodyear triple treads and have been thrilled so far.
  3. Well I was thinking the same thing, the diesel engine will never be able to match the emission of a gas engine and be cheaper to own and operate in a light duty application. As for the hydrogen thing I have come to believe it is the fuel of the future and always will be. Here in the us we have decided that clean air is more important than fuel economy. We will just have to live with the consequences of that decision.
  4. Yes, ambulance vehicles must be serviced every 5k or 200 hours
  5. Jim were you ever given any formal training by any of your employers in cmvss? I know in my 10 plus years in the industry I have not, and I have done fords training for tech, service advisor, customer relations manager, and most of the service manager training. For the most part I did not do things that would require too much of that knowledge. More knowledge is always good but I ever even bothered to know such things as what the legal distance a fuel line had to be from the exhaust, because if I replaced either it was back into the spot that an engineer making 3x my wages intended it to go into. As for child seats, if they come out I NEVER reinstalled them. I was not going to be responsible for incorrectly installing one. I feel somewhat secure in the knowledge that my employer has way more insurance and assets then I, so they will be the target of any litigation. As an agent of my employer they bear most of the legal responsibility for the results of operations in their facility. If I am grossly negligent then I COULD be held liable, but it does take a different level of screw up I do believe. The points you raise are another reason I never do side work.
  6. So if I remember correctly that spec is for the towing/idling table correct? The "normal" schedule did not have an hour indication if I remember correctly. Oh boy I feel a shit storm a coming. lol.
  7. That is the adviser's job to advise. The good news and the bad. Where did you find the spec for warranty coverage at 2909 hours? I personally kind of enjoy giving that kind of news. Maybe its all the years of being a tech seeing the customers try to slide anything that they could under warranty.
  8. I have seen this several times. We usually sell the goodyear assurance line for these with great success. Yes Continental tires are rags.
  9. We have been using coolant with bitter agent for quite a while here. VC7B I think is the common number.
  10. Ok now just calm down a bit here Jim. I share a similar view of emissions control as you, but a lot of these things are approved to by our regulators here in the states. There is the California Air Resources Board that has to certify any aftermarket modification sold for on road use in California. Most of the bolt on stuff like air intakes and SOME of the chips hold CARB certification. That being said I do not recommend them nor does any of the technicians in my shop. In fact we just convinced a customer to retain the stock intake and exhaust system on a 6.0 that we had in for a bedplate reseal. Even some of the multiple position chips that are being talked of here have the CARB stamp for positions other then max power. At my shop our reason for not promoting these things is the decreased life of the vehicle and other problems that usually results from them. As for us damn kids not learning the lessons of the past, if you look at the air in major cities in the US from 1960 to now they have gotten cleaner while the population of vehicles has exploded. Let it be said that lawyers make a living out of finding the hole in regulations just as a note there. I personally avoid water all together... fish screw in that stuff. lol. I'll take mine purified with some level of alcohol, something with strong hops please, lol. But Jim always feel free to shake your fist at us and scream for us damn kid to get off your lawn.
  11. Holy cow he just spent more in fuel and rubber than my escort is worth, lol.
  12. Thanks larry, I saw that at the MC website. I was just wondering if anyone has some inside info on what the difference is between that and old mercon, and should we use that instead of merc 5 in tcase applications that still call for mercon.
  13. Can anyone tell me what exactly this stuff is? The vehicles older then about 2005 still call for the old not available mercon, but the newer stuff calls for this.
  14. Well guys its now official that we are suppose to use a sealer when installing the bedplate seals. I always used a thin coat of gray on the outside ridge of the block to bedplate area, and had good luck. Now they say to use red gasket maker. How much longer until that is a tsb as well?
  15. The other definition of an expert the guy who has broken all the stuff before, and now knows to tell you what not to do.
  16. We are not on ERO, in fact I have never in my 10 years been in a shop that has it. I often wonder what it would be like.
  17. On the topic of protecting ourselves from the injuries that come from this business, I have noticed a lot of guys are not very good about using ear protection. The damage from the air tools we use is slow in showing and has struck every tech I have worked with over the age of 30 or so. How good are you guys about ear protection?
  18. The sleeping with wrist braces on helped me. I was never diag'd with it but had similar symptoms. I also learned not to do stupid things like slamming hubcaps on with the palms of my hands and the like.
  19. Well guys I sold out as of wednesday. I started as a service advisor and turned in my work boots. I think it was well timed as the new recall just came out this morning. I was lucky enough to have never had to actually do any big jobs on a 6.4 including injectors. Do you guys think you are going to be able to make time on this recall?
  20. Yes just to cover your ass you need to tear down to find the cause of failure, and include a cost cap with your ro.
  21. For us if there is a warranty time, but no CP time we use warranty plus 40%.
  22. Man I don't know if it is the crappy fuel here causing more regen's or what but I have not had 1 customer tell me or have displayed on there cluster over 13 mpg. My customers get about 20KM to the gallon lol.
  23. Yes the 6.4 is a filthy pig of a motor. Just look at the soot in the pipes before the DPF! all that soot is underutilized fuel. No wonder the fuel economy is so poor on this engine. Even with 5 mpg more that would only put most of my customers at about 16. I think we have had a discussion about this topic along with egr deletes in the past at one time or another. What’s your take grampy Jim, lol.
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