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Everything posted by jaysonfordtech

  1. Check out this article http://www.greencarcongress.com/2008/06/caterpillar-exi.html#more
  2. Quote: I think we,re doin it all wrong. If we use this: http://www.barsproducts.com/1111.htm , I don't think we should have to phone in for prior approval at all. I'm surprised Ford hasn't revised the TSB with this as the fix. Man, this could be a big money maker. After all, it can't be any worse than putting rubber head bolts back in, can it? That was subarus fix. They have external head gasket leak problems. Their fix was add OEM sake oil to cooling system and retest. Maybe ford should look into this, lol.
  3. I'm likely in the minority here, but I think this is the best thing that could happen to the country, even if it is not so good for our industry. Yes the use of trucks vs. cars will go back to the levels seen in the late seventies and early eighties. If we are lucky and the prices are sustained at this level we will be seeing some real efficiencies built into the transportation sector, and the economy generally. The cure for high oil prices is high oil prices. There will be today as there was in the past calls to invest in new technologies to substitute for oil based products, but hopefully we follow through this time. I suspect that the attraction of diesel engine technology will be killed by the demand for clean emissions. We have to make a choice between clean emissions or efficient engines, you can’t have both. My shop has slowed down by a considerable amount this year over last.
  4. Check out the crash videos on youtube, they smash it into a concrete barrer at like 70.
  5. Check out motor trends review of the car. I believe it was ranked one of the worst they have ever driven.
  6. If its anything like last time it can take a few weeks.
  7. 80$canadian that is like 95$ american, lol. Maybe we can sublet/outsource some of our crap work to you canooks.
  8. Quote: Certainly, the flat rate pay system hasn't encouraged anyone to become charitable.... but the lack of charity is a problem with most of society in this brave, new world. Man Jim this is the exact reason I decided on an economics degree. The man who is revered as the father of modern capitalist economics, Adam Smith wrote about just this in the book The Wealth of Nations. Quote: It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. It is just this self interest that drives us to be more productive and produce a better product in less time for our customers. The "free work we do is because of some incentive we see in doing so, either positive or negative. The flat rate system has produced its intended results, a price system that incentivizes production of billable hours. I do not decide to perform some act of free work out of benevolence/charity, nor I bet do many other technicians. When I do perform such an act I do it to fulfill my duties as shop foreman, to curry favor with a superior, or to satisfy some other internal interest I may have. I have come to the belief through my short time on this planet (30 years) that there is no such thing as true benevolence. The charity work that is done by every human is done to serve their own interest, be it internal guilt, or some other factor. From my perspective this is not new, it is as it has always been. Sorry to hijack your hijacking
  9. I just put a 6.0 in an 03 that became never left. It never sounded good from the moment of start up, had icp hash like I have never seen at mid throttle high rpm. I screwed around with it for a while, shot off recordings to hotline, was advised to replace the pump, took off the oil filter housing and saw glitter in the bottom, drain the pan to find more glitter. This engine had a total of 20 miles from my test drives, I called hotline, they wanted tear down and cost cap. My FSE got involved, now I have another engine.
  10. keith, I have been hearing about this for months. I first heard it on NPR I think. Motor trend did an article about it in January. Here is a link to Green Car Congress that talks about their 4 cyl diesel and the aftertreatment system http://www.greencarcongress.com/2007/09/honda-displays-.html http://www.greencarcongress.com/2006/08/hondas_approach.html Amazing isn't it that the jap car company that does not currently produce any diesels of it's own out engineered us.
  11. I swear I am not making this up. I just put an engine in a truck, and also a new egr valve because the plastic around the connector was broken. I took the rig out on its first road test and it ran like crap. EGR was all over the place. Got it back and performed an EGR test. The new valve I just installed failed big time. I called hotline to see if there was something I was missing. They told me "it's a known problem, keep putting on valves until you get one that is good.". I am not making this up! I put on the second valve we had in stock, cleared the codes and kam and tried to perform VGT learn. It would not complete and egr was going between 0 and 25% at idle. I performed the EGR test again and I'll be damned if this one did not fail as well. I talked with our warranty administrator to see how to handle the paperwork on this and she told me that there are reports on their message board of guys putting on 20 valves before finding a good one. We ordered a new valve, and from what parts tells me they are big time back ordered. He said there are like 2000 orders outstanding. Have you guys run into this yet?
  12. Keith, I really think the urea thing depends on the success of Honda's new converters. They say they have produced a convertor that will reduce Nox to 2010 levels without urea injection.
  13. That really depends on the emission you are trying to control. Yes better fuel economy will reduce CO2 but the lack of dpf and doc will VASTLY increase the NOx, HC and most importantly PM emissions. All of these have far greater health effects than CO2. The effects of PM emissions from diesels have been well documented. If you want to scare yourself just look them up.
  14. I'm with jeff here. I too am a hard ass with the warranty, but this would be an easy repair with a threadsert. Ford will most likely cover it, and if they don't my dealer would likely goodwill/internal the repair to gain or keep a good customer. This all depends however on the attitude of the customer and any prior visits for service.
  15. Keith I have had REALLY good luck with my snap on twist out type socket on the 10mm nuts and bolts for turbo and y pipe jobs.
  16. Well guys I got the motor out and apart. The turbo was cool. Better than a half an inch of play in the shaft. There was a bunch of metal in the screen below the oil cooler. I found the main brg’s flaking apart. I put together the p/a for a short block, a long block and a drop in complete. When the labor was accounted for the complete was the least expensive repair by about 50 bucks. This thing was butchered by someone before me. Broken connectors all over the place, the egr valve was broken where the connector plugs in, the fan stator was broken and had 3 different types of bolts installed. Anyway I did my prior approval and stated why the complete was the most cost effective repair. I got approval for a long block. I called hotline and asked why they wanted the more expensive option. They said that because the complete is a new engine (although it has an aarm number???) I could not use it, and must use a remanufactured long block. I guess that is why I don’t work in the accounting department at FMC. I have an engine coming tomorrow.
  17. So I got a cool one guys. Local utility rig, just a flatbed 03 f350 has a turbo fail in a massive way wheel down the exhaust pipe and quarts in the exhaust. It was towed to the shop 1/2 disassembled by the local navistar dealer when they figured out that it was still under ford warranty. One of my techs replaced the turbo fished the wheel out, replaced the cat??, changed the oil, and then drove the rig for 5 to 10 miles and all was good. It was towed back in Monday 400 miles later with a lack of power and a strange noise. I got it as the tech that worked on it last just quit. Yep it lacks power and makes a gawd awful noise on acceleration and deceleration. I noticed a strange thump from the lower end of the engine as well. I looked at history and found that this was the 3th turbo failure in 4500 miles. I took the pressure line off the turbo and did a cranking flow test to check for restriction. No restriction but the oil was semi metallic. I took off the oil filter and found massive amounts of chunks of metal, brass color and silver color. I then decided to talk to our friends at hotline where I was advised that unless I find that the screen under the oil cooler is damaged and remove the pan to check the brg’s I will not be getting the authorization for a long block most likely. WTF! Massive metal contamination throughout the engine oiling system and the hi pressure system and they don’t think a long block would be a good idea? Well it is on the back burner for a while, so when I disassemble I will update you guys on the condition. I did drive it out and just for fun ran it up to about 2500 rpms what a sound. When I shut it off the turbo sounded like a castle nut in a Folgers can.
  18. Be careful guys, there is malware out in the wild for MAC OS as well. They have not been very common, but are growing was Apples marketshare increases.
  19. There is already several of diesel hybrid busses running around the country. Eaton has a hybrid trans out for like class 5 through 8 stuff. Some of them have an intertrashinal motor http://www.greencarcongress.com/2006/07/ic_corporation_.html I just did a paper on PACCAR they getting into hybrids http://www.greencarcongress.com/2006/11/peterbilt_to_in.html I don't think we will see mass adoption at the retail level until we have much higher gas prices. The cost to benefit just is not there for retail rigs at 3 to 5 dollars a gallon with current battery technology.
  20. I'm of a split mind about this one guys. I know it hurts people and us as it reduced discretionary income, but incentives are the key to changing behavior. Last time this happened, the auto manufacturers started making smaller more efficient vehicle because people demanded them. People started to consider alternative fuels and transportation, started to drive in a saner manner, and moved closer to their place of employment. We were on the cusp of a real shift in our consumption pattern in relation to transportation fuel. Then the bottom fell out of the oil market and the goo was $10 a barrel. People moved away from the city, and bought Excursions and Expeditions to get a gallon of milk from the store, and consumption went through the roof again. If we are able to sustain these prices we may be able to create a shift in people’s demand curve for more appropriate vehicles. I do think however that the people who NEED these trucks we all service should be able to obtain fuel at a reasonable price so as to sustain economic growth.
  21. The norco stand works fine with a dressed motor. I don't remember if you can leave the turbo on, but the gear drive to spin the motor over is like butter. You don't even really know that the engine is as top heavy as it is. Yes we have used it with a 6.4. We had to do a bedplate on one. I does take 2 guys to set it up however, because the stand splits in half and you have to line it up and secure the screw.
  22. We have the norco stand and the adaptors. I would not suggest this stand without the adaptors. Just note that you have to modify them to make sure they do not hit the bedplate.
  23. Man keith I am glad we are not the only ones that are having to jump through the hoops for RTDA. What parts do you guys have to get approval for?
  24. Oh ya we got the same info from hotline. It may cause some problems, but its only $20. What a deal.
  25. I don't want to bring up the name, but banks does make a good intercooler setup for the pre-99 7.3's.
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