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Everything posted by jaysonfordtech

  1. Let the record show that I too think they build an ugly pickup.
  2. I was around for the 1997 f150's Piston slapping, head gasket puking, spark plug spitting growing pains. I would be willing to bet that within 3 years they will have a product that will beat the pants off of the f150 we build today. It will improve and we must also, or we will lose that shrinking segment to them also.
  3. Yes, not unless it is abnormal normal brake noise, and yes.
  4. Slow, poor fuel economy, and a very expensive diesel engine option, that sounds like a winner to me! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  5. I get asked all the time what the expected fuel mileage on the 6.4 powered rigs will be. We first ran into problems on one of the first units we sold, the salesman told the customer he could expect around 16-20 mpg. He returned mad as hell with about 12 mpg. My usual response now when asked about the mileage of these rigs is bad, very bad followed by around 11 give or take.
  6. just to ask, any codes, rpm, voltage, mass fuel desired ok, buzz test pass? what does icp do when you fill it with oil? is the check valve there on the oil cooler header where the filter screws on?
  7. That is what I have always done with 6.0 and 7.3 rigs also. This one is not my job, it went to the other team. I am lucky in that we have 5 diesel certified techs out of seven total in my shop now. I suggested that they call hotline, and the answer they got was to rr all fuel injection components and filters. The service advisor jumped on that and sold it. I guess that is why I am on my side of the shop and the advisors are on their side, they can't do my job, and I have a soul and can't do theirs.
  8. I was waiting for this, we got our first 6.4 with a tank full of gas. The guy sent one of his young employees out on friday to fill up the truck because he was going on a trip that weekend. It made it about a mile and died. The hotline advised pump, lines, and injectors. Oh and I suggested a whole lot of labor. I think with parts and labor it was around the 6k mark /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/readthis.gif! We got the ok on saturday to order the parts. The injectors were $350ish each, pump was around $900 and pile of throw away bolts and clamps.
  9. If it is the black sensor you replace it, if it is the new grey sensor its ok.
  10. Man the money they are going to be refunding is going to be BIG! I just can't believe that we are getting about as much time to disconnect a brake switch as install a cmp sensor. I know it doesn't take long, but still.
  11. WOW, mine is not that bad! Thats cool. I was just curious so I wire brushed the tip and found the crack in this injector. Thanks for the info and the pic.
  12. Keith, I don't miss being the only diesel tech in the shop. I worked like that for about a year and a half right after the rules changed and the 6.0 was still a baby. Just tell your service manager to go outside a pick some good diesel techs off the tree, we are a dime a dozen, at least that is what my last service manager told me, lol. I feel your pain man. Good luck.
  13. So I get an 03 in that is smoking like a 7.3 right after injector o-rings. I self test and find a cyl 3 contribution code. I attempt to perform relative compression test and the engine tries to start. I decide to pull the glow plug and do a manual compression test. I found the cyl to have better than 400 psi, and lots of fuel. I pull the nozzle and scrub the tip to find a crack 3/4 of the way from one side of the copper to the other. I am replacing the injector and buss bar, then retest, I was thinking possible loss of fuel pressure could cause this??? What do you guys think?
  14. The waste oil heaters I have worked around seem to heat great in the summer, but when it cools off they quit working, lol.
  15. 100 credits at the college, 95 more to go and that accounting and business law class I am in this quarter are looking better all the time, lol. Don't worry, that extended warranty just covers the parts that pay really low under warranty and are hard to do. With the legacy of the 6.0 the extended warranty should be an easy sell for the finance guys. Just think, someone will be making money from this, just not us.
  16. The back of the cams have a slot to time them, use a file to line them up. There is a bolt behind the cat, near the crank sensor that is used sometimes to line up the crank, or you can do like most guys and just mark the notch, if the engine does not have VCT you are ok with just marking. The vct made it more sensitive to cam timing.
  17. I am on the flat rape system with a bonus of XX cents per hour produced by my other techs based on productivity. I don't prefer it as a tech or shop foreman. I think that the flat rate system breeds dishonesty. I think a hybrid system that rewards quality, diverse, productive work is a better way. I understand that the flat rate system increases productivity by incentivizing it, but I think it does so at the cost of honesty and quality. Hourly workers have been known to lack motivation. I realize however that a good system that does what I want it to do would have an excessive level of complexity that would not make it workable for the payroll department. No good answers.
  18. I agree, check the tensioner and idlers. I thought I remembered a tsb for an updated top cover for a slapping issue, but I think it was for '95s. I have seen lots of t-belt idlers and tensioners die on zetec motors
  19. So I just wanted to know everyone elses opinion on the lack of a spare tire in the new focus. It became an option for this year. I'm sure the compressor and patch kit will be very helpful, lol.
  20. Well guys it ended up being a bed plate concern. I had the tech call hotline to check what they wanted to do. The next day he got a call from NAV. They said they have not heard about bed plate leaks, only ft and rear cover leaks. They had him apply air pressure to the crankcase after brake cleaning the block off. We verified that it is indeed leaking at the bed plate. He gets to be the first in our shop to play with this beast. He already had the front 2 cab nuts spin, and even with a wrench on them he can not get them out. I think he is going to have to remove the coolers to get to the nuts with heat.
  21. Damn jim I thought I had a hard time running around helping my guys and doing all of the other tasks like calls, road tests, and my own work. I can say that for the most part I have a shop full of guys that are pretty good. They know when they are in over their head and ask for help. Even better is they usually understand the help that is given the first time.
  22. I agree Dwayne. Im just glad they bought a international MD chassis for our ambulance out here that is equipped with something other than a sicko. lol.
  23. Holy crap I am boring compared to you guys. I have work, normal crap around the house, and school. Mostly school. I am taking accounting and business law this quarter. That take up all my free time that isn't taken up by normal honey do chores.
  24. damn guys you made me go look up my history in stars. The first diesel class I list is a self study class in diesel engine operation in January of 2000. I started in the dealer in the summer of 1998, and had 41 other classes under my belt before being duped into diesel training. I didn't get to go to classroom training until 2002.
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