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Everything posted by jaysonfordtech

  1. My fav stupid customer trick was the guy who rolls in with low coolant and dead hole. I pull codes p0603, I look at the a pillar and find the holder for an edge chip, look in the back seat and find the box and the controler, look under the hood and find some of the wiring. I pulled the service manager out with the digital camera snapped some shots and then got to enjoy telling the customer that the nuked motor was not warranty even though it only had 20k on it. I love ruining a dumb customers week.
  2. Ok guys I have been lurking and enjoying everyone's post for bit now, so I thought I might toss this out to you and see if you know something. I had a '04 f-350 6.0 that after egr replacement due to excessive carbon it came back with a semi related concern, so I pulled eec codes and had a p0404, p0405 that I could not explain as I had cleared the codes after the prior repair. I cycled the egr valve and had plenty of flow, engine noise change, and iat2 increased rapidly. I called hotline and was informed that the codes were my fault as I had not performed the egr relearn procedure. I asked the nice fellow on the hotline where this came from as I try to keep up on the new info from FMC about this POS engine. He informed me that this was not in print, and was from the reflash recall software change. What the hell is going on, we have a hard enough time with all the info let alone with info being withheld. Well according to the fellow I have to clear cont. dtc's, then perform a kam reset, then perform a koeo test (this is the critical part), then perform vgt relearn. I found the codes went away after this hoke poke dance, and the concern of the customer was a turbo that sticks hot after about 20 miles. I got about 29psi at 75mph. Good luck guys, this was just one more reason I am in college to get my bachelor and get the heck out of this. PS we better stock up on Toyota special tools as I can see that as soon as the asians learn to build a 1 ton, the legacy of this line of diesel engines is going to come home to roost and the blue oval will be a cheap buy for toyota to gain some manufacturing space. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif lol. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  3. I negotiated the amount to cover my cobra after 90 days so I guess that counts as a signing bonus.
  4. Keith, from what I have heard on the fmc rumor board the reason they want the ficm relay pulled is that it holds #1 injector driver on and can burn that driver out. I have not had any problems myself but found that it is easy to pull so I started doing it. As for the chip and reflash, I have not run into one yet but I have a friend at a nearby dealer who does all the time. He is trying to get them to charge a little to disconnect the chip to reflash.
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