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Everything posted by rgreek

  1. well, replaced the number 4 injector. and than number 7 went to pos 20 on power balance. replaced number seven and test drove smoke cleared up and had normal crank and start. thanks for your replies.
  2. not yet, it has a lot of wiring and addons that have to be moved to get to the glow plug.but, i can say when running, it is smooth just smokes really bad. coolant level has not moved. i even checked with my other scanner and percent delete was showing no abnormal activity.
  3. ok, here is the problem truck came in cranks like it has a damaged cylinder, but, when starts runs smooth and ids detects no missing,smokes like a train. acts as if it has an injector tip cracked.have been unable to identify the cylinder.ids with vcm 2 will not allow me to kill injectors. also am getting codes po611, and i believe p1378.is it possible that the ficm which is original could be causing this issue?
  4. forget about the above post, 8 cylinder is very low turbo shows signs of dusting. so here we go with engine number two...
  5. i have got this truck which has every add on you can get. except it is not chipped. and it has been rode and put away wet. it has a real hard start icp pressure goes up ipr increases etc. buzz test is giving me 6-7 low open. installed another test idm got open codes for both banks. cylinder contribution flags 4-6-8. i believe my idm is skewed. this is the second severally abused truck i have had this week. performed pinpoint test na and it said to replace idm. but you know how they work...
  6. i replaced the injector pump and had to remove the gear assy to remove bolts. but, i did the im in a hurry thing and forgot to set the engine to tdc. checked for the dyed teeth and couldnt find them so i pulled the glow plug and set to approx compression on #1 installed gear and pump. but now all it does is crank and smoke. wont start. bleed out as much air as i could and still wont start. any advice? thanks.
  7. i did one a few weeks ago and went through the same hoops this one melted down #2 and no piston just rod and damaged numorous parts. after repair and 4 fuel injectors final cost was 12,500 and tech line was involved from start to finish. then ford rejected the extra 2500. so had to take pictures of the parts that they said could be reused. that were damaged in the original implosion. finnaly they agreed to pay the other 2500. and all of this was on my lap to fix me and the warranty admin. statements pictures etc. sometimes i hate the system but i still enjoy what i do more or less.
  8. us too we claim removal of the vertical cooler and egr housing valve etc.
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