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Everything posted by cworley

  1. Heard some time back that on the 6 liter injectors when the top oring blows out that International offers a replacement seal and ring to repair instaed of replacing injector assembly. Is there any truth to this?
  2. I happened to see a couple guys in the used car Dept. programming a remote on a mustang. When they finally got it done, my remote in my pocket just happened to get programmed,too. You probably can just imagine the fun I had with them!!
  3. One thing I always make sure of is blowing the oil that gets into the injector hold down bolt hole. It has a bottom and will collect whaterver falls in it(oil). & your injector hold down bolt won't go as deep as it should but will still torque right. I've had this happen to me. Good luck. Thanks again for the connector,Keith
  4. One thing I always make sure of is blowing the oil that gets into the injector hold down bolt hole. It has a bottom and will collect whaterver falls in it(oil). & your injector hold down bolt won't go as deep as it should but will still torque right. I've had this happen to me. Good luck. Thanks again for the connector,Keith
  5. Hey Scott. Is international service information system a password protected site or is it an open site? I'd like to ck it out. International has some good info. I'm a diesel tech at A Ford Dealer & information is always helpful
  6. Hey Scott. Is international service information system a password protected site or is it an open site? I'd like to ck it out. International has some good info. I'm a diesel tech at A Ford Dealer & information is always helpful
  7. I sure would like to have it. The truck is sitting up now with no other options as of yet.Customer getting impatient.Manager wont let me rob one off of new truck. Been stalling, hopeing to find one online somewhere.Will pay for it, no problem.Thanks. chris worley 104 clark st morgan city la.70380
  8. I'd apprciate that. I too have the whole stamping number on the hardshell but seems to be a useless number to my parts dept.I tried GM parts because I have learned its a Delco part. But no luck there either, unless the chevy guy didnt want to help the ford guy.
  9. Ive come across a roadblock that maybe somone out there may be able to help me on. My helper crushed an oil temp sensor connector during an oil cooler/egr cooler job on a 2004 F250 6.0 . crushed it flat on the timing cover.I've been told that only a harness will get you along. I cant do that. I need a connector & pigtail. A guy out in florida read one of my posts in fmcdealer & has since shipped me a used connector clipped off an old harness. but what about next time? Does anyone know the part number? oil temp sensor connector? i'd sure appreciate it. email me at chrisworley32@yahoo.com
  10. Id like to super glue all the pcm connectors on the chipped engines
  11. fastest way I know for testing fuel pressure on the 6 liter is by using a secondary fuel filter cap. using a shraeder valve from any old fuel line. Most unscrew with an 11/32 socket. drill a hole in the filter cap and screw in the shrader valve port. So now all you need to do is remove existing cover on secondary and install yours. Now just use regular old fuel pressure gauge.
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