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Dr. Giacoma

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Everything posted by Dr. Giacoma

  1. yes the tsb is exellent for saving our ford some money, and it works a good amount of the time. but lets get to the nitty-gritty : flagging. can i take my normal diag ops with this tsb? what if i blew a cac tube or some ypipes due to overboosting?? can i tack on that repair on the same line or am i raising flags? and next up is every recheck thats going to come in as i clean the same turbo every 5000 miles?? THINK OF THE CHILDREN,FOR GODS SAKE CAN WE THINK OF THE CHILDREN??????????
  2. i just recevied my first inj sleeve job in form of a 2003 6.0. Coolant was vile smelling even oil had traces of fuel odor.hotline let me in on taking the fuel supply lines off the filter housing and filling the coolant to the brim, then air nozzle to the individual clyhead supply line and watch for bubbles out of the degas bottle. damn hotline has the darndest tricks for these once in a lifetime repairs. so as i wait for parts.... anyone been in this position before? any tips for sleeving?? i have to do the drivers bank.. can i get away without taking the head off?? anything??
  3. i find that when i have the egr off i like to jump in the truck and just let it scream 3000rpm and watc h it all shoot out. neat trick for the freinds too, ask them to look for the exhaust leak and BOOOMMMMMMMMMM soot madness
  4. id check into an egr problem aswell, maybe white smoke/quiet engine operation are signs of a open egr
  5. under 300 is still a little on the high side for me. ill settle with the black leather couch cushion i found on the side of the road, stylish and effective just watch out of the degas hose nipple on the radiator OUCH!!
  6. Ive ran into 4 lcfs with seized ac compressor pullies.Two caused no power situations,one a noise, and one stuck bugger wouldnt let the truck start.No ssms or tsbs that ive seen, anyone have any insight to this problem and what is fords recommended repair?
  7. im sorry but ive never been a follower in the removing cab sence, ive done countless engines and in-cab heads and i admit that the heads would be a breeze with no cab but i can pull a head pretty darn fast and with no pain then even thinking of cab off repairs. sorry i fear change
  8. yeah ive had an lc come in with the 333.i think fmc had a service message on water damaged ipr and connector , i replaced the ipr,icp and cleaned + clipped the rubber boot as the message described and the truck never had that problem again.
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