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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif That's funny you should mention the name in the snow thing, I worked at the mountain today and drew out the lower 48 after break behind the lift shack. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif
  2. First thing I imagine they would say is what is the root cause of this? What are you guys finding as the root cause and will the intake have to be removed and cleaned on a regular basis or is there a fix to the carbon issue?
  3. Another little known fact is the silicone is supposed to be allowed to cure for a full 24 hours before starting the engine. This again prevents problems with the anit foam characteristics. If you have a handy dandy bottle of anit foam additive (the stuff thats in the oil to begin with) then you can add a smidge to the crankcase (a little goes along way) and start it and drive right away. Of course not many people have access to the additive in it's pure form and most people including myself aint gonna wait a full day to pull the truck out of their bay.
  4. Quote: Yes, but in e-mails they were clear that he would be turned away at the border. Scare tactic, I guess. How else are they gonna keep out the riff raff up there? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif
  5. Swinging by a fuel station with with one of these engines is about the equivalent to playing Russian roulette with your wallet in my opinion.
  6. I'd be all for it! It takes the boring factor out of the trip. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  7. I will say that it is much easier to get senior master thru the diesel path. You cut out about 4 "away" classes that would need to filled in the gas driveability path.
  8. I thought we had discussed this previously, and concluded that that sludge would adhere to the hoses and contaminate a flushed system until the Sun went super nova. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  9. Yea, it really sucks when you praise the product with gusto to the customer and then it turns out to be a dud.
  10. Quote: It all started with a head replacement and all of a sudden it had no power Any ideas about this? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  11. That's a strange lookin' flywheel on that motor. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  12. Must be why my wife is so agreeable after she has her snoot....er cup full. I was wondering why I didn't get any change back from that 20 I gave her to get a cup of coffee the other day. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  13. I'd put my money on the harness all day! The shielding cuts into the wires just before it gets to the pcm and the harness is kinda short to begin with.
  14. I heard from one of our techs who moved to a dealer just south of us in Greenfield Mass. who heard if from his parts manager when he was ordering head gaskets for a customer pay gig that was getting a head stud upgrade.
  15. The fellow that made that post is a member here. He doesn't seem to come around much anymore. Might have something to do with some of us blasting him pretty hard here about a post over there that could have or could not have been a derogatory dig about Keith and this website.
  16. Heard a rumor today that the head bolts were getting ready to be recalled. Anyone else heard this?
  17. Quote: are you implying you would rather have a v-10 than a 6.4? Nah, I was making reference to the fact that there ain't shit under the hood of a V-10 compared to a 6.4. Hence the simplicity.
  18. Wife is lookin' over my shoulder cause I'm on her laptop, and she says "I thought this was a website for Ford stuff". /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  19. I'll take 'em all day, after all I wouldn't want to insult the guy. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  20. Quote: I love southern vehicles man, I bought a Chevelle from Arizona a number of years ago, and the BRAKE LINES came undone from the wheel cylinders! When I lived in South Carolina, people would go to junk yards and buy rotors off scrapped cars! I got a set of fuel lines for my Ranger out of a junk yard. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif It's funny because people would pay me good money to remove every speck of oil from under there vehicle if it had a leak, and here in Vermont they pay good money to have their entire car coated in frickin oil. It's a crazy world we live in.
  21. Quote: The dummy mixed up the new and old part and ended up putting the bad part back on the car. Looks like that guy coulda used a little more of this /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/coffee.gif
  22. I think he was asking about the earl filter, southern slang for oil filter.
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