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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. We pull cabs on F-150's to do head gaskets or valve stem seals, I like to have the damn thing out of the way if it's possible. Started pulling cabs in '97 it was just a natural progression when the 6.0l came out.
  2. Lost count of how many Jasper units I installed, engines only. Can think of only two failures that required replacements. Then FQR came around and it was about the same. The funny thing is I would put in a 4.6 2v and they wouldn't even want the core back, seems they had them running out there ears in the rebuild department.
  3. Sounds like Siruis and XM satelite mergers, go broke together. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  4. You gotta love when a customer screws something up and forgets to tell ya, leaving you with just the problem. But even better is when a tech causes a problem. You know the situation, you're fellow tech across the hall calls you over for your opinion about a problem that cropped up after having the vehicle apart. Then when asked about it, on no everythings back together correctly, yet it still don't run....oh boy. I had a truck yesterday in for a check trans for proper operation seems sluggish complaint. Test drove it ran decent. I did some other work to it and wrote off the trans concern. When I pull the truck out the OD light cancels on the shift lever evertime you step on the brake. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gifMust be something to that trans issue after all. I leave the truck overnight and the next morning it works fine. What the heck? Well a vital piece of info I have left out of this story is....I topped off the master and spilled some. I then took a garden hose and put about 30 gallons of water on the master and fender to clean it. The water got all over the connectors on the fender ('02 F-250) and presto a little electrical bridge was made where it shouldn't be. The next day everything is dry and normal. Now imagine how long it would have took (if ever) to figure out something like that if the guy just came from another shop that did what I did and failed to tell you. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif
  5. Wow, must be a rough morning for the Bruceter, first post i've seen in a while without a grin at the bottom.
  6. Quote: I think it irked him a bit that I was being blacklisted How the frick did you get black listed? Come forth with the details. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif
  7. A friend of mine goes for a ride with a customer with a noise complaint. It's a 100 degrees out and they have the windows rolled up ridin' around. Tech says "sir do you normally have your a/c off?" customer says no and he sets it at a comfortable level. Tech says "do you listen to the radio when you drive?" Agian the customer sets the radio to a normal listening level. They drive a little further and tech asks "do you hear the noise now?" Customer smiles and says I guess we can head back to the shop.
  8. I like that big red button on the dash, must be the eject button. That truck actually looks like half the older trucks in my area. When they rot out people run whatever color sheet metal they happen to find. Not uncommon to see a truck with 3 different colors motorin' around. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif
  9. I don't see what the big deal is, those branch tubes are easy.....provided the engine is on a stand and your puttin heads on it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif
  10. Quote: he recommends replacing the syncros at least due to the use of the wrong lube... Them synchros are pretty damn expensive if you get em from ford, I don't think I would just throw a set in there.
  11. when they went to the 6 sp in '99 is when they did away with the adapter plate requiring you to unbolt the starter to get trans out.
  12. Be sure to check the small gage solenoid wire on the starter first. This wire pushes on and they are bad about not making connection over the years. If it is the problem you should be able to wiggle it and get it to start, then you can repair it better when you get it home. The bolts are 10 mm the power wire nut is 13mm. You'll need some short extentions and maybe a swivel. If you have a hand held amp clamp meter, bring it and hook it around the positive batt cable while starting to rule out bad wiring ect. Then there is the trusty hammer to free up any stuck brushes or bad windings. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  13. Quote: As seen on a t-shirt: "I snatch kisses, and visa-versa" Quote: Was the shirt worn by a man or woman? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif It was on a dude at a truck stop. It could go either way though /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  14. I went for a ride with a customer the other day (something i am not fond of doing), for a noise. As soon as we hit the road it's apparent he has a front wheel bearing going south. He tells me he just payed us 45 dollars to tell him it was normal tire noise. I was like what????? The guy wasn't looking for anything other than to get his truck fixed and we kicked him loose with a shotty bullshit diag. I can't believe he returned to us. I told him it was indeed a wheel bearing and not tires and his money would be credited torward the correct repair. BTW the incorrect diag came from a tech I told them not to hire. This is about the fifth customer they have had to smooth over in less than a month because of said tech. Guess what he's still at our shop.
  15. As seen on a t-shirt: "I snatch kisses, and visa-versa"
  16. Quote: Cool! Then I can stay home and diagnose trucks sitting in my undewear in my office sippin coffee. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gifThat's pretty funny, wait a minute the though of you... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/puke.gif not so funny anymore.
  17. Soooo, you got yourself a 7 lunger eh? Those are popular down South with the heat and all. Number 8 is always the first to go.
  18. I found out the hard way today how serious it is to heed fords warnings and not short cut items when dealing with the ids and the 6.4l. From now on when I'm doing a reprogram there will be a battery charger on the truck and the ids will be plugged in to the wall. I'm still going thru growing pains with the ids, but then again the only scan tool I really have ever favored was my ngs. It was a sad day when she laid down on me. I can't stand using the pds so it's the ids now for me. I usually end up carring the unit and cables in my hands do to (as referenced in Keith's original post) the cart not being to mobile friendly between the lifts. I think things are going to get interesting with the use of satelites. They are talking about scanning peoples cars on the fly and transferring that data to dealers even though the car is in the owners garage.
  19. If the frickin things broke, it's broke, no matter who's paying the bill. Ford/Navistar says they will take responsibility for these engines until they reach 5 years or 100k, after that they have fulfilled there obligation. Well they don't make it to those numbers for a lot of units out there and now they don't want to man up. If it makes it out of that time frame and then breaks ok, customer pay. But there are alot of trucks that are driven as intended with no mods that just don't hold up. We are told not to upsell warranty unless it's a safety issue and I see any break down scenario in a 6.0L as a safety item.
  20. Maybe Ford should go the extra mile and install these bad units on a test mule and drive it around like the customer did when they came in to begin with. I had it happen once when the Lincoln LS first came out. I replaced a trans that had no reverse. A Ford engineer called me about 3 weeks later wanting to know why I replaced the trans. He was calling from his cell phone while driving a car that he installed the trans into.
  21. Sounds like the only thing you're missing is the "love" in that shop. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Just kiddin'. We have just about weeded all the idiots out of our shop so I can sympathize with ya. I would tell management that I would be happy to take over the ticket provided I get the hours that are already on it. Management doesn't like to hear that, but they start to take notice when a brain dead tech causes them grief. I don't think you've missed anything unless this is some off the wall concern relating to the customer screwing around with the truck.
  22. I just got finished replacing a harness on one of these. I usually get a cam/crank related code when the harness goes out due to the shielding rubbing thru the wires in the bundle near the pcm. I have seen the fuel pump code crop and actually be a bad fuel pump on these and a few inertia switches on the F-seires.
  23. Some owners install a seperate hour meter for the pto only to log info on pto usage.
  24. You have to change oil on these? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif Huh, I thought that was just an option. I would assume they're probably on the original fuel filters too eh? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif
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