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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. That must have been a wild test drive. My eyes would have been bugging out of my head.
  2. Well this one is all fixed and back on the road. They got out pretty cheap because they put a bone yard motor in it. They now can add 9000 miles to their odometer. That would make me happy if I owned it.... yeah right. But hey that's the price for ignorance. This little bastard will scoot. I wonder what the MKZ will due with the bigger motor.
  3. Quote: BTW, what the hell were these dumfucks thinking by moving us another 1.5 ft away from this disaster? Not only is it still cramped but now ya gotta' stretch to reach anything I agree whole heartedly on that one. Just repaired a no start that was a loose ground under the hood. I felt like I was a mile away from the engine. Never had the body off one of these or considered it. Took a body off an Expedition once and hated every minute of it, could of done the engine repair much quicker in chassis in that specific case. I guess if the body is stock with no mods it could give you some piece of mind, thats if you don't want to remove the motor mount and valve covers in chassis.
  4. I did the same thing with my mac 30 led light. I only had the ambulance on high idle in my bay for 10 minutes or so before I sent out the search party looking for my light. She now has that weathered look.
  5. I am thinking this is the most cost ineffective and completely ridiculous system to repair. Is it possible to drop one of those small red cups (plug) into each injector cup to seal the combustion chamber and then shoot brake clean into the passage in the front of the head and let the cup catch the crap?
  6. They feel the same way about the 6.0l. Is it going to start today? Is it going to puke antifreeze on everything while we're loading some poor sap into the back? And so on.
  7. Quote: training center in Missassauga It's a small world indeed. I have been to Missassauga to be factory trained at Arpeco engineering. This is a printing press company that I worked for, when I took a break from wrenching back in the late '90s.
  8. Quote: I think the level of common sense in the population is steadily decreasing. I know mine is because I am still buying fuel for my v8 explorer and driving all over creation. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/icon_crazy.gif
  9. In todays shaky economy, it's nice to be busy!
  10. It's a good thing the design on these isn't like the 6.4's with an actual hole in the piston the jet has to line up with everytime she comes around.
  11. You gotta love when people ignore the warning signs. '07 Fusion towed in today no start. Long story short they ran off the road and busted the radiator, got back on the road and continued to drive until she no-go-no-more. I pulled the oil cap (it took a large pair of channel locks to do this) and it looked like one of them melted stand pipes in a 6.0l oil filter housing when the oil cooler really fails. Just for shits and giggles I checked for codes. I then looked at freeze frame data for the ect code it set...... ECT temp - 274 degrees F CATTEMP1 - 1282 degrees F The quote I have put together for thier insurance company so far is just above $8000. This includes some minor chassis damage. But it could have been a lot cheaper and much quicker turn around if the jack ass driving would have never got back on the road or pulled over when the coolant gage was screaming in his face.
  12. Most of the people I know would run 'er til she laid down. Of course I am from the South though. Now up here in the Northeast it would be an easy fix because the frickin' oil pan is probably rotted out and in dire need of replacement as well, thus killing to birds with one stone.
  13. I gotta say that thing is PIIIIIIMP! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/king.gif
  14. This idea was way to easy for me to come up with! Sometimes I over think a problem just a smidge. An idea I will try for sure.
  15. Once the nut is threaded onto the stud, it usaully creates a nice little pocket on the end, which we then fill to the brim with our MIG welder. The heat from welding also helps rip 'em out.
  16. Keith, there is a another fellow over at FMC boards backing up this diagnosis on another truck.
  17. That is awesome!!!!!!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gifReminds me of a Super Star II tester and EEC IV monitor box.
  18. I am looking for some input on how you guys remove seized wheels on newer duallies. We have tried everything from sledge hammers to doing figure 8's in the parking lot with the lugs loose to porta powers and air hammers. Nothing seems to work better than any one method, a new guy has resorted to the torch on the '08s with 19.5" rims. This is causing some serious stress on the wheels and wallets. Anyone have a magic bullet out there?
  19. +1 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  20. Quote: Remove the fuel filter and it is black Was the fuel in the bowl black also? Just curious the injector o-rings could be bad if so just to add to your list of stuff.
  21. Hey Keith pull the whole front dif, doors, deck lid, hood, any seats not being used, spare tire that should help get this beast a little lighter anyways. The little woman wouldn't mind driving it like that right? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/poke.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif
  22. F-450 track bar bolt is in the 400 lb ft range, they will make noise if not to this spec.
  23. We have it pretty good at our shop. We have a choice of 5 eight hour days or 4 ten hour days. We have 13 guys, 12 are flat rate and one is hourly. The pay scale ranges drastically between the guys from the low teens to mid 20s per hour. Our area can't support anything higher. I asked for 28 an hour one day and got shot down pretty fast, they were still laughing as I walked out of the office. The main problem with our dealer is the old "the more you know the less you make and visa-verca" addage. We have 3 diesel guys and we were all working for peanuts. I noticed that we had some leverage that we weren't taking advantage of and asked the other two guys to band together with me and make a stand for better pay and more perks. Well the other 2 chickened out and thought they would loose their jobs of something, which would never happen. So I told them I was going to talk to management for me and me only and they could fight over what ever was left after I got what I wanted. They still wouldn't budge, even after I came across as major asshole on the issue. It all played out like I said it would and I am happy. One guy went to the table shortly after me and is happy with the scraps they threw him and the last guy is still working for peanuts.
  24. With the advent of tsb 08-04-07, diagnostics are to the point. All the ones I have seen with this code have led to the turbo right away which is good because it only pays between 3 and 4 hours. That includes all the steps involved when your not wrenching on the vehicle (time at parts, digging the truck out of the parking lot, ect.) Not a lot of time for gettin a coffee. On a side note I have put chra's in all but one with out any problems so far.
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