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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. 3-ML-1582-ML- Wrong Forum, duplicate post
  2. Quote: TSB 07-9-1 2008 F-SUPER DUTY- LIGHTING ON SNOW PLOW EQUIPPED VEHICLES - BUILT BEFORE 04/18/2007 Publication Date: April 19, 2007 FORD: 2008 F-Super Duty ISSUE: 2008 F-Super Duty vehicles are equipped with a smart junction box (SJB) and it's function is to provide protection against excessive current loads, typical of a short circuit, by shutting down circuit operation. The SJB strategy may interpret the switching between Ford headlamps and aftermarket snowplow headlamps, and vice-versa, as a short-to-ground, causing the power feeding a headlamp circuit through the SJB to be turned off. ACTION: Reprogram the SJB to the latest calibration using IDS release 48.9 patch 9 and higher or 49.1 patch 1 and higher. This new calibration is not included in the VCM 2007.5 DVD. Calibration files may also be obtained at http://www.motorcraft.com. WARRANTY STATUS: Eligible Under Provisions Of New Vehicle Limited Warranty Coverage IMPORTANT: Warranty coverage limits/policies are not altered by a TSB. Warranty coverage limits are determined by the identified causal part. OPERATION DESCRIPTION TIME 070901A 2008 Super Duty: Reprogram The SJB (Do Not Use With 12650D, 12651D, 12651D4) 0.3 Hr. DEALER CODING BASIC PART NO. CONDITION CODE 15604 04
  3. I have heard alot of interesting statements in my 20 years on the job, but this takes the cake. "The green board was fried in the brain box". This was overheard from two techs talking about a water logged pcm. I can be sarcastically heard at the parts counter asking people about their green boards from time to time lately.
  4. Glad to see your up and running. As far as the "boards" go I say go for it, I'm sure there is someone on there that could use the info.
  5. This post went over about as well as a fart in church over at the fmc boards. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif
  6. I give up, how many? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  7. Okay, this one is finally all fixed. I removed both valve covers and air leak tested the system and found the o-ring and plug for the test port in the top of the oil rail blown out and loose on the passenger side. I replaced the plug and rechecked and it held pressure fine. I replaced the left plug also and reassembled. Went to start 'er up and could not make more than 117 psi. Wow, at least before I had 250 psi. I removed the ICP sensor and hooked a hose to the rail and draped it over the fender and spun 'er over to see what came out. I bet ya an old timer with a prostate the size of a softball could muster up a better stream on his worst day. Since I'm spending Fords money, I made a call and it was suggested the HPOP could be bad right out of the box. Sooooo once again I replaced the pump and the 'ol girl started on the first crank cycle and purred. Test drove quite a while and all is good.
  8. I have been told that a 4.6 with a chain one tooth off will run rough at idle and ok down the road, two teeth off and it will run rough all the time, three teeth off and stuff starts to get bent and broke. A quick non intrusive way to check is to monitor fuel trims, they will be very diferent from bank to bank. And unless it came from the factory in this condition there is usually evidence that the engine has been apart.
  9. '06 F-550 with 60k. I removed the new IPR Saturday and it looked fine no damage to the screen, so I am going to look for leaks in the high pressure system next.
  10. Well the saga continues on this one. cleaned everything out and replaced the pump and ipr valve. Started the truck and it had an exhaust leak at the egr supply from the y-pipe. Not wanting it to get hot, I shut it down and fixed the exhaust leak. Now it wont start and only builds 250 psi on the icp. Very strange, the truck ran fine, now no go. So I am back to square one.
  11. Just found out a nice little trick, if you have the hpop out for a bad sct fitting, bolt only the male part of the fitting onto the branch tube with something in between such as a feeler gage to block it off. Then do the air/nitrogen or porta power test at the icp and see if you have any leaks. This eleminates alotta head scratchin' after you put it all together and she wont run.
  12. This may be old news but I just found out that some new oil coolers are putting garbage right into the high pressure oil pump and causing ipr failures. Got one in my bay now, another dealer replaced the coolers and now it won't start. removed ipr valve and screen is beat up, removed oil cooler and the screen is destroyed. Hotline said it could be casting sand and not to replace the cooler again but to clean it and the passages back to the hpop and replace the pump and ipr valve. Just a heads up, not sure if it would be wise to clean the new coolers before installation until they clear this problem up. It may save a comeback and frustrated customer if the problem can be solved on our end in the meantime though.
  13. Eighteen wheelers run 110+ mph out West with 22.5" or 24.5" tires pullin 50000 pounds.
  14. All of our diesel engines at the ski resort have these to keep dumb ass lift operators from destroying the powerplants if something is a miss at initial start up.
  15. This thread reads more like Tony's daily diary. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif It's nice to get one like that fixed and on it's way with confidence that it won't be back for that concern again, good job.
  16. I did my first one today, not impressed with the labor time, 4.0 hrs.
  17. Very good tip, thanks for the heads up. Now I remember why I like it so much around here. TO this day I would still be doing somethings the hard way if I had not joined and got some good time saving info.
  18. Holy smokes if I bought the P2000 as it sits I would have to fill the tank in the morning before I went to work then stop on the way home to fill it again. Lot of fun when it's below freezing out.
  19. Last year we were on shaky ground with Ford and had to mail copies of the R.O. hard card and diag sheets on quite a few repairs. I did a fuel injector recall on the 6.4l and they wanted the valve cover gasket back! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rolleyes.gif
  20. Stop by and I can get you into Okemo for free, I got about 12 free tickets to give out before April or the go bad.
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