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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. There is a reason that tube is not bolted down. In the early units it was bolted down and this caused a leak due to the turbo and drain tube heating up and expanding at different rates which would kick the drain tube over slightly and it would leak past the "o"-ring. With that tube not bolted down it can flex side to side as the turbo heats up and keep the "o"-ring centered.
  2. I have seen some push rod motors grenade due to overrevvin'. Anyone ever check the old vaccum style cruise control units by hooking the supply line to the feed line directly on the servo? If so you know that the servo will pull the throttle and thus you have checked a lot of stuff very quickly (I used to love this short cut). Well I own a 5.0l Ranger and was doing something under the hood one day at the shop and had the servo unhooked. when I hooked everything backup I crossed the vaccum lines....I started her up and by the time I could get back to the key I swear she hit 7000 on the tach. You wanna talk about getting everyones attention fast, it had open headers at the time.
  3. Easy there David, the word "recall" is not acceptable in our vocabulary anymore. What you meant to say was "..but thats really about the only thing I can field service action going wrong". /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk2.gif
  4. That's the only way to fly especially if it has a full tank of fuel. The only thing that sucks is if you jump the gun and replace the pump and then find out that the inertia switch connector got dislodged by a passengers big feet.
  5. That got a chuckle out of me after a long day off that ended up being all day at the shop.
  6. I bolt the pump/stc fitting to the branch tube first then pull the pump body forward and down over the dowels on the block, had good success doing this so far.
  7. In my opinion I don't think the majority of America could care less about automotive emmisions. Look at the racing industry we have, stock cars, drag cars, power boats, nuff said there. Then you have the gas guzzling vehicles we drive and don't seem to want to give up any time soon, not to mention the driving habits of going one block to get a gallon of milk when a brisk walk would have been better for all. Sorry to stray from the topic but there is a lot of hypochracy going on in this day and age.
  8. MOA is not designed for use in diesels. I lived in the South where the heat can kill an engine. This product takes the properties of the existing oil and boosts them to extreme levels so contaminats can stay in suspension and be filterd out, ect. You don't have to take my word for it though and you don't have to use it either, I mean if you drain and fill according to the manufacture then the engine should last forever without any additional cost right? If you have a BG rep in your area ask for a bearing demo with this product. All questions will be cleared up immediately.
  9. Did I read correctly that someone said the fuel mileage went up quite a bit with an egr delete? If so does it mean that if the fuel is burning more completely that the emmisions would be better out the tailpipe? Not much of a thinker on my end so I don't know.
  10. Quote: I use BG's MOA oil additive at every oil change. I swear by it. I'm right with you on that one, been using it since 1999, three of my cars are over 200,000 without any problems.
  11. My wife makes me leave my nuts at home in my sock drawer. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif
  12. Quote: although possible on paper, still about as likely as throwing a key directly into a lock from 20 feet away. Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humor during all this.
  13. Our parts manager just got fired for drinking on the job.
  14. To add to that, I think the dealers that fudge the odometer reading back to 99,998 on the ro (for friends or whatever) will find themselves in alot of trouble due to the actual mileage being able to be accessed or pulled from the vehicle.
  15. Ya gotta love these things, with the 6.0l we were told customers could get this kinda smoke if they removed the cat. Now with the 6.4l they get this smoke if they leave the cat on. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif
  16. I think I jinxed myself with this thread, had my first ficm failure yesterday.
  17. If it's a 19.5 then it gets a bag of balancing powder put inside and that's it.
  18. Our shop has found 2 bad PCM's causing this type of concern.
  19. I've only replaced one since their conception and it ended up being a misdaig on my part.
  20. If getting to the Ford classrooms is a chore for your dealer and yourself, then I would take the diesel route. It cuts out like 4 classrooms and you can get your senior master much quicker. As far as L2 goes I have found that if you take the composite vehicle test first it will answer or make sense of alot of the questions on the written test.
  21. upload 1118 kb/s download 1295 kb/s ping 105ms @ 100 miles away.
  22. I think the factory only has one 21 mm socket and they got tired of passing the air gun back and forth.
  23. Ah, Mark VIII heater cores, that brings back fond memories. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif
  24. Quote: the parts return policy is nothing new to anyone I've worked at a Ford dealer for 18 years and got the same reply from parts everytime about safety recalls. They would actually get testy with me for asking saying they don't want the parts tieing up their space. So I would chuck 'em. Now it's come back to bite the parts department! Basically the reason I posted this info is because it may indeed be new to some parts folks, and hopefully you guys can prevent problems if they say they don't want them back.
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