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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. one thing we did when we made a cancel box was to make the harness extra long, this allowed you to pull another 7.3l powered truck beside the broken one and actually run the host truck off the donors electronics, super fast and easy way to tell if it is base engine or electical problem. OF course nowadays it's hard to find two 7.3 liters in the same area, but still worth while to extend the harness. The ford box has a harness that is about 3 inches long, and cost about a grand.
  2. Back in '99, an F-250 came to the shop with a terrible vibration. The truck was brand new and the owner had driven a 1000 miles or so. This thing would rattle change off the dashboard at a stop light. With a quick call to the hotline we find out that 2 engines had been shipped from Navistar with unbalanced crankshafts. We had one and who knows who got the other. A crankshaft was ordered and installed. Truck comes back with an oil leak at the pan. Now I am seeing the truck for the first time. I pull the engine and reseal the pan, the original job did not quite take. Guy is on his way again. At 11,000 miles truck comes back and has an oil pressure fluctuation problem. I get the truck again and knowing these oil senders aren't the most reliable source I'm thinking a cluster problem. It was a wierd problem because you get run the truck hard and it would be ok, then shut it off and come back to it and the gage would bounce all over the place. To be on the safe side I checked the oil pressure with a master gage and had 20-30 psi cold/fast idle at oil resovoir. Being low I called hotline and they said check it at the fitting down near the oil filter. I did and had 60 psi. Oh boy, 30 up top and 60 down low, where is the oil going? Hotline says pull the valve covers and looked for a broken lifter causing oil pressure loss, pull trans and check lifter plugs, ect. to no availe. They decide to send help. Well the calvary shows up. Chuck Gregory and Matt Hahn from Navistar stroll into the shop, we shake hands talk about the truck briefly and they get right to work, I mean all business. I handed them tools and watched. They put the top of the truck back together and then proceed to hook up two oil pressure gages one high and one low at the same time. The thought never crossed my mind. Guess what when the pressure was ok at the bottom it was also ok at the top and visa versa. The pressure loss was in the main oil system. If I had done this I could have saved them a trip to South Carolina. But I'm glad they came down, I learned an extreme amount about Power Strokes while they were there for 5 days. We went to lunch everyday and they bought mine. So we pulled the motor out (this 3rd time now) and hook shop air to oil pressure port with pan off, major hissing from number 4 main cap. We removed the cap and the upper bearing is gone. Tech that put the crank in got side track with a string of waiters and forgot all about that lone bearing laying on his bench! The bearing was spinning on start up and would block and unblock the oil passage in the engine block, wild stuff. The owner promptly when to the show room and was given a brand new 2000 model. Believe it or not the owner belonged to a travel club in California and made three trips out pulling a 11,000 lb. fifth wheel since the crank replacement. Anyway these Folks were the best I have had the pleasure of working with. We stayed at the shop til Midnight putting the truck back together with new parts, again they bought me supper. They shared info with me about hush hush stuff at the plant. One topic was the injectors for the 6.0l, another was camless motors they were tinkering with. Keep in mind this was mid 1999. I had some other 7.3's hanging around and they tackled them. They had this wild injector cancel box. I felt like a little kid helping his father fix the car on the weekend, very humbling experience indeed.
  3. I had two guys from International, one being the man himself Mr Chuck Gregory, come down to look at an oil pressure loss. After they found out a main bearing had been left out upon crank replacement, they were pretty upset (more than the customer). These guys take it personally on their level. See the 7.3l power stroke section for the whole story, I'll post is later.
  5. Saw the add for hydrogen retro kits, and have heard alot of buzz about hydrogen and water powered engines (electrolysis) and so on. Any body got any input on this? Are these guys for real with this stuff? I guess anything is possible, I mean we did put a man on the moon, or..... did we?
  6. Once again the proper procedure has broken down on my end. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction, I'll flag a couple of tenths in your name for your leg work.
  7. I guess the old saying "ignorance is bliss" could be applied to these jovial individuals.
  8. Well I bypassed everybody and went straight to the parts guy about this issue. He had already figured out his mistake, (he reversed the numbers and ordered 7 cackles and 1 regular) and got the guy the correct injectors. The fellow reinstalled them on his own (pretty understanding guy in my opinion, lot of work for a parts mistake) and all is well on his end.
  9. This thing has a dump body with an after axle tank, did the water intrusion apply to this year also? I'm too lazy to dig up the article right now, long night. Customer needed truck and took off before I could go any further with it, so no answers to your question Jim.
  10. No it's all diesel, and the junk inside is that typical, I guess it could be describe as "vaseline" like. We got our share of bio for sure, we even got places to get straight cooking oil. Thank the good Lord, most of our customers steer away from the non conventional fuels. Not too many hippies drivin' super dutys.
  11. Had a '06 F-350 today with wif message on in cluster. Customer drained it and it was all diesel, I did it and it was all diesel. So I removed the header and it was full of the tell tale waxy junk. I thought the heater delete manifold was supposed to take care of this . Unit has 5000 miles on it, not sure of the hours. Could draining the separator every 30 days as suggested for the '08 help prevent this? Is it a design problem? Kinda aggravating, I mean how far do you go when they say their lite is on?
  12. I have found that it can be easier sometimes to put the SCT fitting on the pump with pump off vehicle then place reinforcement bracket on assy and then bolt it to the branch tube then pull the whole thing over onto the dowels for the pump and cinch her down.
  13. I like the comment about "life-to-overhaul interval of 350,000 miles", that thing would be rusted up to the windows by then around my area.
  14. I was talking to a hotline engineer the other day and we got on the subject of coking. He mentioned that the cetane booster really helps with fuel quality issues, it's just a matter of selling the customer on using it. He talked about the soccer moms and the grocery getters being the worst cases. And it all made sense after that statement because the guys that beat on their trucks and run em hard are never in the shop, I believe he mentioned driving it like you stole it. Anyway he said the bottle that treats 4 fill ups was tough to market to these people because they have to drive around with an open bottle of the pleasant smelling stuff. So they got the single shot due out any time that treats 35 gallons, roughly. Stuff should fly off the shelf around here.
  15. Thanks for the info and the hyperlink, I looked around very quickly, guess I could have been a little more thorough. I think to cover the dealers arse I'm gonna run this by the head hocho and let them see if they want to get the guy back in and make it right. I feel it could turn into a bad situation, esp. with me knowing about it and not saying anything. You know what I mean?
  16. A guy came to the shop yesterday and just wanted me to take a quick listen to his '00 super duty. He had just replaced all 8 injectors and it was making a knocking sound, wanted to know if it was bottom end. I told him it sounded like a fuel knock, and asked if it was doing it before. He said no, then told me he put the "special" injector in the number 7 hole. I told him it goes in the number 8 hole, labeled right on the box. I guess he was confused on the cylinder configuration, seen techs do it so I guess it's not to hard for a customer to get it wrong. Anyway he leaves and I stroll by the parts counter where he dropped off the injector cores. Every box is labeled number 8 only, our goofy parts guy sold him eight cackles. Anyone know the effects if any of running the truck like this. The thing sounds horrible, the further I walked away the louder it sounded.
  17. Keith, I have used it a couple of times and it is pretty quick and painless. By the time your ready to use the tool the turbo is pretty warm so it makes you work quick. The ids graphs are like doing a cop stress test, it's either good or bad.
  18. A rag soaked in that stinky ass friction modifier under my tool box was my first initiation, back in the late 80's. Ford changed the formula, it doesn't smell anywhere near as bad as it did then.
  19. This is not a 6.0l concern but Scott's story reminded me of the one and only time a helper saved my arse. The vehicle was an '85 E150 with a 300 cid, classic. My helper was a shadow student from the high school. I was replacing stripped out timing gears and at the point of tightening the timing cover. To start the young fellow out on the right foot in his newly chosen career, I asked him to get me the torque specs. He had no idea what he was looking for so he starts rattling off torque specs. for whatever he sees, bearing caps, head bolts, and on. Then he says the words "fuel pump eccentric". I immediately look at the cowl panel and there it is where it shouldn't be. I then drift off into a day nightmare consisting of that frustrating feeling of a crank no start after having major internal engine components apart. Followed by every ear in the shop pointing my way like radar tracking a rogue jet, with snickers of "he couldn't fix a sandwich", knowing that I would have to tear back down and fix my mistake on my own time, while gravy jobs would be handed out like candy canes at a Christmas parade. Anyway this terrible scenario never played out thanks to my shadow and his help, gave him a big ol great job buddy and he had not the slightest idea. Of course he was a total pain on every job afterwards though.
  20. This is interesting reading because I have noticed this on the new '08 gas super dutys. Better have your foot good on the brake when you drop it in gear or it will go thru the wall.
  21. I'm driving a '98 Econoline 7.3 with no power. This thing is a worn out ambulance with over a quarter million miles on it. The door just about falls off when opened, the air bag lite is on, it leaks it creaks, ect. Anyway I pull over to readjust some pids using the IDS when all of a sudden BOOM. I look down and the drivers belt buckle is about an inch or two shorter and smoke is rolling out everywhere. The tensioner went off all by its lonesome, one of the few times i'm glad I wasn't buckled up! Right about the time it happened I had the IDS sitting between the seats and a text balloon popped up saying I had an internet connection available, while roaming about you can pick up connections pretty easily, but xm radio reception sucks, go figure. Very strange, I didn't think these things would do anything with the lite on. Needless to say I was a tad gun shy on the way back to the shop, kinda had a "gangster lean" thing going while eyeballing that incenerary device bolted to the steering wheel.
  22. I never thought of using penetrate before. I read this post and tried it yesterday and was blown away. I used to fiddle fudge around with these crazy things but not anymore. Both clamps popped loose while I was still spraying them. I started chuckling, thinking of the simplicity of the whole thing after looking back at previous methods. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  23. Ever had one of those days where you go around the block to get to a fix? Well I went way around the block yesterday to fix a hpop fitting to branch tube. Weird, I was staring the problem right in the face and kept convincing myself something else was wrong. You don't even want to know the time I ended up with. It didn't help matters that I started out the day looking for my car keys that were already in my pocket. Then ended up the day looking for my car keys after my box was locked. This one wasn't my fault, turns out my buddy who has my spare key thought I left for the day and locked my box for me. I thought I was loosing my mind on this one. Today was kind of continuation, I tripped over my kids bike (who never puts it in the way, yea right) and took some skin off my shin that I was fondly attached to, then My buddy with showed up an hour and half late with my spare key. Oh well TGIF eh? Last but not least, I blew a heater hose on my Exploder on the way to the bank. At least my payroll check cleared. Whew!!!
  24. Seen a guy at my old shop put 'em together by standing the cooler assy upright and lowering the lift down on it to cinch her together, plus alot of vaseline.
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