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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. I'm not a 100% sure but I will check into it Monday. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. We had our first 6.4l come in with a blown out radiator. It's an F-450 with a huge fifth wheel camper. I think they drove it 'til it wouldn't go anymore 'cause she smells burnt. Anyway the radiators are D99, should be interesting to see how the customers response is to this. Our GM asked the tech about swapping a rad. from a stock unit, his response was not nice.
  3. anybody read the procedure for this? sounds like an e-series with a 6.0l. yikes.
  4. just read the labor time 2.9 hrs 3 injectors on right bank.
  5. if the 7.3 is still under warranty we write it up for a leak. we replace the oil pan gasket (sealer) under warrranty and the customer makes up the difference, usually 10 hours and the cost of the pan. all said and done just under 20 hours combined.
  6. I talked to a group of field service engineers the other day, and they said that trucks running lsd must follow the severe duty interval or sooner. Here in bfe we still have plenty of low sulfer fuel but we have swapped to the low ash oil. Most of our customers work their trucks hard so they change 'em pretty frequently anyway.
  7. My manager just told me today that he recieved an e-mail from someone at Ford saying the 6.4l production was suspended. Anyone else heard this?
  8. looks like that can of carbon fighter was poured in there, just kidding.
  9. If you stay at the dealer I would see about making your hourly pay constant, that flip flop pay base has to be a nightmare when checking your flag sheet. I combat the sometimes loosing battle with the 6.0 liters by rotating a gravy job between diesel jobs. I got fed up with the learning curve and lack of hours that occasionally accompany working on diesel after diesel and, "hey you done with those we have three more coming in on the hook from other shops and no one knows what's wrong with them", so I told the boss I wanted either $5 bucks more per hour or a gravy job between each diesel no matter how stacked up they were outside. The manager agreed to the latter and it has worked pretty good so far. I make a lot more per week and I still fix the majority of the diesels. I also escaped the "burn out factor", it's still hovering around somewhere though.
  10. The flat rate system really gets the wheels turning in the 'ol brain, huh?
  11. I've gotta few tricks I do on these to make life easier, some you may know already, like removing the air cleaner as an assy to service. I pull the fan shroud as one piece by removing the radiator brackets and unclipping the battery positive cable from the radiator support and pulling up, this gives you enough room to pull the radiator forward and slide the shroud up and out in one piece. When I have to do a ICP sensor on an early build after I have removed the heat shield on the rear of the HOP, I reinstall the large (13mm) bolt back into the head loosely and I slot the shield from the side. Then upon reassembly you can simply slide the shield under the loose bolt and after installing the other two bolts simply tighten the 13mm bolt. We have our oil in bulk tanks so in the interest of saving time during an oil change I loosen the oil filter then drain the old oil and while the new oil is being pumped in I change the filter. Thats it for now, oh by the way 3 spins for 35 bucks so far.
  12. It truly is amazing how much abuse a car can take and still run.
  13. Ford's modular cam timing problem is as follows: 1 tooth off vehicle idles rough but runs great off idle, 2 teeth off runs rough all time, 3 teeth off you bend stuff. I've seen many of em right from the factory one tooth off. You kinda have to bite the bullit to check it though.
  14. saw the same message today on fmc home page merc V official merc replacement. i was told by a bulk supplier that was in the shop one day that merc sp was going to go vehicle wide for all former merc applications so who knows whats next.
  15. been there twice (two diferent dealers) took a while to get back out of the position was I was in it but I'm finally just a plain old stay in my bay, mind my own business, tell everybody to use the shop manual or call the hotline, tech.
  16. When I started as a tech and filled out a job application, if there was more than one application on the sm's desk, then you had to compete for your job. Now a dealer has to steal techs from other dealers with crazy incentives. Really wild how times have changed. The funny thing about the whole situation is that the dealer principle still thinks that qualified techs are a dime a dozen. If he has one diesel tech and he walks, then thats a real eye opener for the higher ups at the dealer. Gets expensive sending your diesel customers to the nearest competing dealer.
  17. my life seems pretty uneventful after reading this.
  18. customer came in the other day with an '06 for its first oil change. I could tell this truck was this guys new baby and he was well versed in 6.0l tech from surfing the web (a double edged sword to say the least). He causually asked what boost the truck should make due to fact that he couldn't get a true figure from the gage in the cluster, I'm assuming, i said no problem. I grabbed the NGS+ and headed for the truck and the dude almost freaked out on me. He must have told me a dozen times that he didn't want a reflash or any tampering. Reminds me of the time I had a umbilical hernia. The nurse came in to shave me and I made damn sure he knew it was hernia in my belly button and not further down if you know what I mean.
  19. funny stuff there, cheered me right up after a hard day.
  20. just spoke to the hotline today concerning egr codes after this flash, was told to remove the iat2 and see if sooted up like the egrs get, if so clean and recheck. also he said the tsb's and pced were pretty much a wild goose chase if getting codes after 06e17, said program was to input sensitive and they were coming out with, you guessed it, another update.
  21. after doing every torqueshift recall i could get my hands on (serious moneymaker) i can get trans out way quicker than turbo. every truck around requires cutting the manifold to up pipe bolts, so that gives me plenty of time and room to handle the y pipe.
  22. You can always tell if a truck that came from our shop with new turbo was put on by me. I always turn the y pipe clamp around. only one in the shop that does. hey ford says it's ok then i'm down.
  23. Have a similar situation with an '03 I did cab off heads on. When I started it and it ran for a bit the trans dipstick vibrates so bad you can't read what it says on top of it. It belongs to the state they could care less so I let it go. Truck ran so bad before repair that I'm not sure if it is something I created or not. This is the only one I've seen do this so far.
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