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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. I find it amazing that this has become a more normal diagnostic procedure as of late. I shake my head and roll my eyes and wonder of the stock in liquid electrical tape has risen.
  2. We had a guy just quit, shop only has 3 techs, so I've now got 5 Fusion dashes to pull for passenger airbags, a 1990 F-150 runs like crap (customer has already replaced everything.....twice), '06 F-450 trans replacement, 2017 E-450 Dana 70 rebuild, 2010 Edge valve body replacement, and on and on.
  3. Pfft, it's Focus clutches for me, sometimes two a day. What a way to make a living.
  4. Looks like we wont be getting to the bottom of this one. The customer traded it in and the truck went bye-bye.
  5. I have replaced a ton of these fan clutches on the 6.7's
  6. Holy shit, that's crazy. I like it. Good catch.
  7. Yeah I chipped a nail today, guess I'll keep it to myself.
  8. ......without every having to remove a gas tank shield to lift a Super-Duty. I remember thinking how idiotic these things were when introduced back in 2011. I went out of my way to avoid removing them to lift a truck and was fortunate enough to have decent lifts that could reach the leaf springs. That all changed today and the lift I have now must engage the frame......alas.
  9. We keep a running tally at the shop, every Transit that has come in so far has crushed rear pinch welds before the rear tires.
  10. I second that. I have never really subscribed to the "I would love to meet an engineer in a dark alley" but these things make me want to hurt somebody!
  11. Just pulled the trans on a '15 and it blew junks. The trans crossmember bolts came out hard and one required a little torch action to get it moving. That was the easy part, the subframe on the other hand was a nightmare. The right rear bolt was frozen in the control arm bushing and both cage nuts spun.
  12. Yikes. So I am not working on the one in this post but I think they are putting a new water pump on it and rechecking. We will see.
  13. We got one of these things in the shop, I forget the mileage but it makes a strange, rhythmic thumping noise at idle when hot. The noise seemed to be localized to the right side of the engine in the valve cover. The VC was removed and the usual valve stuff was examined and deemed ok. The timing chain tensioner shows about 4 teeth. The vacuum pump (cam driven) was looked at and full of oil so it was replaced and we thought that was it. Still makes the noise. Then the alternator belt was removed and the noise disappeared. The belt is clean, and the water pump was removed and it looks fine, no looseness in the internals or anything like that. The alternator spins freely. Not a whole lot of info, I know but curious if anyone has heard any strange noises from these engines other than the cold rattles.
  14. Has anyone ever investigated one of these gears that grinds and makes all kind of racket when turning? The fix around here is to replace the gear, but I was curious if anyone cracked one open to see if it was a repairable thing or not.
  15. Well, it looks like I may be going back to the bargaining table, a little soon to elaborate but things have gotten interesting in Eastern NC.
  16. Well, I started my new job at the dealer today.......on a Friday. They have a bit of a back log so they wanted me there as soon as my two week notice was up at my old job. The place is very nice but a bit cramped compared to all the room I used to have. I don't have all my stuff there yet and it was a bit unhandy but I managed to settle in the best I could.
  17. I hook the meter to the battery and turn the park lights on.
  18. Welp, we have a winner. Pecheles of Washington won out with a deal that was good enough to bring me out of my little fishing hole and retirement.
  19. Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind.
  20. A sync issue, New Hampshire, I'm thinking rust jacking on the cam sensor could be at play also.
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