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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. Working down here in the South affords a lot of luxury in the automotive repair end of things. Some jobs that I would have never tackled in Vermont are relatively easy down here. Case in point, turbo removal on a 6.4. Now I have done this in the past with the cab on and it was not a cake walk by any means. I had to remove these turbos again (a comeback) as the high pressure drain tube leaked after I originally replaced the turbos. I was looking for the quickest way to get this job done. I did a partial cab lift that only requires the bare minimum to lift the front of the cab about 4 inches. I removed the complete air box and this allowed room to stuff the air inlet over out of the way without removing the ccv hose. I removed the upper radiator hose from the radiator. I always orient the upper hose clip with the opening facing up so it can be removed without interfering with the upper shroud. I then removed the degas bottle. Next, is the turbo crossover tube. Both upper charge air cooler hoses are disconnected and the transmission cooler line clip is disengaged from the frame. The body is lifted in the front (only 4 bolts removed (6 if crew cab)) and the return power steering hose is monitored so it doesn't get stretched. Some views. The offending unit. The only CAC hoses I torque are 6.4's.....mandatory in my opinion. I always replace the radiator hose o-rings and degas bottle hose o-ring. This allows this operation to work more effectively. And that was it, I was able to repair the leak and shipped this puppy out before lunch.
  2. Make sure the owner brings all the work history from the other shops.
  3. Got an engine on the way for this jewel.
  4. Fuckin gravy LOF there my friend!
  5. Damn.....that truck averages 5 MPH and is driven 9 miles per every hour idled!!!!!
  6. The only reason I mention the 6.7 is because of the new concoction we affectionately refer to as DEF being introduced into the mix..
  7. I here you, I got an offer to go to another dealer that is 1 bay per tech........I currently have 5 bays in my own shop at my dealer. I am staying put for now.
  8. All across the nation, used car lots are starting to fill up with 6.7 diesels that have compromised fuel systems. "You say I need a complete fuel system?" "Just replace that there fuel return line that has ruptured and I will take my chances" Then she ends up traded in for a new one. There needs to be a way to identify these rolling catastrophes for the potential buyers safety.
  9. That is a thought for sure, however what I want to hear from you is....what is going to fix it! LOL
  10. I apologize for the lack of info on this rag-o-muffin. I ran through the usual battery of tests, when I first got the truck. The power balance showed all right cylinders down, relative compression showed 2 cylinders down on the right side but a manual compression had both at around 200 psi. It starts pretty decent but definitely shows signs of fuel being burned at the wrong time. Other than the ridiculously rough idle and low power because of, the engine is quiet. I removed the right VCT solenoid today and it is nasty gummed up under the valve cover. The solenoids innards looked descent though and I swapped it with the left VCT solenoid and nothing changed afterwards. The customer stopped in and we chatted for a moment and you know what the guy tells me? He says don't run the engine to long because the oil pressure light will come on. I guess I need to hook up an oil pressure gage and let er run to see what happens. I just hate to let the engine run like that, seems like it's gonna melt down the converters.
  11. Our driveability tech quit and I have been saddled with some gasser stuff. I don't fool with VCT stuff too much and have a question for yous guys. This is a 2006 F-250 with 106k that has been sitting for about 2 years. The owner decided to put it back into service and it ran really bad. He replaced the spark plugs and then threw in the towel and towed it to us.The truck idles really bad, as in it runs rough as hell. I limped it into the shop and did the run of the mill stuff. This is the power balance screen shot: At this point I started thinking that the engine is out of time. I scoped the cams and this is a known good shot (yep I got 2 of em in my bay, this one needs a cylinder head) and the last shot is the truck in this thread: So my question is about the timing. This engine is clearly running like 2 separate 4 cylinders. Is it possible the VCT stuff has the cam locked in the wrong position? Or am I dealing with a base engine that has jumped time or has been put back together incorrectly, ect.? I have unplugged the VCT solenoids to make sure there isn't an unrequested input. I also have a P0340 so the VCT system has been shut down by the PCM. I need to mention that the alternator has a really bad ripple wave form and seems to be wreaking havoc on cam sync but I doubt it could take out 4 cylinders. Thoughts, comments, inputs are greatly appreciated.
  12. One of the easiest ways to narrow down a flat roller follower or cam damage is to look at the knock sensor.......it will be off the charts.
  13. There is a TSB for problems with Econoline standpipes. Please know that I wasn't implying that they were damaged on reassembly because they break all by themselves according to the TSB. I was just thinking about (from a reverse engineering stand point) that the problem occurred after the repair. It helps me try and resolve future issues such as this, esp when you have the chance to work backwards from the problem. Great find
  14. You're not a "guest" my friend.....you are a bonafide member! All input is welcome and definitely encouraged!
  15. I am assuming you put dummy plugs in it along with new standpipes at that time?
  16. A 6.0L + a non programmed FICM = A no start condition.
  17. I had a 6.4 using 9 quarts of oil at a time, performed manual compression test and the entire drivers bank was about 50 psi lower than the passenger bank. Truck ran fine, just couldn't keep oil in it. Pulled the driver head and all 4 rods were bent.
  18. This makes no sense to me. An unsold vehicle is susceptible to oil pressure issues but sell the same truck to someone and now it is not affected? This whole engine is starting to turn into a shit show. Pick up trucks ran OK but cab and chassis would spin bearings and break crankshafts. Now Ford says you can't run then new oil spec. but every other engine in the world can?????
  19. It is a hall effect sensor (used for position detection). You can disconnect it and stick any thing that is ferrous in the sensor ring that is close to the same diameter and it will read as if it is connected to the lower intake. The whole thing is a waste of time, money and energy and has been done away with on the '17 model.
  20. Very few gear sets have a plus or minus offset number, which is a good thing (less arithmetic needed). So your set is good to go with whatever your pinion shim selection was with the special tool setup or as long as the old gear set has a "0" marking or no +- markings.
  21. The advisor talked to the customer today and they said the stalling condition has been going on for a year now. They deleted the exhaust to see if it was causing the issue. I checked all those pids and they read just fine. I can't verify what tuner it is at this time. The motor sounds like hell off idle, I am going to take a fuel sample out of the left rail and see what I can see.
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