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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. Ford emailed my dealer this morning and instructed us to pull our '17 model off the line and not to show or sale this vehicle to anyone. You guys know anything about this? Nobody here has a clue as to why.
  2. If it only does it at idle and lessens when revving then put a torque converter in it. The 7.3's were bad about that noise. There was a TSB, I think.
  3. Hmmmmm, gonna have to gather some thoughts on this..my response to follow.
  4. When you come across a video on the internet, most of the time it should not be shared, but in this case it should most definitely be shared! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haPvuhznuyI
  5. Don't you die hard Vermonters just chuck the kids in the bed of the truck? What's the problem here?
  6. A little old to be sitting in a car seat aren't ya Fabfoes?
  7. This was my front seal oil leak concern, so you never know. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/topic/5958-stubborn-oil-leak/
  8. Yep, the transit transmission question.......worn pin fit in the 2-4 servo bore.
  9. I did, but then I was thinking it would be a too loose clearance issue instead of a too tight, dunno, we'll have to wait and see.
  10. Missed one, gotta assume it was the Transit trans question.
  11. Jeezum.......oh wait, I thought that was 115 and 3 90's for a minute there. Whew!
  12. Came in at 6 this morning.....already 90 degrees.
  13. I bought a set of Ford golf tees, they weren't too bad.....only 60 bucks.
  14. I can't stand diesel fuel, I wouldn't buy one to drive around just for the fact that I don't want to deal with the smelly ass fuel pumps, nozzles, ect. Hell I wont even stop at a pump in my car if it has a diesel handle also, because of all the spilled fuel on the ground and speedy dry and such. I don't want to track that shit into my new car.
  15. Ditto on that, I came in at 5 AM this morning, every door up and every fan on.
  16. You said it, the longer these things are in production the harder they are getting to work on! Someone really hates us diesel techs.
  17. To add to that SSM, this is from the PC/ED: Are they kidding? You gotta look at that code for over a year? Am I reading that correctly? That would be mighty confusing to anyone working on the truck down the road if there is nothing actually wrong with it.
  18. bahahahahaha. The old board is like Craigs list......the new one is like Facebook. night and day
  19. The best way to check for freedom in the vane movement area is to remove the side piston plug or just push the plug itself. The one in the photos already had the oil drained out but I am thinking it shouldn't take much effort to push that rack inwards. I haven't seen a stuck vane situation on one of these yet, but I am sure they are out there. These first three photos can only be of use with the VGT solenoid installed and being actuated with the scan tool, then the rotary movement of the elliptical cam can be measured for the slight up and down movement or visually inspected for movement all together.
  20. They are taking 100 peeps to test the new stuff. E-mail the webmaster if interested tday2@ford.com I'm in there and it's pretty snazzy.
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