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Brad Clayton

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Everything posted by Brad Clayton

  1. This is a pretty big hurdle my guys have to get over in class......gage vs. absolute. Their eyes light up like kids on Christmas morning, though when they finally get it and use it in real world applications.
  2. Dustin is referring to an off the shelf, available to anyone in the general motoring public, with comparable options to other manufacturers type truck that would list for 100k.
  3. I think he dropped a quarter in there or something, just kidding. That's a pretty old photo so I don't really remember. I saw him crawling around up there all the way from my bay and I had to grab my camera out of my box......he never knew I took the photo.
  4. LOL. I hear ya. Alldata shows over 12 hours to change one of them things. That is a bad indicator.
  5. I wouldn't say you are going to have a come back. I have removed oil rails with orings so worn out that the nipples wouldn't stay in a straight position to get the rail back on the injectors, didn't do any repair to it and never had a problem. Then you get some that dump so much oil out that the IPR heads towards 80% trying to keep the engine idling. Every vehicle is different and there is no blanket repair for these things.
  6. Solid vehicle, solid engine, she will love it. We drove ours until the wife wanted something a little better on fuel mileage. She is now wishing she had her Edge back.
  7. We run 40/60 down here in the South in the summer time.
  8. ........... ............. ................
  9. This is the method I use and it makes short work of the job, Alliance kits are nice and have everything needed for the procedure. http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/topic/5225-fuel-inj-top-oring-service/ If the top inj o-ring is blasted all to shit, then I would suspect the nipple orings to be faulty also. If you get an assembly line thing going while replacing those O-rings then 1 hour is ok, but you would need extra time to re o-ring the rail nipples.
  10. I guess I will chime in here. My wife traded her Edge in for a 2016 Fusion. This was at the end of last year. I like the car, it handles really well. We didn't get a hybrid, actually we got the base engine (2.5). We have 2 car seats in it so it's basically a two seater now, I do agree that it has a huge trunk, but it just isn't as easily accessed as the Edge was. I also like the global opening function. We are already saving our money for tires as we all know how fast these things wear on Fusion's.
  11. You need to lace up your tennis shoes nice and tight and..............RUN (in the opposite direction).
  12. I was going to put the first pic that came up but after scrolling thru a bit I saw this.......wow.
  13. I haven't renewed my Senior Master in 4 years. My ID still works in the hotline queue, though.
  14. You can always crash at my place if you come down for a look see.
  15. And why would you need a core support? I have a 1992 Toyota and support is just fine in it.
  16. My former dealer in Vermont would gladly buy this for the techs as shop support.......much cheaper than buying a head if it came down to it. So that may be an option for you.
  17. Well, believe it or not, I finally got to use my set for the first time since buying them almost 2 years ago. Just an incredible product and a life saver. I hate trying to drill stuff and this thing makes me look like a veteran machinist!!!!!!
  18. I have seen trucks that would not register anything on the gage until they were running, so I would not trust that aspect of the scenario. You can check base oil pressure at two easily accessed points on these engines, one at the usuall spot on top and the other down on the back left corner of the block near the bell housing. I always like to put two gages on these when checking oil pressure. They should both match up, if the lower gage reads higher than the upper gage then you can suspect a pressure loss whithin the engine.
  19. i forsee a trip to small claims court in his future.
  20. When it comes to figuring out labor times, people will pay the bill no matter what it is when they know they have done something stupid. Don't short change your self on a job like this. The labor should be no less than 25 hours and can go upwards of 32 ish depending on how much time you spend on cleaning the tank and the truck is configured.
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