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Everything posted by blown99

  1. I get them on school buses like that a lot. I can usually just poor water in them and watch it poor out the other side. Saves me the time of pressure testing the cooler.
  2. That manager should be fired. If he does not know what is going on in his shop, then he is not doing his job. How can he miss a 15-20hr job going on? I worked at dealer that made up $5k worth of bogus warranty claims a month. They would take all the parts that were supposed to be tossed and make new claims on new VIN's. You wouldn't believe how many rear seals and front cover gaskets we did. Like they say, what goes around comes around. Hope they get it good.
  3. He wanted new gasket kits. I think cost was over $50 if I remember right.
  4. I have replaced lots of head bolts one at a time on these 6.0's as part of Navistars valve train update kit. The kit required the replacement of the rocker arm pedestal, push tubes, and rocker arm. They made it very clear that the coolant must be drained from the block prior to loosening the head bolt. You also could only do one at a time. I never had a problem with any of the engines afterwards. It has been a few years since the kits were installed with no known long term effects. I was waiting for the popped head gasket deal after the first few.
  5. I contacted him about the cores. He will pay $20 a piece in multiples of 10. He also wanted intake gasket kits. He would only pay $25/kit. To bad I just threw out about 50 cores.
  6. I see this a lot on the international chassis. The truck comes in with low power, skipping, and blowing white smoke. Classic stiction issue. Part of the pre approval is performing the buzz test. Very rarely do I get any injectors to buzz. Never get any faults indicating an open or short. Replace all 8, they buzz and I am good to go. I figured that the stuck spool valve was preventing me from hearing the "buzz".
  7. Frankilin Reman is now run by Caterpillar. This was part of a law suit settlement between Navistar and Cat. Cat was suing due to Navistar not using enough of there engines based on some agreement. Most of the cat stuff now goes to export. Franklin does supply to navistar and there stuff is terrible.
  8. This type of stuff really gets me going. We have a local truck repair shop that has picked up one of our long time customers. The customers truck would stall randomly and not restart. The repair shop has replaced every sensor, hpop, injectors, and an ecm for this problem. After the ecm R&R the truck stalled again and cam in on the hook. These monkeys then told the customer that the engine had failed and would need to replace the entire engine. The truck sat for a month or so until the owner of my shop got wind of this BS. He then sent me over there to fix the chaffed wire. We did it free of charge and in less than one hour the blown up engine was up and running. These people think they are getting a great deal because they save $10-15/hr on a labor charge. They don't realize that many of these guys don't have the experience that the dealers have to efficiently diagnose a modern vehicle. They also get lesser quality parts in many cases. (Autozone, napa etc) What do these customers save in the long run?? Nothing
  9. I think most of the problem is in the people themselves. It all goes back to the fat lazy american. Starting all the way back in the late 60's. As the quality of life improved, kids started getting handouts from their parents instead of working for things. This turned into a giant snowball and got worse with each generation. Everybody is quick to pass the blame, why not, it is easier than accepting your failure. Right now as a nation we blame the gov. both past and present, blame the unions, auto makers etc. But do the american workers sit back and think for a minute why we have no industry, a recesion and no jobs? Every year the working american wants more paid days off, a pay raise, pay less for their healthcare. Does that worker work harder? Go to various websites during your working day and see how many people are viewing forums, shopping on ebay, watching you tube videos. IMO it is all BS. They drove up the cost to their employer to employ their lazy ass. The companies see a less expensive way to make money oversees in china. After all, is that not why a business is in business?, to make money right?People should be paid flat rate, just like us techs. Get paid for what you do, not for being a body in a building. The faster and harder you work, the more money you make. I have several people that I work with that feel they should be given special rights because they have been with the comapny for 20 yrs. They feel they should not have to work all day, a younger guy should do the bull work, they stand around and talk about how the company is f'ing them in the A all time. I've worked for many shops and this attitude is everywhere. WTF, do your job, do it well, get paid, and go home proud that you worked an honest days pay, knowing that you worked the entire day the best you can. I don't think the average american worker can say this at the end of the day.
  10. Check the oil pressure relief? I've had a few that had debris stick the valve. Had a few others where the debris scored up the pump housing causing the low oil pressure.
  11. The stability levels affect the speed of the IC 4. We never had to worry about this until the release of the new AFC programs. There was very little word/info regarding the stability levels. My older lap top doesn't even have the ability to change the settings for some reason. (IC-$ self Test)
  12. Are you using the IC-4 com box? If so, they have changed the way the programming is done, and it has slowed it down a lot, if you don't chnage the settings for the com box. It used to take 14mins to program an ecm for an AFC. Without changing the settings it will take 1.5 hrs. To check your settings, got to programs, vehcile diagnostics, IC-4 self test, int that window select the stability column. Set it to stability level of 2. When you are done programming, go back in and set the stability level back to 15. Hope this helps.
  13. On the international side, I have never had a bad one out of the box nor had one fail shortly after. I've been doing these since 1994. We offer a one year warranty parts and labor. Three years ago, our shop tried the alliants, which we get though the local fuel pump shop, only when the customer needs a complete set. They are significantly less than the oem. I have had several of the alliants be bad out of the box and or fail shortly after the repair. I have not installed any of the alliants into a 444, they have all been into the DT466. The 466 injectors have different body codes than the 444.
  14. Can you duplicate the complaint while at the shop not driving? You could run the engine up to the point where it starts to show the heavy black smoke and then shoot the exhaust manifolds with a ray tek. The hottest manifold port will be the injector that is overfueling causing the black smoke.
  15. I have never removed the intake or egr cooler to do a hpop cover. I remove the v band clamp on the rear of the egr cooler, then loosen one bolt on each side of the up pipe. The up pipes will roll backwards and give me plenty of room to angle the cover out of there. Is ford using the one piece stc fitting yet? I ended up making my own wrench to hold the fitting in place as the international special tool (snap on) did not fit properly.
  16. I just did a trans on a CF also. Found several drun seals to be leaking. The cause was improoper wiring of the PTO. The clutch pack needs to be engaged with the pto engaged or else you will have slippage of that clutch pack. Dropped the pan and valve body, installed the leak check plates and shot air into the ports. The converter nuts were a pain to R&R, and the damn truck is just to low to the ground. We don't have any lifts.
  17. International has a nice service kit for repairing the hpop. It is specific to the DT pumps but I have used it several times on the 7.3's. You are not supposed to use a normal o-ring for this application. The o-rings in the kit are able to withstand the pressures of the hpo system. I don't think I have ever used a heat gun to remove a leaking plug. By that point, the fitting is already loose (that is why it is leaking) and the oil has worked its way in between the threads. It is important to go in and scrape the old loctite off the threads though. IF you don't it will cause a leak due to improper torque.
  18. Isn't that a cutaway of a 7.3 pump not the 530? Dual output ports give it away as being a 7.3pump. Not that it really matters though. Nice cutaways though!
  19. May have had a piece of debris fall into the intake ports of the cylinder head and ultimatly make its way into the cylinder. International had a SFN on this. Assembly lione workers would drop a nut that held a bracket in place and not retrieve it and just grab another nut to mount the bracket. The tech removes the intake to replace the egr cooler and the nut falls into the intake reassembles the engine and is lucky if the engine does not bar over. I had this happen in my shop to another tech. I have on many occasions spent over a half hour trying to fish out pebbles from intake ports. Using shop air under the intake, trying to blow debris out does not get everything out. You need to visually look into the port and check for debris. Maybe the piece that fell in your shops engine was to big to immediatly fall into the port and had to be beaten up by the valves to make its way into the cylinder?
  20. The most common cause for a 622 code on the old 3 box system is no power to pin 1 of the ecm. This is constant B+. If I remeber correctly, it also feeds the VPM its power source also. Causes could be a melted fuse holder in the battery box, broken wire between the battery box fuse and the ecm/vpm. There is also a 4 wire connector (usually two white wires and two red or purple wires. These are notorious for problems. The 622 will derate the power to 175, and makes it run like a dog. Usually with this code, you can not communicate with the lap top to the engine ecm. Your coolant emp fault was probably set numerous times back in the summer months. The same sender that tells the ecm what temp the engine is, tells the dash cluster gauge what temp the engine is. I would ignore this fault for now (unless the engine is overheating) and troubleshoot the 622.
  21. I have an International fuel filter kit part number of 1847170C93 This is for the VT 275 in the CF truck. I am wondering if these are the same filters used in the ford 6.0l application. My parts guy doesn't have a listing for the ford 6.0 but these VT275 filters look to be the same. Can someone cross reference or know for sure if they are interchangeable? How about the oil filter on the VT 275. It is shorter than our VT 365. Does the 275 oil filter fit the 6.0 ford application? I'll get a part number on the oil filter if needed. Thank you.
  22. Do you replace the intake gaskets or just retighten the intake and send it on its way? I've had several that had little pebbles or more common a small nut that falls into #8 port. The blow gun does not always get this debris out of the head/intake area.
  23. You need to call in and have tech release the file. The file should be ready to come back to you in 10-15 secs. You usually only get one chance to download a file. If you loose it for whatever reason you need to call in so they can release it again. Also be aware that went you select blank/replace module, that once you begin that process, the module is erased and the engine will not run until the program process is complete.
  24. Listen to the last couple of lines in this video. Very important to our sucess as a nation imo. http://info.detnews.com/video/index.cfm?id=1189
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