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    Freshman Member

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    Dallas, Texas
  1. My personal truck. Superchips says that something must be wrong with the truck, "nobody else has that particular problem" (the P2623 code). They think that some sort of existing weakness in the truck's system shows up when their program is flashed into the PCM. It's the open circuit code that puzzles me. Because the code is apparently set in a 'blink' rather than in a sustained failure, because a sustained open circut would certainly cause the truck to be DOA or have driveability or idling problems. I'm guessing either an erratic IPR itself or a connection problem or chaffed wire to the IPR. Remember, this is an '03, so that stuff is a little harder to get to.
  2. I agree in principal, thanks for your input. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif But I get significantly better fuel economy when I drive light-footed using the performance flash. And like the crispy-brisky pickup out of the hole. Just trying to chase the cause of the open-circuit ghost that comes & goes just long enough for the PCM to set a P2623 code.
  3. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif ... and I thought you were onto something. But seriously, now - any thoughts why it would show up now when it didn't before the 06E17 flash?
  4. Code P2623 - Injector control pressure regulator circuit open. 2003 6.0L Powerstroke gets this code ONLY when a Superchips Flashpaq performance mode is installed (Tow-Safe, Economy, or Performance). When code is cleared, it comes right back. Has no actual driveability symptoms, CEL light does not come on, only clue is the P2623 code being stored. Truck runs great. When programmed back to stock, the P2623 never comes up. BTW, the truck has 06E17 factory flash installed. Any ideas??
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