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Everything posted by eastendpowerstroke

  1. Well that won't happen before we all get a bunch of claims kicked back. I know we discussed this before but every time you open a session with IDS the wireless connection goes crazy,what do you suppose it's doing?? Ya think it's just saying HI?? Ever notice the extra info that pops up when you use the "quick start". You DON'T have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you.....
  2. Pull the turbo if you like but I prefer to pull the trans rather than the turbo. it sounds like a lot of work, but with the trans out your standing upright not hanging over the motor or strugling reaching down to get to the flanges working blind, you can access the drivers side flange at the manifold and the joint just above the EGR cooler from under the back of the motor. Plus if any of the bolts aren't willing to come quietly you can very easly just torch them off.
  3. Sorry I didn't see this till after 6:00pm our time, so it's to late tonight to just order the Y-pipe . But just order a Y-pipe, so you can fix it Thursday. It's broken at the flex joint If you look at the shinny foil covered insulation on the firewall you'll find it ain't so shinny any more and is black. the truck probably makes you eyes bleed when it idling huh? ..
  4. I need a copy of 08-11-03 I can print out ASAP. please if you got one either post it here or email me. hilde@optonline(DOT)net
  5. I had one a while ago that had worn out the Teflon thingies (top circle in Brads 1st pic) on the range fork allowing the gears to rub at times. put a new fork in and the guy still drives it No abnormal wear on that one just LOTs of miles 300+
  6. Well how about FOUR OF THEM .my parts mang. ordered three more hoping to get one that didn't suck. I don't know if I'm being to fussy but I expect a new part to not be rough and flaky right where an oring is supposed to be sealing oil and coolant from meeting each other.
  7. BTW I got another new header in today and it's a bad as the first, the casting is VERY rough in the exact same spot as the first and its right where the O-ring sits.
  8. dude it's so fucking depressing here right now,I would be so much more excited to go work someplace where I got to murder puppies all day. One SA,(Denis) the one we all like because he can/will try to up sell and he knows all the customers and there family's and treats them like there coming into a the small town dealership we are, he is hated by Mr wonderful. The one we hate (Keith) because he's a douche , he LOVES him..... we are now calling him "mini me". If Chris told Keith to come in early Monday so he could give Chris a rim job, Keith would go home and start putting on chap stick so his lips were soft!!!!!!
  9. Last week I replaced an oil cooler on an 2001 F-350.It was leaking externally from the front header, so I figured to be safe I got the header and orings. It's now back with oil mixing with the coolant, what I found drives the point of "just because it's new doesn't mean it's good. I never looked at it before assembly but it has a casting flaw right where the smaller oring seals.
  10. Gee I think I heard THIS idea somewhere before????
  11. I think it was the movie "Erin Brockovich" ??? Where the insurance company was instructed to deny all claims
  12. it's had battery harness problems to the trans (like all of them have) but the problem was an engine vibration. I eventually changed the motor mounts/isolators it got better but I'm not happy, the customer however is fine with it so I guess it's fixed
  13. This is one of my customers truck, it's less of a falsie and more of a sales tool because you just can't move around six $figure$ boats with a 1978 Chevy pickup.
  14. many years ago before I had ever done a high pressure pump I had a truck in for an oil leak, I eventualy found that "ferry" plug leaking. I took the pump out and tried to get an o-ring from parts. when the parts guys couldn't find it listed I just took it out and found an o-ring that fit, reinstalled the pump and it was fine. it was a long time before I found out the ford didn't want that plug removed.
  15. I have seen that as well I'll be damned if I can find it now, but it's out there .. as you can see in the photo every oring, washer, plug, line, screw, bolt, hose, and sensor is called out in the picture with ONE EXCEPTION!!!! FOUND IT!! TSB 04-4-4 " WARNING: DO NOT REMOVE OR ATTEMPT TO REPAIR A LEAK AT THE PLUG PICTURED IN LOWER LEFT CORNER OF FIGURE 1, OR DAMAGE TO THE PUMP WILL RESULT."
  16. Completely flush the cooling system. Double check all grounds. Add a ground wire to the core. (just like Brad said) Add the restrictor. Use an (gasp) Aftermarket copper/brass core.
  17. Quote: The mod center removes the exhaust and egr, flashes the ECU and ships it to the end user. Now how does that work? If it needs to be reflashed/updated for the recall and it has a NON OE calibration.
  18. WTF is that mess!!! I would have told that guy the address of the next dealer down the line
  19. Well OK good to know, Ya know that the symptoms he described trigger a knee jerk reaction to dive right into the tank to look at the pickup screen. I'd say it has been a while since I worked on a truck that old but I just put a hp oil passage head plug in a 97 last week.
  20. Brandon please do your self a favor and read THIS THREAD about a truck with the same issue you have.
  21. one motor mount, one o2 sensor, lots of LOF's, and one engine. BTW It will go about 30,600 miles maintenance free before it starts knocking.
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