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Everything posted by eastendpowerstroke

  1. P0460 Fuel Tank Level Indicator Circuit Malfunction I see this a lot set in memory I don't believe it turns the check engine light on, Mostly with a ticket "Customer states fuel gauge inop at times" and when I pull the sender out it's rusty as hell. As far as poor quality fuel I feel that a piece of steel that is always soaked and or splashed with fuel oil shouldn't rust. The failure pattern of fuel senders also seems to be regional, I see a lot of them but guys in other parts of the country don't.
  2. I do the same as most I will first state that it's not necessary to tip me and if they insist I take it and generally pass it right to the tool man, easy come easy go. The strangest thing ever happened today we were delivering a F-550 roll-off (dumpster) truck today and the sales man asked me to show the customer how it works, I know the customer well so I went over it with him took about 10 min. This afternoon the sales man comes up and THANKED ME (shocking I know) but he also handed me $10!!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/surprise.gif I felt like I just saw a UFO /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cover.gif, I had to ask the guys if I had fallen asleep at my toolbox and was dreaming... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sleep.gif
  3. there's a saying I live by "If you loan somebody $20 and never see them again, It was probably worth it" I rarely do side work anymore, my time with my kids is worth more to me than the few bucks I might make. I will help a very few friends fix there cars, more specifically my duty's will be largely ceremonial and more for tech and moral support. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/popcorn.gif
  4. You and I are both in the same area in the NE US, your only across the LI sound from me and I see the senders with the float arm just about rotted off from the poor quality fuel around here yours can't be much better. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif you didn't get a p0460 code?
  5. I had the same thing happen, I was reprogramming the APIM and it stopped at something like 46% and then had a b1346?(going from memory) code for an module failure. tried again, pinpoint tests,ckt tests, hotline, blah blah blah...... 2.5 hrs pays .4 The good part is that the APIM was in fact bad and it was causing the concern the cust had complained about.
  6. My parts monger has a real nice color picture book of hard shell connectors but I don't recall seeing that type of connector. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif I'll look Monday if you still need it.
  7. Quote: failing which I would pass on the job. Times must be great up there in the north. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif I wouldn't turn down anything right now, almost every dealership in my area and all brands even foreign have lay ed off people in the last month.
  8. my early build 6.0L F-350 crew cab long bed dualy gets just shy of 17 MPG around town and about 19-21 hwy without the car trailer.
  9. You know something struck a chord in my head when I read "Kingland Ford" and then "Ice Road Truckers" was mentioned.I recall seeing the front of that dealership in the background of a shot in that show. Anyway best of luck to you Aaron it's so nice to hear positives in these times.
  10. OMG!!!!!! I'm so glad I wasn't old enough to drive in the 70's so I was afforded the good fortune of missing the "VAN MOVMENT" Oh damn I think I just vomited a little
  11. I also have cleaned lot's of the filters, all with 100% positive results. I've never seen one damaged.
  12. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gifAs I wrote that I figured that somebody would go there. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif I was referring to diagonal cutting pliers by the way, not old women living an alternate lifestyle
  13. As Bruce said DON'T blast the CHRA or for that matter anything you can't disassemble, I glass beaded an old rusty set of dikes I found under a hood once and could not move them after that.... but they looked great /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gifI also prefer glass bead to sand as it will finish the surface smoother. Also be gentle blasting things such as the turbo vanes because over doing it will round the edges /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  14. "In 1917, GE produced an experimental Diesel-electric locomotive using Lemp's control design, the first known to be built in the United States." WIKIPEDIA Yeah so it's not really "modern Locomotive" technology it's been around for many years why nobody has used it for other modes of transportation I don't know /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  15. make sure that anything you put into it is DRY or you'll wind up with a sandy goo mess. and don't glass bead / sandblast any moving parts that can't be disassembled to clean.
  16. maybe "BustedNutsack" or "HerniatedDisc's" would be a more appropriate name. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/readthis.gif To each there own but I'll put the cab and torque the heads with my feet firmly on the floor, not spread eagle with the hood latch stuck in my ass /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  17. what are those things on top of the red ESST box behind the bottles??? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  18. cut the handle down to a usable size and weld a nut on it so you can use a gearwrench to turn it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  19. I take the old baking soda boxes from the fridge to work and what I personally do is..... 1- wet the offending terminals with my spray bottle of room temp water. 2- sprinkle with the baking soda or "Bicarbonate of soda" 3- let it sit while the service whatever, it may be is performed 4- swing by the wash bay door and hose it off.
  20. got enough to keep everybody in the shop doing something all day, but not enough to require anybody to rush anything /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/coffee.gif.. Sales is kinda slow so anytime anybody expresses an interest in a car/truck the sales goons want to deliver it on the spot /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/fouet3.gif before they can think about it.
  21. I put $20 in the truck on the way to work yesterday at the cheapest station around @ $3.55 per gal cash ($3.61 credit) I didn't have any more cash. this morning I ran out to fill up and it was up to $3.65 cash .10 overnight. It's criminal what the oil company's are doing to us.
  22. I don't think your wrong at all for feeling that way. theres this old grumpy guy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grampy-jim.gif around here from time to time, if you really beg him he'll share his feelings on union labor ethics. My one pet peeve's about unions is the "it' not my job" attitude I find from most. Truly classic examples below
  23. well at least you can take advantage of the great programs /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ford.gif has for us, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif the diesel certified spin to win program, you can get a diesel specialist magnet for your tool box, or maybe even a toy F-250 truck to make up for all the time you'll loose being the "diesel tech" in the shop.. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smhair.gif
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