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Everything posted by eastendpowerstroke

  1. All you dirty old men /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif should stop discussing the little girls "TACO" or your going to wind up on the wrong side of a court room while the district attorney is using a stuffed teddy bear so the "victim" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif can show the jury where the bad man touched her...... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hammer2.gif
  2. WHAT?????? Jim's being a condescending asshole???? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif and here I thought that was one of his few redeeming quality's Actually Rick all joking aside sometimes one needs that kind of "line of questioning" to make you rethink your steps for the one you may have overlooked. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif I like most have been bitten by the DUH! bug many times where I got so caught up in trying to find the problem /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/scratchhead.gif that I forgot to check the basics only to step away or have somebody stop by the bay and say "did you check the (insert part here) and you think "no DUH" haven't you?? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif Anyway what was the final fix for this truck??
  3. Yeah what Bruce said.... and even if you had a torque spec it apparently isn't enough/to much in the first place because I've seen a ton of them loose. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  4. IF IF IF ........ If the queen had balls she'd be the king
  5. If you have the cover off to replace it you can bend the branch tube back and the test it with a rubber tipped air blow gun. it will be easy to see all around it since the cover is off. I'm with Greg I've personally only replaced one branch tube I thought the job SUCKED so I took to the bend and air test method. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/hammer2.gif so far I guess I'm up to 15-20 stc fittings and "adjusted branch tubes" no returns. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  6. it very likely that you gouged the front pump bushing when removing the motor. Quote: (advised from another tech not to worry about fillin torque converter) OK I rarely fill converters but I do lube the snout, seal, and pump with trans assembly lube(Vaseline) did you at least add some fluid to the pan before starting it? Either that or you didn't have the converter fully installed.
  7. “People are more opposed to fur than leather because is it easier to harass rich women than biker gangs.”
  8. Think outside the box......or actually in the box everybody is thinking the engine has to be under the hood /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif I'm thinking put it in the bed and use a V-Drive like this one from walter gear http://www.waltergear.com/vd.htm It will be pretty useless as a pickup but WHO CARES!!!!!!! it's got a CAT motor in it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  9. AWWW shucks don't mention it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif I guess what they keep telling me is true, and I'm starting to get the hang of this fixin shit despite of Captain Morgans best efforts to erase my memorys..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  10. I'm more than sure that if you could provide the raw footage and good descriptions to either Keith or Bruce they would be more that happy (they might even fight over it) to pretty it up into a power point or web page..
  11. Thats Mr.Fugnutz to you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif
  12. I've heard of it before, I guess I saw it on TV. to bad I'm on the wrong side of the country or I'd be there for sure /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif As far a doing it at warranty HQ I'd rather be across the street in the tower by the grassy knoll........ ah forget I said that.
  13. FWIW I haven't ever seen an owner driven truck break the injectors like that, only driver/employee driven trucks. Jimmy you been lookin over my shoulder to find out where I got my noid light connectors from huh???? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  14. That Last pic has a white emblem/symbol on the building that looks a lot like the mortom building symbol link to sight
  15. Check the filters, one of my fleets got a load of shit fuel and had three trucks blow the injectors apart just like that. 2 LCF's and a F-450. When I took the hfcm filter out it looked like it was 10 years old and cloged solid. But it only had about 4k miles on the filters.
  16. Quote: Once I replaced everything, I know that engine is good for a long, long time and I feel confident that the repair is going to last. It wasn't good for a "good long time" the first time, the only thing I'm sure of is that I did a good job after that I'm at the mercy of the parts I've installed, I've had an "new" EGR cooler fail after two days in service. Quote: If you follow the tsb's, Ford has to pay the claim. OH NO IT DOESN'T ask anybody here if they have had a claimed TSB bounce for no apparent reason. Quote: You may call me a butcher or hacker for replacing everything, but I know I did my best and gave the customer some confidence that their truck is not going to smoke again. Your not hacking or butchering your simply hedging your bets on a job that didn't pay enough the first time to get it done right and avoiding other common failures with the 100% certainty that the next claim wont bounce for a repeat repair. Quote: Also, doing it all at 1 time is cheaper for Ford than doing it 2 times. I think Ford should be thanking me for doing it this way. FIRTFT(fix it right the first time) That is the sermon we were preached for years. anybody else remember that???? Now adays it's fix it right the first time unless it costs money then we will make a TSB to try to fix it as cheap as possible so we can short you diag time. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/banghead.gif I feel the only person that should be making decisions on what is or isn't needed to perform a repair is the guy with his hands in the batter,he can look and touch things and see that it's good or not, not a voice on the phone or computer screen. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  17. I found this about the premium hybrid price VS the time needed to recoup it from this Motor Trend article When hybrid cars first started selling well a few years ago, many people argued that despite their superior gas mileage, they actually made little economic sense. With three to four thousand dollar premiums and gas hovering below $2 per gallon, most owners would trade in their green machines long before they covered the difference in cost. But now things are different -- the national average price of gas hit $3.758 today and Camry Hybrid sales were up 40 last month over the same time last year. With Prius sales also jumping a whopping 53.8 percent, clearly American drivers are tired of suffering at the pump and are turning to hybrid cars as the answer. But this raises a question: are they a good value? The USA Today has released a report arguing that many hybrids will pay for their price premiums after a relatively short period of time. So say you drove an average of 15,000 miles per year, just how long would it take you to make up the price difference? For example, the price gap between a Honda Civic EX-L with nav and a similarly equipped Civic Hybrid is around $1890 (though your dealer experience may vary). The regular four-cylinder averages a combined 29 mpg, while the hybrid gets 42 mpg. With gas currently at $3.76 per gallon, you would need to drive approximately 21,000 miles to make up the price difference between the two cars, which at 15,000 miles a year would mean you'd be making a profit before your 29-month lease was up. A Camry Hybrid costs only $231 more than a normal, four-cylinder XLE, and for that price you'll cover the premium in around 2100 miles -- not long after you're done breaking in the engine. Of course not every hybrid stacks up as well against the competition. The four-door hatchback Prius doesn't have many direct competitors, but if compared to a similar-sized vehicle like the VW Rabbit four-door, the Toyota's combined 46 mpg (versus 25 for the VW) means it will make up its extra cost in 38,875 miles -- about two and a half years on the road. Put the Prius up against another fuel-sipper like the Honda Fit, however, and it would take a considerably longer 82,275 miles to cover the premium, more than five years of average driving. According to the USA Today report, when it comes to economics, not all hybrids are created equal -- especially when they're expensive or offer limited fuel-economy improvements. They calculate that buyers of the Toyota Highlander will need 12.7 years to break even, while you'll have to drive your mild-hybrid Saturn Aura 24.3 years to cover the price difference. So what's the worst hybrid value on the market today? That would be the Lexus LS600h -- when compared to a regular LS460L, it would take a whopping 102.6 years of driving to make up the difference. Of course by that point you could probably sell it to a museum and recoup some of your costs. What's your opinion -- are hybrid cars finally worth the extra money, or is it still smarter to get a less fashionable, ordinary fuel-efficient car? Beyond going strictly by cost per mile, given their popularity, hybrids aren't exactly being sold at discount prices. What if a dealer offered you a gas-guzzler at a bargain? Chrysler is even offering a deal that guarantees you $2.99 gas for the next three years. So what do you think: is it time to take the hybrid plunge, or should we stick with traditional internal combustion for little while longer?
  18. The last time I spoke with hotline that is what I was told.
  19. I couldn't agree more!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gifPleas don't get me wrong I have done my share of HPOP's when I found a holed screen and debris, That first one I spoke of had no sign of debris except the screen stuck in it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif. something caused it to fail but it was obviously not the HPOP if Ford apparently has piles of HPOP's that are not bad replaced under this SSM. what else can cause the IPR to fail?
  20. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rofl.gifI just got a flash back to the movie ROAD TRIP!!! " What the hell did you do kill a cheetah??"
  21. ok one more edit the body bolts you need for a crew cab 6 W712878 and two W712879 bolts the longer ones make little nipples in the rug behind the front seats.
  22. My parts monger and I were talking about this tonight. we had a rash of failed FICM's about a year ago then it just died we didn't do one till last week. I not sure if it's temperature related but it was hot last week? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif
  23. This was the first one I had so it sticks in my mind. just after 05-12-3 came out I had a 60k mile truck that was towed in for a no start, I did all the diag per the wsm found no ICP pressure did the air test and pulled the IPR out to find the screen sucked in. I was jammed up and didn't have time for a HPOP job plus the customer was stuck so I gambled and put a new IPR in and tried it. It started and ran fine it has 156,000 miles now and has never had a HPOP. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif I personally would rather throw an IPR at it and try it first before diving into a HPOP replacement. If you walked into a room, flipped the light switch and the light didn't come on would you immediately rewire your house or would you change the bulb first????
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