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Everything posted by eastendpowerstroke

  1. After my first and only bent pushrod, I allways turn the motor by hand with a breaker bar after the rockers are on and before I install the oil rails at least two times around.
  2. I wouldn't feel the least bit bad about that dent. Every time I need anything from snapon I feel like the guy has stabbed me in the heart when I hear the price....
  3. I already supply way too much labor out of my own pocket
  4. I generaly take the two bolts out of the flange and the two out of the bracket of the EDOC and stick my short little prybar under the bracket tab to hold it up a 1/2in or so and have no problem getting the bolts.. I like snapon tools but they are just way to proud of their name and logo in todays economy, you can buy 99% of the tools snapon has for much less from almost anybody else
  5. I got an old stc fitting and welded a 90 deg fitting onto it with a air hose fitting so I can bolt it to the branch tube and hook up the shop air, listen for leaks hands free and can disconnect it without the fear if an oil spray bath.
  6. I use a punch/drift that fits well into the hole in the branch tube and bend the tube back into place so all bolts can be started by hand, tighten all to spec and air test BEFORE installing the hpop cover. I've replaced 3 branch tubes 1 in a F-650 (not to bad) 1 in an LCF (not bad at all) and 1 in a E-bus ( )
  7. I had a 2010 e bus in last week and noticed that the oil cooler cover didn't have the quick connect fitting thing that sticks out of the front and sometimes has a rubber cap on it.
  8. SO, I walk into the livingroom tonight just in time to see this on TV..... dork huh???? who was it that had a signature about whats grown in NJ????
  9. After I watched it a few times, as the truck starts to fall at the 55sec mark to the 59sec mark something falls to the floor and comes to rest on the floor just in front of the pipe he was banging on. To me it looks remarkably like a 6in block of 2x4 wood....... THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!!
  10. WTF is that about "out of season"???????? Griling is NEVER OUT OF SEASON, HIKE UP YOUR SKIRT NANCY AND GO OUTSIDE AND COOK SOME MEAT!!!!!!!
  11. During one of the many practical joke wars in the used car dept at my shop,it was discovered that a mustang will fit into a E-box van. the look the guys face was priceless when he was thinking that they had just moved his car and started pushing the button on his key fob to find it....... beep.....beep.....beep HA!!!!! I gotta see if sombody has a photo.
  12. FQR = (Ford Quality Repaint)I just figured they dip the whole thing in paint just to hermetically seal the oil inside.
  13. He's cheating thats a black and white photo..... but it's still fugley
  14. Adj. 1. juxtaposed - placed side by side often for comparison; "juxtaposed pictures" close - at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other; "close to noon"; "how close are we to town?"; "a close formation of ships"
  15. The truck the owner is using to demo and tow his racecar has about 1500 miles on it and is displaying a low def warning. Another customer claims to have added 10 gal of def and the truck has about 4,000 miles
  16. Product what ivity?????????? I'm a diesel tech thank god I got a guarantee
  17. DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ever notice the thing about creepers is that when you change direction the wheels twist it doesn't care if your hairs caught in the wheel. .......yeah good times....... I guess it was around 1991 when I made the cut.
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