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Everything posted by eastendpowerstroke

  1. Don't get me wrong there is good safety equipment now and if used properly it will protect all of us. A trip outside the USA/Canada would shock you. I was in the Dominican Republic and I never saw a car seat, I did see the whole family riding in the back of a pickup or on one motorcycle. The father was riding with the toddler in from of him on the tank with the mother behind him holding a baby and nobody thought it odd it's the norm. BTW even when my son rides in the front for even such a short trip like to the corner he always has a seatbelt on.
  2. My kids are always in the back seat, with the exception of the two or three times my son rode to the gas station at the corner (less than 1/4 mile). I just like many of you was brought home from the hospital in a 1960's leaded fuel burning chunk of Detroit steel with a steel dash board(it may have had some halfassed foam pad on it) in my moms lap without a seatbelt, car seat, airbag or anti lock brakes,there's a strong possibility it didn't even have disc brakes much less power brakes. I rode in similar vehicles for many many years, I traveled around the country in the back of a station wagon playing with matchbox cars. We survived to tell the tale.
  3. Here ya go little buddy try this it will help your problem.. http://www.quikclikrt.com/
  4. none of laptops are "approved" either hell my old Toshiba did even meet min specs and worked just fine P.S. IDS works fine with vista home premium as well
  5. what kit did you get RTTP has two kits Lisle part# LIS22710 $58.86 AND LIS22020 $73.54 ?? both kit photos look alike one comes with a angled kit as a bonus
  6. Brad, you want your last service manager back,I know you miss him??? I don't
  7. I don't know what the part number is/was I have way to many things in my head without trying to remember part numbers, But I recently noticed that the screen wasn't plastic anymore and was now "oooohhh shiny".........................what were we talking about again????
  8. I got a 6.4L in my bay now with a NG tensioner and a shreaded belt.
  9. Hey your not an American citizen, just cross the border illegally,go to the hospital use a fake name and a fake social security number you bought from a guy in an alley, get fixed up PDQ then split for home and never pay the bill.... I get to pay an uninsured patient surcharge if I gotta go to the hospital just for occasions like this!!! So come on over it's on me..... Maybe while your here you can have a few kids that will qualify for food stamps and free Medicaid paid for by my tax money,then for fun crash into my truck then try out your new fixed up back by jumping out of the car and running away from the accident scene before the cops get there.... It works well for our neighbors from the south why can't it work for our neighbors from the north?????
  10. I spray down around the intake and the oil cooler cover with a spray bottle of mineral spirits to soften/loosen the debris then blow it out with a long skinny blowgun before ANY disassembly occurs,I also try to look to see if any stray nut's, bolts,accorns,zip ties,plastic caps,moon rocks,or missing 10mm sockets are laying next to the intake just waiting to fall into an intake port as soon as I lift the intake. Then durring dissasembly I continue to clean as I go. I also plug/cap the turbo drain in the HPOP cover as soon as the turbos comes off I get to work on way to many school bus's that have been apart a hundred times so god only knows whats laying up there..
  11. I done 6.4L work cab off and cab on I've had all the bolt come out and had more than a few spin.... If I have the option it's cab off with no spun nuts, I like the cut the heads off idea
  12. Now that's a great idea..... hell after you get the cab up you could probaly just heat the "stud" with the torch to melt the sieze tight and turn them out with vice grips.
  13. It's already happening my friend.................mmmmmm banana's
  14. Oh have no fear I will try it but I was just asking, I currently have IDS running on my vista laptop and it seems to be just fine. I used it to program some PATS keys for my buddy the other night with no problems.
  15. I got a laptop that came with Vista Home Premium and a free upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium, I need to know if IDS will work before I install Win 7.
  16. Their bat, their ball, their rules.....We my friends, are merely pawns in their game. Why do you think there is a TSB for almost every conceivable repair involving a diesel engine...... It's a conspiracy man!!!!
  17. I've backed into/onto the hood of a customers mustang with a dump truck that had a road sander in it, I knew the mustang was there and was looking in the mirrors backing into the spot....just never gave a thought to the fact that the sander sticks about 2 1/2 feet past the back of the truck....
  18. As requested by the boss I filled out the prior aproval forms for a pump and clearly stated that the filters were full of debris. APROVED!!!!!!??????WTF? Just when you think you know the answers.................
  19. I just had the exact same issue as Keith the filters were packed solid with rust. customer said it would make a "whistle" noise loose power and stall with a hard restart. the "whistle" is the hp pump squealing from lack of fuel.
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