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Everything posted by eastendpowerstroke

  1. uuummm NO!!! I had to build the jigsaw puzzle from the short block up, for no where near enough time!! Quote: Approved to repair above cost cap Additional Instructions: Dealer is approved to perform the engine repair over the cost cap.
  2. If you get a complete engine I'll need to know everything you did to get it, cause I tried like hell to get a complete. I can use it next time. I blew the cost cap by 3gs and had to do a short block and heads.
  3. well it will only get better after you do all the miles vs hours, take the engine half apart to "find the root cause", and blow the cost cap away they will tell you to go ahead and fix it over the cost cap. That will wreck your week
  4. Mitchell on demand = long block 27.1 auto 29.7 man trans Head Gaskets say 22.6 I think thats way light on time somebody's hitting the crack pipe over at Mitchell
  5. I'll guess that the cylinder walls are rotted from lack of proper cooling system maintance. VC-8
  6. BAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH BREATH HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! OH JIm that second Video is freaking great! I see a REDNECK joke there someplace!!!!!!! Did any body get an official count of how many t-shirts they stuffed into that ISB before somebody got the idea to blast it with the fire extinguisher to shut it down??
  7. Thats a real cool firetruck you got there big guy. p.s. if anybody needs a fullsized copy of that pic I may be able to hook you up
  8. I consider myself fortunate to have not seen a repeat head gasket failure ....................YET!!!!
  9. The customer bought the gaskets and studs I cosider it a wise and small investment compaired to the cost of doing it over AND I'm lazy so I put the sct fitting in so I wouldn't have to in a month.Hypermax gaskets + ARP studs = doing it once OE gaskets made of old beer cans and blue paint + Bungee cord OE head bolt= inevitable failure
  10. As you can see from the shinny new oil cooler this got the full meal deal, with a side order of ARP studs and Hypermax headgaskets.... And a STC fitting just so I never need to work on this truck again. HYPERMAX INFO
  11. Aaron you just catching on to that??
  12. My Dog died in Dec, I've had dogs from the time I was about 5 years old and have had up to four at one time. although I miss having a dog............... Quote: Picking up Dog piles every other day. Then sometimes I don't +85 votes
  13. As I've said before to each there own but CAB OFF is my choice for this job.I'd much rather stand on the floor and tighten the head bolts. I'm not trying to brag or boast but I'm a Sr Master with diesel and hybrid certs ASE's and L1. If you need more reasons for CAB OFF see photo below.....
  14. Kevin do you have access to fmcdealer.com?? If so theres a guy named Garry Booth that was the goto guy for trans questions.
  15. I saw that and thought YES then thought that if I ever decide to leave the dealership world it may be a plus to keep them current.
  16. I just tried to vote and the web page can't be displayed??????
  17. Quote: this thing has what looks like gray latex paint coating the filte your tank coating is delamanating, this may be the first time you've seen this but it won't be the last time.
  18. IWE sounds good to me a small vac leak can keep the hub disengaged until your hard accel.
  19. Quote: =Bruce Amacker You can flash it to an older level to eliminate the 06E17, but it's a HUGE time wasting PIA and probably not legal, either. OK do tell? I'd love to have the original split shot flash back in my truck,it was nice and quiet. FWIW my F350 gets 15-19 mpg towing the mustang on the car trailer approx 4400 lbs at 70+ mph.
  20. The list of minor injuries(cuts,bumps,and burns) is endless but the one that stands out is smashing the middle and ring finger of my left hand while moving the deck of an old press at a dealer I worked at. It took two surgery's to put them back together, and 4 months of physical therapy till they work good again. it's been about 12 years and they still ache when my hands are real cold but at least they are still there to ache.
  21. Every thing Bruce said and if/when you take the lift pump off look inside at the cam lobe and ensure it is in fact still a lobe I've seen many that that acted like a bad lift pump but the pumps were fine, turned out to have a grove worn in the lobe and not pumping the arm.
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