Scott B
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I am suprised that Ford doesnt want this done.CAT requires ECM downloads with every warranty repair other than a re-flash.Cummins is even worse in that you have to call them first,open a case file before repairing anything.Then Most times they make you follow a 10 page troubleshooting chart first for the component in question when you already know what the problem is.
#1 Injector Harness Melted
Scott B replied to Bruce Amacker's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
I also believe this flash is Fords baby.So far International has Not offerd it.There is no doubt The two together created it.But I think International may just stick with the current Buzz Bomb LOL.. But then again who am I to say what either may do next -
#1 Injector Harness Melted
Scott B replied to Bruce Amacker's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
International has a SFN on #1 pigtail OR solenoid burning up.This only applies during a Re-flash when the Damage can be done.Either disconnect the #1 pigtail before starting a flash OR,Wait for the spool pre-cycle to complete after turning on the key before starting any re-programming.It could be that this Tk was reflashed and sufferd damage in #1 harness feed and it manifested from there.Personally I yank the feed off of it to be sure when reflashing.All this may differ on the Ford side of things cant say for sure -
I agree I have never seen a 275 in one yet But they may exsist.Possibly the sound difference you heard were from the two dead injectors it had, combined with a flashback you were having from a Bad day at work LOL!!! J/k
I believe you, that is where the Normal floor structure ends and the Extension piece to the doghouse starts..While I have never pulled a Head off a VT in a UPS van.I have always had to take the left side hunk of floor out to get the V/C off, there was No other way.All the UPS that I have seen Have the ECM mounted on the R/side V/C.While the Normal International applications with 365's the ECM is mounted on the L/side.
You are one of the few that I have heard of doing Headgaskets in a VT.We have only only done 2 in 5yrs.Most of our customers fleet tks with 365's also get the !@#!?$! beat out of them daily.That I know is fact.
I have done them all on several VT'S when I found Bad ones while replaceing the Branch tube along with a bunch of Uptime stuff they threw in with the Failed branch tube..Have Fun getting the Drivers side Valvecover off in the UP's Tk.Unless things have changed you need to take out a piece of the floor LOL....UP's vans are Bad But I have had Much worse Applications than them with 365 work.Turbos and STC fitting are a breeze in the UPS vans compared to a regular International cab configuration.If you have to do the waterfilter installation on the UPS Tk.It must be mounted on the Pass side frame rail.They send you Instructions for drivers side mount.Aint gonna happen with the steering box there.They may have revised this and sent the right info.Not that you cant figure it out yourself. But They tend to complicate things sometimes.Also if you do a softgear recall on the rear geartrain.Make sure they know if the tk has Airbrakes or Not .Or they will send you the wrong PS/Fuelpump setup.I have gotten alot of Uptime parts packages that were All screwed up.
There is still a Active SFN campaign issued Dec 06 on Valvetrain issues for Both VT-275-VT-365.If any wear is detetected on rocker tip fulcrums or associated parts or a Failure has occured.ALL valve train components must be replaced.This includes the Rocker fulcrum pedestal. 1 Kit consists of a New pedestal and rockerarm assy.Which are only to be replaced ONE at a time when doing the proceedure so the Headgasket seal is not compromised.I would question your Ford hotline on this
6.4L Training Tips & Pointers
Scott B replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.4L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
I recognize that tool.We just got the MAXXFORCE 7(as International has now Crowned there engines designations)tools in at work.And I was going through one of the cases and the EGR puller caught my eye as it was the Largest thing in the friggen case LOL!.Well at least we will only have ONE turbo to clean........ -
Had a wierd one with this Engine.05 C-7 ACCERT would only miss under load only and not all the time. You would have to have it to the govenor also to make it do this.Passed all the Injector and ICP tests.So Pulled the fuel return off put it in a five gallon bucket and Had someone mash it down to the govenor and it poured Air bubbles out of the return line.Checked the Torque on all of the Inj holdown bolts and got 10" lbs more till it clicked off on 4 out of 6.CAT said pull them all.Every cup had some combustion residue in it.Two of them were badly trashed with carbon and you could see where the gases were blowing up around the Inj body and up past the bottom o-ring into the fuel well. They do Not use a copper washer on there tips to seal to the bottom of the cup.They use a small Viton composite O-ring that I am guessing actually burns to seal type thing.It seems to work well.I have pulled them before on other C-7's and found just a slight remnant of it in the cup, But the cups were Basically clean and No evidence of combustion gas entering up through.All this mess I found was from Improper installation/torque proceedure.I dont think any of these Injectors were every seated right to begin with before they torqued them at the Factory.
It was a Bad week for C-12 CATS at work.Both of these tk threw rods out the Block.Sorry No picks.Some serious carnage though.The one was definately driver related.Plugged into it Checked out the recorded events.The engine redline is 2150 this one recorded 2950 before it blew!!.The guy was going down a Hill loaded and Let it push over the govenor and it let go.He HAD warranty coverage, But the Overspeed did that in, Denied repair.The other one dropped a valve first split the Piston in half.Kept running it breifly, the wrist pin boss of the Piston ripped out.The rod caught the bottom of the liner busted the rod top off along with the bottom of the liner.Then whipped around chunking the block open on both sides.Man what a mess.But lucky for him he has extended warranty and will get a Reman Eng.Both of them were Pete Tri-axle Coal tks
Cracked rear engine cover (2005) Oil leak
Scott B replied to Fordtechnician's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Well it pretty much spells it out with International programming VS Fords and the Headgasket problems.The ones that come through are dealership are In Med dutie chassis fleet trucks for the most part.They are pounded on and probabley matted to the floor all day.Yet Next to none on headgasket problems.Ford has it stretched too thin with the power.Mainly IF you work the tk hard which is why you buy the thing in the first place for most part Towing and such.The cylinder pressures are just too much for the Stock gaskets and Bolts to handle.Yeah I am guessing a Bit but I think I am pretty much right. Not that is is a Newsflash of the decade or something LOL..Throw a programmer into the mix and it gets worse. -
Cracked rear engine cover (2005) Oil leak
Scott B replied to Fordtechnician's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Never seeing the Tube clearance on the rear cover on the Ford app.I cant really comment.There isnt very much in The International either.As far as the Branch tubes cracking Nobody really knows.International wont say anything if they know about a problem.The theory of the Fitting previously failing bending stuff up then a New fitting was Installed and the tube fails a week later doesnt stick either.I know of only one that fit this bill.We look at the warranty History right off the Bat as do you.And all the rest of these tks Never had been opened up yet.Now turn the Tables Towards Ford with the Headgaskets.International Has Very very few Headgasket problems.I only know of one that has been done at our dealership since late 02.I suspect programmers have alot to do with it on the Fords.But I have heard of stock ones failing too.Internationals programming is way less agressive than Fords too.Hard to say really why on a few the The main issues. -
One night I was changing Jake brake solenoids on a C-15 CAT.Well it is not a Bad job.Pop the valvecovers off and they are right on top of the castings.Two allen screws hold them In.Got them all done.Figured I would fire it up without the covers on briefly Hit the jake and see if everything is ok before buttoning it up.So I do just that. Fire it up hit the pedal down and Bang!LOL. Well I forgot to put the two solenoid holdown bolts on for 3&4 cylinders.I watched this solenoid Blow out of the Jake casting with 90 psi of Oil pressure behind it!!.It flew about 4ft in the Air and The Oil geyser shooting out behind it about the same height with the Fan Blowing it all over the freaking windshield and tk's roof.All this in about 15 seconds LOL!!!.The customer got a free wash and detail out of it.
I was wondering how many Ford techs have seen Badly worn rocker tips or Had the Tip head break out all together.The last 3 Branch tube jobs I have done,I have found Badly worn rocker tips On each engine.The valve bridges were good on all.But the tips had bad ledges and Pits in them.International had a AFC out on them but it was For early 03 engines.These were 1 05 and 2 04 builds.
Cracked rear engine cover (2005) Oil leak
Scott B replied to Fordtechnician's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Kieth have you seen any fitting failure after a shroud Bracket was put on.One of our other dealership was talking to the shop foreman about one that Blew with the Bracket on.The Tk is overloaded all the time and run to death from what I know.No Hot programming or speed boxes LOL.A whopping 210 HP -
Yep those bolt are not really that stout LOL..You strip em your cooked then.International mainly is concerned about Binding of the STC fitting itself if the branch is bent a good bit.Once its Under load with Oil pressure and it has a Bind up or down it can damage the lock ring inside and Possibly blow apart again or the Oring can Unseat and start leaking and Eventually blow out.You basicly want the Fitting block to lay on the Branch reciever easily with as less stress as possible.Then bolt it down.The rear covers on The VT-365 are totally different.They are cast Iron and are fairly deep.And extend out past the flywheel face a good 4" or so.Also they have the rear engine mounts on them.They are real Nutbusters to lift up in there.
You CAN bend it up or down whatever way is Necessary.I have been told this By Internationals Hotline Long ago and Have had to do it On quite a Few That the STC blew completely apart and Bent the Tube pretty Bad.Drawing it up with the Bolts if its bent significantly is what They did not want us to do Because of the Stress it puts on the Inside of the Fitting.I am just relaying Info here about this and Not trying to tell you what to do.Also All the Failed branch tubes I have had to replace Have Cracked right at The Feed block where the tubes are Brazed into it.Hopefully it works out for you
It would be a HUGE pain in a Ford.I have done quite a few of them in-chassis in some Nasty International tk configurations.The job In-chassis is a !@#!?$! to put it Very mildly.As far as this O-ring blowing out over and over.Obviously something else is going on here.I am wondering if the Branch tube is slightly heaved up.Then when they bolt the adapter block down on a angle like that the O-ring is lifting and getting sliced off? It is acceptable to bend the Branch tube itself down slightly if needed to Mate to the Block off the STC.International will Instruct you to do this if you have one distorted from a Fitting failure I am sure some of you guys have already had to do this before.You obviously have to do it carefully though LOL..
Quote: Originally Posted By: rockbronco Impressive...I can only imagine the fun its going to be to work on this thing. My biggest worry is all these people using racks that would prevent pulling the cab easily. I cant imagine ford hanging anymore junk off that engine but obviously they make it happen. I like the fact there is a pyrometer on it, I dont like the fact the y-pipes look of the same design, I wonder if there will be issues of them leaking like the 6.0? what about the econoline? will they manage to stuff this under the hood? Is it even physically possible? Im excited to see the launch, I hope for the best. With Fords stranglehold on the Ambulance market I would guess it is going to get Jammed into a E-series somehow someway.I definately feel for you guys that Have to service E-series ambulances.Been there done that.They are not good memories
As mentioned it is password protected.You must have your own log-on through the Dealership.
Changing Turbos on these engines was Bad enough before.I have seen this mess quite a while back.Its scary looking inside a Truck frame LOL!Things have gone from Bad to worse LOL....
Yes there is a tech info site called ISIS (International Service Information System) It has the latest recalls,Bulletins and It is very good.There is a Master service manual whre you can acess all proceedures for the Complete engine line,and all component manufacturers as in Drivelines or whatever the case might be.I will have to check with the parts guys at work on the catalog.I am sure it exists and can be acessed online also.I will see if I can possibly help out with this temp conn on Monday and cross it over on a VT-365
I suggest you source out International for one.At work we have a whole cabinet of pigtails for everything.IPR,ICP,Basically every sensor plug is available.There are many that are the same on the VT-365 as the DT-466 and T-444E's yet.So I would check it out.I know they are available.
06-18-03 tsb turbo cleaning
Scott B replied to frd senior master tech's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
It does last longer than I thought it would.We had tks come in with Turbo issues that we cleaned them up.About a month later it blew the STC out.International wanted it done again with the Uptime package.And I forget the milage it had in between this.But When I opened it up naturally it carboned color but there was still evidence of The compund on the Ring and cartridge face.And I know this tk gets the Hell pounded out of it daily.So I think it hangs on for a decent amount of time.