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Scott B

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Everything posted by Scott B

  1. It does last longer than I thought it would.We had tks come in with Turbo issues that we cleaned them up.About a month later it blew the STC out.International wanted it done again with the Uptime package.And I forget the milage it had in between this.But When I opened it up it was naturally carboned color but there was still evidence of The compund on the Ring and cartridge face.And I know this tk gets the Hell pounded out it daily.So I think it hangs on for a decent amound of time.
  2. Take it down a little more with the coarse disc and work it up to fine.I have had some Nasty ones that I have cleaned up.At The VERY worst the Unison ring could chatter from doing this. But I have not run into that yet. I have sanded the Shit out of many Scabby ones.I mean if it has Moon craters I will junk it,Other than that Sand Her up LOL!
  3. Thats a first for me.I have seen the blocks slammed against it but Never a cracked cover(Yet).Those friggen things aint light either.I have heaved many off while underneath Internationals.The C-15 CAT rear cover is actually lighter than these are.Its Aluminum but its also twice the size.Dont forget to stick a hacksaw blade up in and cut the sealant at the Bedplate ends before you pull it all the way off.We had one guy that forgot and actually ripped out 3 inches of the Bedplate gasket on one side LOL.... He saw no Humor in it.
  4. Not to be smart.But We just had a Class at work that Peterbilt set up for us.It was hosted by Pen-ray they are One of the top manufacturers of Diesel coolant additives and are OEM consultants to class 8 engine manufacturers coolant system needs.As far as True ELC coolant it is RED and RED only.There are alot of conventional coolants that are Blue,Purple,yellow,orange,Red and a Few other colors.The only positive way to truely tell if it is indeed The RED elc and Not a RED conventional coolant with a SCA additive package is to use a Test strip On it.You will Not be able to get any Nitrate readings off of it period because it uses a Organic Acid compound in it.The spokesman for the class told us really there is No way to test ELC coolant for Nitrates because of its composition They are Not used in it.It has a Organic acid in it and doesnt contain Nitrates like the SCA additives you would add to conventional coolants to be able to use them in a Diesel.Never put any additives in the RED elc.It will deplete Its additive package and you will not have any Cavitation protection,Only the ELC extender is acceptable and that is Not necessary for 5yrs 300,000 miles.The chemicals in the SCA additives will work against the Organic Acid in the ELC and Trash it.Hopefully I did not make this too confusing,It took ahwhile to even comprehend alot of this in the class because you could very easily think you have The RED elc just by looking at it.This is Definately NOT the case. Basically If it is true RED elc The only way you will be able to tell is with the test strip.It will Not register any Nitrate level on that portion of the strip.If you do get a Nitrate level reading it is NOT elc.It is a Conventional coolant that has a SCA nitrate additive package in it.
  5. I just posted about it yesterday it Must have gotten wiped out when Keith changed the Boards LOL!! I dont see it now.I saw it on International NETS on Friday while programming another tk It was just released by International on Thur the 19th.What it adresses: Hard cold start/Rough running/Missfires,White smoke.What it does:Now after any Key-off engine shutdown it will cycle the Injector spool Valves for thirty seconds to drain the Oil out.They refer to this as"Cleaning them"... .They also state about us telling the customer about its charecteristics so they dont freak out.Meaning when you are outside of the tk walking away from it and Hear the spool valves Buzzing under the Hood Not to be alarmed because this is what is happening.I would imagine Ford will be releaseing there Version soon.Any VT-365 or VT-275 built before 10-19-06 is eligible for this.
  6. Yeah I agree somebody may have had the Intake off and they were blasting it to death with WD-40 or something trying to get it to fire.Who knows they could have dumped a Cup of Fuel right into the Housing.I would think If it was coolant/oil mix it would be greyish/ black mush.and the Intake from the breather on in would be plasterd with it.?
  7. As far as Temps go we are only talking freezing 32 degree's.So really not that cold.It has started up at near 0 outside without the block heater with just a little normal smoke normal souding combustion.It is the sound of it now that is wierding me out and how it acts in this short time,I gaurantee you would absolutely think it has Pilot Inj.The EGR was just replaced this summer Its only flash was done in 0ct 05 # 4U7A-124650 BFG on the Re-cal Tag.I have always run the rotella 5-40 syn with NO issues.I am almost thinking it could be a ICP issue with the way the tone changes.I know timing would also make it do that.I cannot use The International software on it at work so I may take it to Ford.The thing is it isnt a actual problem and I dont want to crack open a Hornets nest over it,Or waste another Techs time.Maybe its this winter Fuel, I believe it is out around here Now.Also I think that the ULSD is at the pumps Nationwide now, or the Deadline is sometime this month that every refinery must be in complience.
  8. Well Keith They are Job security for sure LOL.I was more referring to the Tk chassis and the configuration itself and Not necessarily the Powerplant.I own one myself and have seen the issues long before I traded a perfectly good 7.3 .These medium duty tks are worked a good bit harder than most pick-ups are and The VT-365 seems to show its weak points when it is loaded to the max and worked hard day in day out.Mainly this High pressure Oil feed set-up.If you haul heavy loads and Work it hard constantly Odds are You are going to have a issue with the Fitting or the Branch tube sooner or later.
  9. I have seen them,But all the ones I have done have been 04-05's.I mainly work on CAT.But They have been tossing the Nasty International jobs my way a good bit the last few months.Nobody "Wants" to work on them.I told them tonight.If you throw another one of these on me I'll pull the engine out to do it.This latest one was the worst so far.It took half a day to get the valvecovers Turbo,ECM,and the rest of the stuff off the Shitheap because of all the extra wiring and other crap.It is one of those mobile parking lot sweepers with the Dual steering wheels and controls.It is hard to believe what it looks like under the hood
  10. This is my own Tk it is a 4-04 build SD. and It has only had one reflash and a EGR valve so far.The temps are getting colder in my neck of the woods now, freezing is about the coldest its gotten yet.The tk is displaying some weird behavior on cold starts in the morning.It fires right up but it now has the real Loud brapp sound like the original 03's used to have when firing off.Also you would swear it had pilot Injection after starting.It is unbelieveably quiet for about 10 minutes of Idling.Then it gets considerably louder (Normal)sounding.Another thing is when it is idling quietly like this you can rap the pedal and it will act just like a engine with pilot injection it will bark and go back super quiet again.It has never done this before in cold temps or any other time for that matter.It is not causing any problems and the tk runs strong.It is just strange how now its doing this.Its never had any tuners or boxes on it.Hopefully I am not heading for a ECM failure
  11. It is alot easier to remove #6 exhaust rocker along with both of 7&8.Reason is so you get a better angle with your extension when going down though the head to get the anchor bolt for the end of the tube.As for me I will take the chance of bending the tube block back so I can get it down enough to get the bolts started into it from the fitting block.International doesnt want to pay to replace it if it isnt leaking.And I also dont want to do the job unless it is cracked and failed LOL!.As far as Early build Engines and the branch Tube design. I havent done any Newer than a 05 and It is the same design as a 03?.STC fitting failures are still happening with 07's.We had a new UPS van Towed in the other day.Only 14 miles on it STC was blown apart.This may have been a assembly problem.But anybody could connect one of these fittings together it isnt rocket science.I think there are still problems with them IMO.
  12. O4 International chassis.1st time it got towed in dead,STC was blown out.Changed fitting,put the bracket on lasted one week.Towed in second time..Branch tube cracked at fitting block.Whats weird is that when I did the fitting the first time all was well as in The branch tube wasnt heaved or bent upward.I have had them where I have had to put a open end on the block and Bend it down to even begin to come close to being able to bolt the feed fitting to it(International frowns on this)but you have no choice.None of these tks that I Did this too have ever had a issue since.Also the tk I am doing the Branch in, the tips of three of the Five rocker arms You need to take off to do this job In-chassis were shot.The valve bridges looked fine but the rocker tips were pitted to hell and had ledges in them.
  13. Thier is a Ton of stuff you can do with ET.You will like using it once you become farmiliar with it.Also the 06 version is even Better.It is faster and the Tool bar options are revamped and easier to use.CAT reflashes are also very easy to do.
  14. I hear alot of good about topside creepers for Under hood jobs.But I have never used one yet myself.It seems they would limit alot to what you can do. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  15. I have done alot of 7.3 Ford work over the years which is a cakewalk compared to this 6.0 .I bet you guys run for cover when you see a E-series 6.0 come in with problems.
  16. Well I am well seasoned on the VT-365 in International chassis.And yes they also are miserable to work on in them.Anyways I just did a Set of Injectors in a 04 Ford Pickup.This was The first 6.0 in a Ford I have worked on... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif I think what really pissed me off the most about the job.Was having to hack 2 of my 3/8 drive Torx bits to do the pass side oil manifold and 5&7 inj.Oh yeah this will be worth a Laugh to all. while I was laying across the core support and Battery while working on the pass side.I feel this burning,And I mean really burning sensation in my crotch /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif .Well this was from a Rag I left on top of the Battery soaked with carb cleaner that I was cleaning out the Injector bores with.This shit soaked through My Pants and Set my Nuts On Fire!!,Which sent me flying into the house and into the shower.My wife found this very entertaining while I was In some serious Pain.So the whole ordeal did Not go that well. LOL..I think I will stick to Internationals you guys have my sympathies
  17. This is a New one to me(The LL).I have never seen one in a blue engine or have ever seen a International Service message regarding the Installation of one.So I have always assumed they never used it.Any time I have had a T-444E with a Banging Idle knock like Alot of PSD's have its been a Bad Injector or Fuel pressure issue.Also I Never had one exhibit the Midrange pinging or rattle in the 1500-1800 RPM range that alot of Fords suffer from.I think some of the Ford Traits or problems stem from their ECM set-up and programming VS International's electronics
  18. Here is the story to that that I was told along time ago.The developement of the HEUI system was a JOINT venture Between International and CAT.Something happend along the line somewhere and CAT ended up owning the Patent rights soley.Which from what I understand that Internationational was also to share these rights to the patent and Use of the technology and somehow got stiffed.I am sure there is way more to the story but this resulted in a longtime court mess which since has just been resolved not too long ago.While only somewhat related to this Ford was also in this mix latter on when International started Using the splitshot Injector Nationwide and Not just CA. in the T-444E and PSD version in early 99.Then the Huge warranty claims From Ford on Failed Injectors all three were pointing fingers at each other on whos fault it was.I think this led to the patch job LL8 Injector developemnt. What a Joke of engineering that was.Kind of funny that International Never Installed this Injector in any of their designated T-444E'S Just Ford PSD applications.One has to think what the Real issue was.
  19. Thats just not right to have to send it out. Since I think you once mentioned you are a TEPS dealership. You are perfectly capable of fixing it.
  20. Were you also kicking them off maunally?Besides letting it run the cut-out test.Not to be smart but maybe you accidentally picked the Variable valve actuator test which is right in the same diagnostic special test group.Other than the Engine temperature having to be at least 170 on the cut-out test.I have never had it abort or not start off from anything other than that.But these have all been manual trans trucks.
  21. You bring up a good point Intercoolers filled with Oil .On most any Turbo failures The seals are leaking long before the Failure actually happens.Which means usally it has been pumping Oil into the Intercooler.Also Pieces of the Impeller blow up into it when and if it scatters.This is critical to check anytime you replace a Failed Turbo especially if you notice heavy Oil out of the Cold side discharge.Here is a Example.We had a guy do a In-frame overhaul on a C-15 CAT along time ago.Anyways the tk had a Turbo failure right before this and was Towed in then the customer decided they wanted a In frame done because of the Miles on it.Someone forgot about the Turbo blowing up first and the Intercooler was Full of oil from the Turbo failure and Nobody cleaned it out.Guy finished the overhaul ran tk in the shop all is well.Took it out onto the Highway made some boost It pushed out all the Oil right into the Intake and It ran wild and Scatterd! He never made it out of the Low side of the tranny.2150, was the Governd eng speed.The ECM recorded 3170 before it blew up.Broke the Cam gear in half,Trashed the Head and pistons.So it can and does happen.Anytime I do a Turbo thats failed if I see any signs of Oil from the Charge side or if the Impeller shatterd I dont take any chances.I pull the Intercooler steam it out good with The Hotwasher.Even small pieces of blade debris will come back to bite you If you dont get them out.When the Turbo is making boost and Forcing the Air through the Intercooler and You let off the Pedal there is a certain amount of restriction there.That Backpressure will actually force some air back through the coldside discharge.Guess where those tiny pieces of blades are going that were hiding right inside the Intercooler inlet.You guessed it right into your new turbos impeller wheel ripping the shit out of it.Sorry for the ramble I have seen it happen too many times.Better safe than sorry.
  22. As far as Turbo failures on the 365.I have yet to see a Total explosion....Yet LOL!.Some sloppy bushings causing the impeller to Buzz into the Housing slightly but No shaft breakage.I will be sure to post some Pics next good one I get off of a CAT or Cummins.Things like Holes blown through the Exhaust downpipe and The Coldside housing completely blown off the Center section.Some of the carnage is Unreal.
  23. I agree on yanking it out.But this is how our dealership wants it done.Really the others that I have done were different International chassis than the Dreaded UPS van.They were no wear near as bad acess wise.The Uptime people tell you what all they want done in addtion to the failed part when you call them.Everyone so far Including 05 engines I have done has gotten the soft gear recall,New branch tube,STC and bracket,New PS/Fuelpump, EGR cooler and valve and Turbo recon job and VGT actuator weather they need it or not.Throw in a a Re-flash too
  24. I have done a pile of them.Here is a quick way to get your wheel to size to fit between the Vane posts.Take the cookie wheel in the Kit.Chuck it up in your die grinder.Then get a rough flat file and Just hold it against it a bit then Check the diameter till you get what you need to get around the Vane posts.I have some old gasket punches that a Pre cut a Bunch of Pads down to size with so I dont have to mess around trimming them up.Helps a little anyways
  25. Yes I noticed it.The shop usually eats it on these cause they are so miserable.I have learned a Few tricks on them to lessen the aggrivation.But still cringe when I see one getting towed in.One thing nice for me is I am Not stuck on Internationals everday.It gets split up with mostly CAT and some Cummins work.
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