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Keith Browning

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About Keith Browning

  • Birthday 12/14/1967

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  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Dealership Name
    Nielsen Ford
  • Interests
    My Family, NASCAR, flying helicopters, Beer, women...

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  1. I had a similar problem with one that had a couple doubled up washers. I eventually broke them free with a long bent tip trans pick. Got them out with a 1/4" extension with some grease on the end.
  2. This was a post that was born from a public forum TDS and the poster never followed up on what the outcome eventually was. The truck is deleted, tuned and has aftermarket parts on it if that makes any difference. Here is the link ---> Intake manifold blowing up. | The Diesel Stop WWW.THEDIESELSTOP.COM Would anyone have any idea why I keep blowing a hole in my intake when towing heavy? I know my intercooler was bad and pumping...
  3. The medium duty trucks (650/750) have always been 15 qts for the 6.7L PSD and was raised to 17 qts for 2023 my. Makes you wonder why this was a 13 qt engine to begin with and why the change. I usually think it's cooling and better oil life. Good post - I remember my first 7.3 gas LOF - filled it with 7 qts. Not paying attention!
  4. I guess I never followed up - I did eventually get the parts and put it together. By that time Ford had already bought the truck back and were trying to pick it up.
  5. Does Windows 11 have the option to run programs in "compatibility mode?" Just curious.
  6. I am actually working on a 2021 F750 that is a tree service truck and like many I have had in the shop, there is sawdust plugging up the heater and evaporator cores. 2021 medium duty trucks still use the 2011-2016 style dash and therefore no pollen filter. I have run across this with landscape trucks as well. The air inlet in in the cowl just underneath the PCM. Remove the PCM and there it is. I was wondering if anyone else has tried perhaps applying a screen somehow to the inlet to catch organic crap. I'm looking for an option for these customers. Accessing and cleaning that inlet is easier and less expensive than replacing your heat exchangers every couple of years.
  7. I had one or two of these - one was a F750 that a new air filter corrected it although the one I removed was clean. Was baffled by it. Make sure the MAF sensor is clean - is there is any question use CRC MAF Sensor cleaner, clear the code and retry. And you say you performed pinpoint tests KA - be absolutely certain you tested for leaks and restrictions. In theory yes a misbehaving EGR throttle plate could do it but I would think there would be relevant codes for it.
  8. FLUKE 17B - does everything the old 88 did and can be had for well under $200 USD.
  9. I drew Friday before New Year's so I had a 3-day weekend, then a 3-day work week and then a 3-day weekend.
  10. With the holiday season in swing and Christmas and New Year's falling on the weekends - who worked and when? I get one day paid for the holiday in a non-union shop. We split the staff, some were off Friday, and the other half were off Monday. I am waiting to see if my dealer closes on the Monday of the new year or get a "floating holiday."
  11. It makes sense to move to the new filter and make it backward compatible. I am more interested in WHY the HO 6.7L NEEDS this new filter.
  12. I found this recently - it was rubbing on the spring hose clamp on the bottom hose at the secondary coolant degas reservoir. Dug right in!
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