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Keith Browning

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Everything posted by Keith Browning

  1. Cool Jay-D do you use a computer at your toolbox or close to your service bay? Actually, who does have their own computer either IN your bay or CLOSE by? It really is a major asset.
  2. Welcome to the DTS estew. I don't have a contract but I did negotiate a guaranteed income just to keep me punching in every day. I suppose I have a special relationship with my dealer, the owner and the managers. They recognize the skills and the success rate of my efforts and they keep me happy. I don't take advantage of the situation and try to continually do the best I can every day. I am not perfect. Since that initial "negotiation" they have boosted my pay significantly to ensure my happiness. Make no mistake, I am not complacent at all. Like anyone else, I always strive for more. My pay also provides an incentive to remain productive and INCREASE my paycheck and a bonus to keep my teammates productive. I do however take the lions share of the high tech and shit work. I know exactly what you mean. As long as you both deliver and respect the relationship...
  3. Larry they are kicking back anything they can and if you don't follow the procedure it is your own fault. Cant say I blame them and the parts return policy is nothing new to anyone. I return everything and let my parts department decide what to scrap or to hold. We even have a system that validates returned parts which protects the parts dept. and the technician should a part become "lost." I bring a part back to the counter, the RO# and date is written on the part/bag/box and the RO gets a "Returned" stamp which the parts counter person stamps and dates. This works well in keeping everyone on the ball so to speak. If the claim bounces because a part is not returned, the appropriate department eats it.
  4. It does in a way, mine just passed on the 14th. You are already in that holiday spirit and your birthday isn't as special feeling or exciting I imagine. My daughter's best friend (son of my best friend) was born on Christmas DAY! Happy Birthday to us my fellow Sagittarian! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cheers.gif
  5. The quick answer is yes. The warranty and policy manual is actually pretty clear as to what is claimable, it is up to those applying the policies to ACTUALLY READ them and follow proper procedures. Starting with brake pulsation, this is warrantied throughout the 3/36 period but it MUST be written up for brake vibration AND we are required to record the brake rotor thickness before and after machining especially if the rotors require replacing. This also holds true if the rotors are corroded and pitted beyond machinable limits. You wouldn't believe the condition of some rotors; severe and deep pits and ridges wit more than 7mm of lining thickness... but according to the policy, "surface rust" is not covered. Brake squeal has largely been dealt with, and appropriately so, by the manufacturer. Ford has finally come up with lining "recipes" that reduced brake squealing while still meeting all of the other braking requirements. When I took the classroom brake course the instructor said that ford had 50-odd recipes for lining materials which tells me that there is a lot more to them than than most people give thought to. I am sure that there has been service messages stating the some brake squeal is considered "characteristic" and should be considered normal. As for other noises, squeaks and rattles and so-forth, coverage is applicable and determined by the root cause of the noise and the coverage of that part, assembly or system and conditions causing the failure/noise. Japanese manufacturers Different thinking and different customers. My wife was the warranty administrator for the Nissan franchise my company used to have. As Bruce mentioned, servicing seems to be more accepted and taken seriously by owners of "foreign vehicles" - I have noticed this to also be true with European vehicles.
  6. He hasn't done any training. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif I don't think you can do much damage, you still need a password to access STARS. Makes me wonder if this guy is some kind of an instructor. The username and password he posted was for the customer access site that dealers can allow people to use. But it requires some kind of code to set up. Still, I don't think it is intended for public posting in that manner. Anyone know more about it? http://www.fordtechservice.com Quote: New User:Welcome! To gain access to Ford Technical Information, You first must obtain an authorization code from your dealership or sponsor. As a new user, press Set Up New Account and you will be prompted for your Authorization Code and information to set up a new Account.
  7. I had one run in with EGT1-3. It was tight coming out and I fortunately was smart enough to stop forcing the issue and chancing damage to the DPF case. I grabbed the torch and heated the mounting boss nice and red and it came out easily, nice and clean.
  8. I have to agree with Bruce because what he stated is absolutely true. At the moment we are watching Toyota rise to occasion with huge chunks of the market in many segments. There have been times when many manufacturers have had their day in the spot light and had great success. Ford had their day in the 1990's with the F-Series, Taurus and Explorer. Toyota is doing the same thing and they are looking to break into the truck market. It is no illusion that this is a fiercely contested market segment with the full sized trucks including diesel engine options. Personally, I think Toyota could do it but I don't think they will dominate. There is a LOT of brand loyalty but make no mistake, the Toyota brand name will attract customers. Personally, I have always viewed most of the Japanese vehicle lines as a little chintzy and not as rugged as the American makes but that is not always true and I am willing to admit that. When it comes to the full sized light truck market however, I feel that as of right now, nobody makes a better truck than Ford. The monkey wrench in the gears? Yep, the six-point-O. If the (rumored) new Ford designed and built diesel engine is nothing less than an awesome powerplant then Ford will remain King. As of right now, things are heating up! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/flamethrower.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/ford.gif Just my /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/2cents.gif
  9. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/notworthy.gif
  10. That is different. What bothers me more now is the use of plastic coolant hoses. Anyone that has worked on the new engines knows that it's not just that one on top, there is one coming off the front cover toward the degas bottle. I cringe working near them.
  11. What, before it clogs or the Hot-Rodder cuts it off?
  12. This is a great post because it shows us that the PCED pinpoint tests can be convoluted. Sometimes we need to think outside of the box as Jim likes to advise us to do. It also shows that the Gents at the HotLine are also stuck with the same learning curve as we are. Recall my post on the HPFP and the processor... I diagnose electrical problems by looking at the schematic to see everything that is related to the system/circuit/component. Why shouldn't we do the same with driveability? Nice job! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbup.gif
  13. I also find that those codes set in many stalling situations and low RPM driveability concerns caused buy injector misses, low fuel pressure and falling ICP. That is why the PCED tells us to ignore those codes if set together and address all other DTC's and symptoms first. Personally Dave, I would be making some data recordings and looking them over.
  14. Thats cool! I have heard rumors about something like this being developed... this must one of them.
  15. Larry? Helloooooooo! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/boink3.gif You DO know what these forums are about and who they are for right? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif We keep those people out for a reason. They can follow thedieselstop.com where its going or join one of the other fifteen or so diesel truck forums out there. Slide your mouse cursor over the banner on the top of the screen and read our MISSION STATEMENT that will amazingly appear before your very eyes.
  16. The picture of the assembly halved really shows the transition from sooty to clean very well!
  17. I read in thier forums that thedieselstop.com forums has been sold to AutoForums.com, an automotive forum network web site. This is confirmed by a post made by Jason Lester stating that he will soon post details. With all of the many diesel truck web sites around now I still consider thedieselstop.com the best and one with charactar. It was the first of its kind leaving honerable mention to fordtruckfanatics.com for being the most complete and largest ford truck web site. There are rumers of major changes like changing it to vbulletin forums to match all of the other forums listed...
  18. Dave I have also noticed that turbo flutter increases during regen. It doesn't take much either. I noticed it backing a truck out of the shop to let it continue with regen so that I could finish my diag. Kinda annoying when a truck decides it's time while you are running tests and making recordings. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  19. Welcome to the DTS Dave! Your observations are spot on. What amazes me is that these simple lessons learned by some of us with experience and success in repairing oil leaks on these aging engines like the 7.3L and the 6.0L continue to go ignored by others. All you can do is continue to offer your advice but some guys HAVE to learn the hard way. I will continue to promote the use of tracer dye and effective techniques for using it.
  20. It will be interesting to see how everything rolls out and changes. Since International already makes medium duty truck you might wonder why they would want to build trucks that are in competition with their own products at that level, and with ownership? This is weird. But imagine the look on the faces of Ford truck defectors that bought Chevy's when they see a Power Stroke under the hood. I know, probably will never happen but it would be funny.
  21. I am taking one of my four weeks paid vacation! I too am off until after the new year so I will have plenty of time to play with the kids and screw up the site!
  22. I know the board that the poster is promoting. and it wasent the DTS but we were mentioned.
  23. Just so you know... posting ANY link on the FMC Dealer message boards is against the board rules and will be removed by their Webmaster. Abusers can lose their access to fmcdealer.com and will need to have their dealer principal contact Ford to restore their access privileges. While we do need to attract new members (and it's kinda cool in a rebellious way that someone is trying to help us do that) there is possibly a better way. Since I don't know who it posting the link, now for a second time, I recommend posting a message stating something like "Anyone interested in a diesel tech web site please email me at myemail.myisp.com" for example. That might be within the boundaries of the rules... For the record... I do not condone posting a link to the DTS web site on the FMC Dealer message boards because: Doing so is against their rules I don't want THEM pissed at ME I would feel responsible if one of you lost access to FMC Dealer for doing so
  24. First, welcome to the DTS! It is nice to see some new members and new posters!!! Ford offers two diesel warranty plans, both 7-year/200,000 miles (321868.8 km) but the coverage is different. Instead of me typing in all the details, please visit the web site: dieselwarranty.com
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