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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. For some reason, looking up doesn't appear to be a big priority in most peoples lves... Even "professional" truck drivers disregard the signs that proclaim "Clearance 3.0 M" (not quite 10 feet) - usually at a time when traffic flow is at it's peak.... The first question is always "Are you OK?".. and I always pray that the answer will be "Yes..."... Because then I can ask "WTF were you thinking of you stupid bastard?". The people of the town that this occured in should be thankful.... if a cheezy holiday trailer can bring down a structure like that, I wouldn't want to stand under it to get out of some bad weather.... And we follow that up with was this thing a code violation looking for something to squash? Os is every building in this town a question mark? So... we have two important things we learned today... common sense isn't - and tomorrow, I go to Edmonton and do my best to make a dentist a very rich man.... But Saturday..... Somehow I got stuck working Saturday.... But Saturday night... I think Dwayne and I should work hard at hangover construction.... Using Kenny's credit card /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  2. Ok... on the older ones, we have been known to do the occasional "full meal deal" based on some rudimentary diagnosis and some assumptions... I can't stress enough that we check the service history on the vehicle... We had one come in today where it was "recommended" to the tech that he replace the headgaskets too without adhering strictly to the spirit of the TSB... Head gaskets and no coolers were replaced about 40,000 kms ago... Oil cooler flow appears good using the "old" method. This one gets the TSB done the way it reads.... A truck with first gen head gaskets is probably going to get second gen head gaskets.... Ford pretty much tells us that it is our job to keep these people buying Fords.... And we are going to have a hard time doing that without addressing some of the issues that got built into the truck... Doing it Fords way could have us with over 3 days booked against the truck (and God knows how much actual time the truck will have been in the shop - logistics and such could have the truck in a bay for a week). Deciding which way a repair is going to get handled requires some careful consideration... and we need to realize that we wear a cap with two beaks on it.... There are those times when we act as agents for an automobile manufacturer and there are those times we need to act as agents for an automobile PURCHASER... We are served up a moral dilemma... a sad conumdrum.... We can be reasonably sure early head gaskets are going to fail... If the truck can make it off warranty with no coolant loss issues - great... If it can't, I don't want somebody pointing a finger at me after warranty expires saying I didn't do a good job. And we are left to make decisions we shouldn't have to make...
  3. Aaron, that is where we have seen a very odd few break... usually, the screws break off.. At least you get connectors for a noid light out of the deal...
  4. The ICP can't build any higher than the system is going to command... I really can't see the high pressure oil system as a cause for the concern.... Base fuel pressure, OTOH.... I'd be checking base fuel pressure at each cylinder head... Low base fuel pressure will allow these injectors to hammer themselves to pieces... With four injectors with broken tops, it is possible that some coils were shorted and this may have given the appearance that the FICM was faulty... after the injectors have been replaced, I'd try with the old FICM again, just to be sure To find our more about the FICM, go to Power Stroke Central and, on the left side, click "Diesel Repair Aids" - In the 6.0 list, you see the 6.0 FICM Guide... I highly recommend reading this publication.
  5. In all honesty ( and quite sadly, I might add ), I can't see deleting the DPF causing any engine damage.... However, the issue with a DPF is the air we breathe.... In the "war on pollution". I can't say who is right and I can't say who is wrong ( the conspiracy folks put up a strong argument).... But, when push comes to shove, I think we are further ahead to spend money we didn't need to spend rather than wake up one morning asking "OK, WTF do we breathe now?". FWIW, Alberta has yet to adopt "anti-tampering laws" - Lord knows I have been actively urging it.... And here is where some may have more affect than others... If your state/province/region has such laws... what can I say???? Wake up folks...a toy is a toy.... knock yourself out... our toys are getting less than 20 hours a year.... A daily driver... that's a whole 'nother deal.... Now... if the 6.4 turned into a grenade as soon as the DPF were removed...... we might be on to something.
  6. I was gong to post this the other night as a reply to the "Broadcast message..." thread. But this would just hi-jack it... In the same vein as simply replacing an IPR with a holed screen, I want to add the subject of head gaskets.... While we have some pretty detailed and succinct TSBs to cover our actions - what in Gods name do we do when faced with a truck that is nearing the end of it's warranty life (let's pick on early builds since some of these are about to pass the 5 year mark)... The concern is white smoke and coolant loss... The thing smokes at idle and the degas bottle cap looks like it is growing a cauliflower... Do you spend a week taking this thing apart and putting it back together - knowing you are going to wind up doing head gaskets anyway? Or do you just cut to the chase and give it the "full meal deal" of head gaskets and both coolers. We are having discussions about this (along with the ridiculous turn around times the TSB method gives) and I'd like to know how other shops are dealing with this...
  7. Yep - bounced again... No - customers can't get into "InFord".. The wiener I call "Ralph" is a tech that should know better than to pretend that he has seen nearly everything there is to be seen... Apparently, I have given him his 15 minutes of "fame". FWIW, I am constantly warning folks that I am an asshole... and I refuse to change...
  8. Aaron.. as shop foreman and having the dubious honour of possessing a "full plaque"... I am the "guy".... I try to make them take messages and I'll get back to those that I need to get back to.... some sooner than others, if ya know what I mean.... That system works well for about a half day at a time.... The other (and to a degree) more insidious problem is "walk ins"... And this would make a whole new thread...
  9. Hmmmm, maybe Ralph is cooling his jets too.. I get the feeling that Ford just doesn't know how to take me... they want to hear me say what I have to say without having to hear it the way I say it... One of our best assets is to retain the identity of being a customer.... Everything we do - everything we don't do - we should do it as if we were the customer.... Would I want <that> done to me? As far as trades are concerned, ours involves much more trust than others... A plumber can point to an obviously new pipe or valve..... An electrician to a new switch or fixture (or to the fact that what didn't work now does).... We, as techs, can change stuff that can't be seen.... We can fix "something" that "stole" the owners focus (this is the insidious part) and without the old problem as a focal point, we can now see this "new" concern.... And that means we didn't do anything. How did I arrive at this idea? How many times have you done NVH only to find that it is up to you to decide which one of the 47 concerns you have experienced is the customer truly having a problem with....
  10. Jeff, we are still waging that civil war but the Anglophones are losing.... Thankfully, our civil war is, currently, bloodless... However, if we step back in time and check out the Battle of the Plains of Abraham - we find that the French were thoroughly trounced... (Something I have trouble consolidating within myself, however, is that the Church of England didn't have much to do with the aboriginals.... while the Catholic Church and it's French speaking practitioners did... and has been accused of some atrocious allegations). Fast forward to the 1960s.... and the Front de Liberation du Quebec (and for Gods sake, remember to pronounce it Kebec lest "they" hunt you down like an "infidel dog") - a fargin' home grown terrorist group... blowing stuff up and kidnapping and killing people.... Osama would have been proud.... And the Canadian government - the same Canadian government that brought this freaking cocktail napkin bowed to these terrorists instead of hunting them down like the killers they were... Perhaps I shouldn't talk politics any more.... some of this idiocy just gets my juices flowing...
  11. Well come on boys.... let the old guy know what he's saying.... Just remember.... if a tree fall in the forest and there's nobody there to hear - is Ralph still a wiener? One day, he will run into a mysterious E-box or similar... and when pressed for the "cure", he might snap "it's fixed - now fuck off"... Pattern failures always lull us into a sense of complacency... I'm going to add a reply to another thread later that will expand and expound on this a wee bit.... (the latest TSB thread...).... and ol' Ralphee-boy sounds a wee bit complacent... Back when I was 16.... back then, I knew everything there was to know.... Now? I'm not so sure....
  12. Message board will miss you.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crybaby2.gif
  13. I do recall something about damaged IPR screens and replacing HPOPs... but the sad part is that broadcast messages fade into history pretty quick (well, up until Kieth started archiving them), never toi be seen again... SSMs - unless you know the number of the SSM you are looking for, they are virtually unsearchable and it is easy for them to get "miscoded" on OASIS (Once again, Kieth to the rescue... Go to the archive and search a keyword)... TSBs can be the real bone of contention - They are being superceded with alarming regularity and the older versions simply vanish off the face of the earth.... never to be seen again. (oh, there are some places where a cryptic description of a TSBs content may be archived, but there is too much chance that the salient points will be left out). As it stands, the only safe thing is to print off an OASIS report on each and every RO.... choose your symnptom codes carefully and wisely... and never turn your back towards anyone that administers warranty....
  14. Call him a wiener and see what happens.... or maybe don't..... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  15. I can't say, Aaron.... it appears that someone took exception to my comment(s).
  16. Ammonia tank? Or just easier access to the flux capacitor? Or a red herring?
  17. Ammonia tank? Or just easier access to the flux capacitor?
  18. The missing name would have likely been Andy... Last Thursday was his last day... "We dun los'anuthah chillun tuh the oil patch". I've seen guys find pinion depth in unspeakable ways even though we have the freakin' tools... I don't spare any effort when I remind them about who wont get paid if they turn up noisey...
  19. Jeez.... I really shouldn't do this..... Sometime back in the 60s... the trucks are the N series.... Here is some more info about the trucks....
  20. Aaron, when I read " I have been in this trade for twenty some years, and probably run into every situation out there.", something just snapped... It would be 40 years ago that I enterred this trade... And I would never be so bold as to intimate that I haver probably seen everything there is to see...
  21. Well, I think he is.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  22. that I will once again become personna non grata on the Canajun message board... If you guys can keep me "up to speed", I would be appreciative... On edit... On occasion, I get "creative" with some of my posts... You Yanks just don't know what you're missin'.
  23. In all honesty, I don't think we'll see an EGR valve....
  24. Give me a few minutes.... I can do that.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  25. I can't really see a recall since there doesn't appear to be any mention of running problems... However - some guys over at the monkeyhouse have talked about funky stuff with the new sensor.
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