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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. I live on top of the "stuff".... most of my customers make a living dragging it out of the ground.... Currently $4.35ish CAD per US gallon for gasoline.... I have become jaded to pump island events... I am no longer surprise by what I see.... The price of gold is high, diamonds are spendy.... neither will heat my home or send my truck down the road....
  2. I'm not sorry... I spoke from my heart.... I wont pretend to be diplomatic... I wont pretend to be politically correct... I'm blunt, abrupt, candid, brutally honest and I tend to get in your face. I mean no ill will... I will, however, force-feed anyone the opportunity to be the best tech that they can ever hope to be... and reap the rewards. There are times that I try to "soften the blow", lap them up.... Unfortunately, reality has a way of being "unpleasant" more times than we would like.... Learning to deal with reality without driving ourselves over some "edge" can be as much a talent a fixing todays trucks... and it is something we all desparately need to do. All I wish is that I knew what I know now 30 years ago....
  3. Can't say I've had the pleasure.... yet.... But I can't help wonder about doing a R&R on the high pressure pump without removing the turbos.... Everything I have seen so far has the turbos come off....
  4. There is never a bad time to use the air lift.... But... if we have had "good heat" followed by "no heat", we are not airlocked. A heater core can appear to have good flow when we hook it to a garden hose.... But water main pressure is going to be 50+ PSI. That kind of pressure drop is going to make almost any heater core look good. The engine water pump can't even hope to make that kind of pressure drop. Check the temp of the inlet hose and the outlet hose.... A restricted core is going to have a significant difference
  5. You can be a dork when you want.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif The very last thing my schedule needed was something like this.... The SAs asked me what kind of time we would need based on my initial assessment.... I figured a day for diag... a three day space for parts and a day and a half for the repair.... What I got was "Chuck you, Farley...". Life is good Life is grand Life is a lot Like having sex with your hand
  6. I signed up with iATN... must be sometime in the earlyish 90s... Started out with a good bunch of guys (for the most part)... Since then, tech mail has become populated by those looking for an easy way out... It's been a long, long time since I visited their forums... but those were becoming the victim of others more intent on patting themselves on the back... What leaves a bad taste in my mouth is the number of "techs" that will try to fix something without learning how it works, first. Early in my career, I worked in a European car shop for a short, balding Spanish guy... He'd worked for Rolls Royce and other high end manufacturers in the past... He once told me that "you can't fix something if you don't know how it is supposed to work"... And there is no greater truth than that in this trade... We must seek out that knowledge that we need... and one fabulous source is the "Description and Operation" section of the WSM....
  7. Well, there was the time, in my little corner of hell, to take a look at one I moved in to the shop at end of day Tuesday... It fit 07-08-09 pretty good.... and so I changed the oil, per the TSB and set about pulling the valve covers... with DTCs for both sides, I decided to tackle the left valve cover first.... (never had the pleasure yet). Everything looked normal... Then I pulled off the right side cover and /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif .... The cross head is missing off the #1 exhaust valves... at least we know where most of the fuel in the oil came from.... A I'm fishing the crosshead out with a magnet... I spot the intake rocker arm sitting at an odd angle.... and the intake crosshead is off of one valve - exposing a badly pummelled tip.... Early to tell... but I think I smell a motor coming my way....
  8. My last RO of the day.... I rolled one of these into the shop..... oil level is about ten or so inches high.... Degas bottle is empty but, looking at the bottom corner of the rad, this is a Job 1 truck and this means just one more line on the RO.... We shall see what tomorrow reveals...
  9. BLUE..... AND RED???? Isn't that kind of scrotum coloured? Once more, for the listening pleasure of newer viewers Yukon Big Yap
  10. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/rockon.gif
  11. Larry.... it's Motorcraft Electrical Grease II, XG-15-A. This stuff is about $80 per tube here in the great white north and we can't recover the cost of this from Ford (which, I think, is the reason I "can't" get it).
  12. Just between you me and the gate post.... What is everyone using for 05S28? I've asked for the recommended grease many times and we are still using "brake grease"....
  13. After a "refreshing" trip to Edmonton /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif and paying a dental surgeon a C-note for absolutely nothing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shrug.gif, I'll weigh back in on this sublect... Where big trucks are going 110 MPH, I don't know... but the term "professional truckdriver" is an oxymoron, anyway. "Wahll, Ah bin drivin' thet fast alla time any I ain't never wrecked...." - but they always miss the "YET".... Just because we CAN do something doesn't necessarily mean we "SHOULD" do it.... and it certainly doesn't mean that it is "WISE" to do... I'm an older guy.... I spent many years as a rescue tech with our local volunteer fire department... and there is nothing so sad as scraping people up off the pavement. None of these people (innocents and causes alike) ever set out on that day with the idea that something was going to go terribly wrong... Bad enough we exceed the limits of the road and the conditions.... exceed our own limits... but when we also exceed the reliable limits of our machinery - the deck is definitely stacked against us. If a guy really, really needs to show us how big his "penis" is, the race track is a real good place.... Imagine, if you can, losing someone near and dear to the actions of someone else doing something wrong... Maybe some of these things might appear a bit Draconian... but something needs to be done to reduce the carnage on our highways and byways.... Sorry to hijack the thread... but it would be nice if common sense was a bit more common....
  14. This is where it get's confusing for us Canucks, Greg.... The CAD is tronger than it's been in many, many years.... but we aren't seeing parity with US prices. A diesel SooperDoodie can sticker out at over 75G CAD... while 'muricans are buying the same truck for 20G less.... For us, the trucks still cost too much... but now the parts prices are coming down... and now we are facing having to repair stuff that we previoulsy replaced....
  15. Bruce has CRS... Bruce has CRS... Welcome to the club!!!! It's all downhill from here.....
  16. FWIW, the reflash process itself (from the time you press the tick mark until it announces "done") is about a blink of the eye... a lot damned quicker than a FICM reflash...
  17. Larry... this is a possibility, though it seems to be working opposite to the few that I have gotten... On mine, the synchros pretty much "fell apart". This allowed the gearmotor to show that the T-case had engaged 4X4... With this indication, the module sends the signal to the PVH solenoid... since the front driveline isn't up to speed, one can imagine the noise when the hubs try to engage.... For dc's case, it sounds like the synchro wouldn't let the gearmotor engage uinless conditions were just right... (FWIW, the module will only attempt to shift the transfer case about 5 times....It tries to make the shift and, if it doesn't see the plate PIDs change, it will pause for a few seconds and then try again). After five attempts, it gives up and sets a code. If we later try to select 4WD again, the same chain of events will occur... Now... the oversight.... if there is a 4 wheel drive concern, the very first thing to do is to check that both hubs engage when commanded and that (whether the 4X4 light is on or not) physically test the front driveshaft to see if the transfer case has made the transistion into the selected mode.... Rule of thumb but NOT cast in stone... If the indicator light comes on, it is "usually" a vacuum concern.... if the light doesn't, it is transfer case or gearmotor related.
  18. Mike.. check your freeze frame data. When it is cold, we are seeing P0470s set at first key on (RPM = 0, EOT = cold, runtime = 0... that sort of stuff). Moisture collects in the sensor and then freezes. Since water expands when it freezes, this can apply pressure on the EBP and the PCM sees a rationality problem... Not documented, but the current PCM reflashes keep the PCM from looking at EBP for a set amount of time when the engine is cold. I <think> it assumes KOEO EBP based on MAP and/or BARO... For the need to quote a TSB to get paid for a reflash, we note on the RO that the choice to reflash is from "hotline instructions on previous similar repairs...".
  19. And finally, one more twist of fate.... I'm reasonably sure that you will find that any new vehicle sold in North America will have a speed limiter... and this will be set in accordance with the speed rating of the tires that the manufacturer installs on the vehicle at the factory... Why would we need to bypass or change the speed limiter? Aren't enough people dying on our roads as it is?
  20. Sorry, my oversight.... Truck number two had CEL on... P0470 (freeze frame shows it's a cold start, cold weather key on code - this is addressed in a reprogram).
  21. Two trucks in a row.... these codes (along with others) in memory. No ODDTCs... Clear codes and run KOER... nothing. Take it for a drive.... U0101 (lost comm with TCM) returns. One truck has running concerns (almost like a bad plug wire???) , the other none. PC/ED is pretty plain about this code (U0101)... replace PCM. Not being fond of replacing modules, can anyone think of an explanation either I or the PC/ED is missing? I could explain it away with NVH causing vibrations that affect the PCM internally.... bbbbuuuuttttttt???
  22. Likewise... I would think that to make the measurements "measurable", they had to apply some finite, expected limits to rpm varation. I think the message is simply urging us to ensure our correct test conditions are met.
  23. Welcome aboard, Bruno... it took you long enough... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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