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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Well... this is the thing... You don't know what the PROBLEM is... you only know what the SYMPTOMS are. There's a big difference there..... one that needs to be realized. Not one shop is going to charge you to tell you your EATC display isn't displaying.... they are going to charge you to tell you WHY it isn't displaying.... and that, sir, is something you really don't know at this point, either. I would have thought, since you are involved in a side market to the automotive industry, that this difference would have been apparent to you. Backing up one little step... you have just told us that we expect to be paid for stating the obvious.... Sir... it angers me that you hold the people that populate this group in such low esteem....
  2. Mr. Zitnik... if you came to work at a Ford store, you would have unlimited access to all the service publications.... Unfortunately, you would also find that you have to deal with all manner of aftemarket pieces that take a "standard" job and add special considerations... special considerations that make the job harder to diagnose and more time consuming to repair... But wait... there's more.... You'd also find that Ford has structured labour times... these labour times are pared to the bone - offering the tech no extra time to deal with trucks that are no longer standardized. And it get's even better... in exchange for access to these service publications, you promise not to share them with the public. But the best part about being a flat rate tech in a Ford store???? Everyone with a Ford expects free shit... because we make too much money... even if we are standing around with no work.... but that gives us even more time to give away everything we have learned the hard way....
  3. I thought the Super Duty already represented so many that are "challenged" in the "package" department... I mean.... doesn't TDS stand for Tiny Dick Syndrome????
  4. A C-note just to check it out? Yep , screw that....Friggin' stealerships, anyway...
  5. What I've come across, so many times and with so many different systems, that there is a need to repeat our testing in "real world" situations.... Unfortunately, this has often had me working outside in -30 weather more times that I care to think about... Not to hijack the thread... The most memorable one was a 6.0 Excursion with an improperly wired PATS bypass for the remote start.... Left in the cold, it would somehow turn on the generator field circuit (about 4 or 5 amps) unbtil the regulator warmed up , and then shut down..... only to repeat once the regulator cooled down. Takes about 4 days to drain the batteries.... and it would never happen in the warmth of the shop.
  6. Same experience here, James.... When I get that, I simply go outside for a smoke.. when I get back, it firs right up.
  7. From Motorcraft it's the same stuff...
  8. Larry... in my figuring, I took off $35/hour for bennies... something we don't see a lot of in the trenches in Canada... leaving these guys at $30 hour before taxes... Considering that most US techs I see are making ~ $20/hour... meaning some dumb-ass in a manufacturing job get's paid more than someone that has to think and apply reason and logic.
  9. Putting a little perspective.... $65 an hour? To, basically, put tab A in slot B? If we knock off the employee contribution to pension and medical, that still has to be over $30/hour for a repetitive task, no brain job.... I think there are some good techs out there that deserve all of that and more... and they aren't what we could call affluent. In a small shop, a tech will need to know diagnosis..... diesel, gas, automatics, electronics... REAL skills that require REAL talents. I think it is a travesty that "human robots" get paid more than talented people simply because they are onionized. Dear Ann Landers.... sign me "Miffed"....
  10. Probably a REALLY good thing I'm not allowed /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif What, in Gods name, do these wieners think they'll gain doing that? Besides more "re-engineered" SLTs?
  11. Jared... I don't mean this in a bad way so just take this as it comes.... I have found that when things are getting this frustrating, it can usually be traced to overlooking something basic... I am guilty of it to this day.... even after all these years of kicking myself in the @ss. What would I do? I'd start with the performance diag sheet from the PC/ED... this time, don't assume anything (none of us tick off some of those boxes without actually doing them, right?). If that doesn't do it, make a couple of recordings on your IDS and post them here... If you need help with that, just ask and we can deliver.... You could probably just start with the default datalogger PID selection and we can fine tune that as we go. This ain't InFord and it ain't FMC dealer.... This much better...
  12. Man.... I get a boner when you talk sexy.... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sick.gif
  13. Larry's description of my member is quite accurate (lengthy)... but I don't recall showing it to him....
  14. NASCAR is indeed from the south... and is born of the moonshiners of yesteryear... my loving bride and I have been Winston/Nextel/Sprint cup fans since long before Bill became "million dollar Bill". In the 50s, HotRod magazine was in digest format (I can see the young'uns wondering WTF?). There was a department (IIRC) "Roundy round corner" was he title.... and I'd marvel at the exploits of Marv Panch, Banjo Matthews, Junior Johnson, Marty Robbins (now there's someone recognizable), Lee Petty (hmmm), Glenn Roberts.... I was hooked as a child.... I would be remiss to neglect the greatest mind I have had the pleasure of "meeting" through his many writings. Smokey Yunick.... Not becuae he knew so much (which he did)... but because he left no stone unturned in his quest for "why" and "how". Anyone remember the convertible races? And, as usual, I digress.... Here in the frigid north, we have a signifciant amount of time where there isn't much you "want" to do out of doors.... That leaves us with two possibilities.... that boil down to one truth.... We spend a good portion of the year drinking... and, while we are doing this, we are wondering why our wives can have a headache that lasts three or more months (Larry didn't take the aspirin advice) without visiting the doctor. BUT... when it comes to THINGS THAT MATTER... Canada has given birth to the Robertson screw, the space shuttle arm, and real beer. And you guys keep helping me hijack these threads.....
  15. I can see where Larry is coming from.... If you look someone in the eye and ask "what are you - some kind of rocket scientist?", they likely wont take it well.... If a computer program calls you a rocket scientist... what can I say? Larry is lucky... he has a designation.... I am "extreme"... I don't want to be extreme.... Sometimes I act like a "rocket scientist"... most times I try to act like a Directly Involved Compository of Knowledge (DICK)... and often fail at that (or succeed, as the case may be).
  16. What Larry said... I use the silicon brake caliper slider grease.
  17. The driveway in front of the home I take my pants off in /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif This is the car that was an "impulse buy".... Took it home and told my loving bride that if she smoked in it, I'd have to buy it.... and she promptly (well, nearly promptly) lit a cigarette.... With the top down, there are times when it is almost as much fun as the scooter....
  18. What David said.... There was a broadcast message on Monday about it and we were scheduled to deliver an 08 that AM... Downloaded the file from the interent and POOF!, it was over almost before it started... FWIW, I have one sitting in my driveway - no letter from Ford yet...
  19. Moisture and/or green death in the trailer plug (the plug also separates from the harness via a connector at the plug) can trigger TBC fault messages. The auxillary brake module (trailer brake controller) can also store DTCs.
  20. Larry... I got to thinking.... "oldest or least used tool...."... and then I realized I'm getting real close to the dark side of 60.....
  21. Didn't know whether to post this here or in upgrades.... Over in the "monkeyhouse", there is a thread indicating that Ford is going to start supplying head studs rather than bolts.... Of course there is the "I know a guy that knows a guy" crew.... I can envision a switch to studs as OE supply opening a pandoras box... everyone and his dog will suddenly have coolant loss hoping to cash in on a "performance enhancement" for free. Anbody hear anything?
  22. Whatever you do, do NOT go with any !@#!?$!-boy cloned stuff.... Gotta be the real meal deal.... 100% Canajun wobbly pop or nothin'.
  23. Larry, mine just turned 20... The only time I see him is when something is broken. An only child - he is spoiled rotten.... In his defence... he has a job on an oilfield service rig... working 12 hour days in Alberta winters.... outside. Pays his own mortgage. Makes all the times he told me he hates my guts worth it....
  24. I doubt you'll see him in Vancouver... but you can always ask Darryl about him....
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