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Everything posted by Jim Warman
Since they dearly want to sell their particular, they aren't about to publish anything that makes them look bad.... In all honesty, I don't know what benefit these guys think they are getting by using a filter that flows more when the stock filter flows more than enough....
I've about given up on any news media..... at this point in time we will publish/air only those articles that will increase our market share. On one usenet group I seem to frequent, a thread was started on a magazine article regarding intake manifold selection for hi-po gas applications. The poster basically asked if this was a fair test.... I repled that it wasn;t.. the article wasn't written to be informative, it was written to sell magazines... While the 6.0 hasn't been a shining star in Fords crown, I feel that it's biggest enemy has been (and still is) owners that have never had a truck before, owners that have never had a diesel before and owners listening to the wrong advice.
Oh no you haven't.... the guys on DTS tell me that biodiesel is good stuff. It must be Fords problem cause it sure can't come from my K&N filter, my stacked chips and my abortive attempt at the "10K mod" they do on the 7.3... Oh, yeah... Blackstone says my oil is still good even after 100,000 miles.
It is rare for the AIH to turn on.... the conditions must be right (as in very cold) and it isn't used in starting strategy. While swapping parts in some instances may reduce diagnostic time, once we get into stuff like the HPOP we run the risk of transferring contaminants from one engine to the next. Back to your HPOP... these can be checked in place much easier than trying a different one. At the very least, you need a capable scan tool and some good documentation. FWIW, if they wont buy you a manual, purchase a DVD on E-bay and then tell your CO that this mans army has resorted to pirated manuals.... 90% of the concerns on the 7.3 can be easily diagnosed with a good scan tool, a gauge bar, a manual and a reasonable understanding of how the system works. I firmly believe that each and every military vehicle has the potential of being a life safety device at any given moment.... those yahoos up the food chain need to realize that you guys need appropriate training and adequate tools so you may do your job with pride and the knowledge you efforts are well spent.... Though I may be a Canadian, I wish you and all your brothers in arms the best holiday possible and a safe and speedy return home.
I'll give that a try at the next opportunity and let you know how it goes. I'm getting too old for this computer crap..... It's almost enough to turn me Amish....
Better lare than never..
Jim Warman replied to Jim Warman's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
This one went retail .... SM and DP sat down with customer and told him that Ford can't cover stupid. I haven't seen the truck for a couple or three months now.... this repair was done pretty close to last winter, IIRC. For my own parts, I'm surprised that this truck lasted long enough to get back to Red Earth Creek, let alone have it still running. It's a long ago memory for this old dog, now, but I recall it all started with the EGR cooler (which did get claimed under warranty to help ease the customers pain). When I first got the unit into the shop, I started pouring water into the cooling system. At 20 some odd litres (a litre is a little over a quart, for the metrically challenged) with no sign of coolant in the degas bottle and no water on the floor, I decided to bump the starter over. It came up solid real quick but I didn't bend any rods near`as I can tell. If I come across another one of these, I'm phoning in sick.... FWIW... somehow, I managed to fill the turbine side of the turbo.... when I finished the repair and started the truck..... let's just say the tech in the next bay was happy I had an exhaust hose on it.... -
We have been told that our provinve doesn't require them any more. We were ou of them at the time but have since restocked... Personally, this is the kind of info I would prefer to see in print on someones letterhead. I never look for or at these tags, anyway. The WDS or PDS can tell me quite quickly if a newer calibration is available... OASIS tells me if a campaign is open... I also think that testing stations are going to be a thing of the past. No codes and no P1000 will equal a pass.
A long time ago, I'd mentioned that I had a 6.0 in that had an EGR cooler leak and had been grossly overheated... Here are two pics that (while they started out way too dark) I managed to coax into visibilty. The motor had gotten so hot that the missing part of the oil filter stem had become fluid enough to vanish into the oil cooler http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mechanic/mechanic/100_0236.jpg http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mechanic/mechanic/100_0239.jpg The square portion in the second pic is exactly how the filter element came out of the housing.
The Latest Technology
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
Considering that injection pressures are skyrocketing (anyone take the time to figure out what 2200 bar means to us?). I can only imagine what a pump capable of producing these pressures is going to cost... What will it take to keep 36000+ PSI where it is supposed to be? Elmer Fudd said it best... "Be afwaid,,, be vewy, vewy afwaid...". Getting back to "I've had it...".... remember the days when having a dwell guage and a timing light made you "state of the art"? -
6.0 oil pan removal on F-series?
Jim Warman replied to FordFanaticTony's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
I've had a couple or three off - looking for missing injector parts. All I've done is unbolt the mounts and undo the cooler line bracket on the right side. The pan drops far enough to easily remove the pick up. When reisntalling the pick up, it can cock in the hole and feel tight when it isn't. -
I saw the same post you did... no chance to research it at all, as yet. Could be an interesting development.
Had a Windstar some time ago with PS noise. There was a TSB pointing to a new pressure hose with a mufler in it (a muffler? in a PS hose?)... rriiiggghhhtt... The hose didn't fix squat but it was spendy and time consuming to do. To try and avoid having egg on our collective face, I grasped at a straw,,, flushed the system and installed synthetic ATF along with the vacuum bleed.... Net result... one happy customer and one happy SM... (depending on the day, that could be Service Manager or sado-masochist...).
Those trims look pretty close to what I had with the plugged cat... the affected cat was almost cold to the touch. Other than that, Eds cam timing issue has merit (but I can't remember which side the CMP is on, for some reason). Now that he mentions it, I did have a failed VCT actuator on a 5.4 some time ago... I had codes to work with so I didn't go beyond that but it did run like it had about 4 bad cylinders. Interestingly, the same truck had a bad upstream O2 heater on the same bank.
Engine runs: ICP Disconnected!
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
I can recall sometime in early 03... we were chasing a problem I can't even remember... hotline had me unplug the VGT and the ICP and go for a road test... The truck did start but fell flat on it's face when you tried to drive it... -
We're back to oil coolers again... I haven't been blessed with one for quite some time but we've seen about four go throiugh the hsop in the past month and two sitting in the back lot. Our current favourite for cleaning the cooling system is Simple Green cleaner. This seems to emulsify the oil much more readily than anything else we've tried. The last cooler replacement only took three of four flushes and came very clean.
No, nothing relating, at least. Just a horrible end to a horrible week. You know the kind.... It starts with service writers trying to please too many people and wind up not booking enough time for each job. Naturally, a record number of jobs take that inevitable leap sideways... The shop foreman... when him an his cup of coffee aren't hiding, is busy doing driveway misdiagnostics - including erasing any codes... it'd be nice if he could at least write them down. At any given time, we can have as many as 30 white SuperDuties out back... through the marvels of miscommunication and misdirection, we can spend an hour trying to recreate a customer concern - only to find out "someone" got their trucks mixed up... Stir in the required number of customers that want "A" fixed when you know it is "B" that is pooched... Just longing for the good old days... before we had these magical machines we can plug in under the dash and tell the truck to heal itself... back when something that was broken stayed broken so we could find it... before my barber became a hair technician with an over priced car and an over-inflated ego to go along with it.... And how was everyone elses week?
I voted for 1... now whether this was the popular vote or not, I can't tell... but I thought it was better than the other choice /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Do your fuel trims give any hints? Had a 3V 5.4 with a plugged cat.... caused by a hole with a broken valve spring... No misfire codes.
Ten below??? In January we hope it gets that warm!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
From this day forward, please refer to me as a mechanic rather than a tech.... I've had my fill with lube techs, tire techs, nail care techs - ad infinitum. Calling me a mechanic.... or even a (EEWWWWW) "grease monkey" would be much better than equating me with these sorts of under-achievers...... The title "mechanic" is one that I can wear with pride....
OASIS is down right now (at least the SSM look-up)... I certainly can't see my area doing without a fuel heater....
Ed... we see few with fitting failures... most of the ones we see show the IPR screen damage... Did quite a few oil coolers last winter and then nothing... they seem to be coming back again, too. One thing about pattern failures... at least you have the chance to improve your times...
Overtorquing can cause the boots to split... not trying to be inciteful, impacts are great for taking stuff apart..... if we're putting stuff together, we need to be real careful...
Modification funnies...
Jim Warman replied to Jim Warman's topic in Upgrade and Aftermarket Equipment
Keith.... looking at the "quality" of the question, is there any .... ummm, question? It doesn't matter that the doesn't fit/perform like the ads and the glossy pics on the pretty box indicate - after all, it's that crappy truck that doesn't fit the shiney new parts. -
Well.... we're seeing HPOP failures... winter is coming and I have to wonder about oil coolers.... Seems they can't change just one thing... when they "fix" one concern, the feel the need to introduce two to take it's place. We had a bunch of Focus exhausts that "froze off" in cold weather.... Apparently, no lessons were learned from the Escort/LN7/EXP concerns from the early 80s..... I can't remember where I heard it.... if we don't learn from our history, we are doomed to repeat it... Young puppies, as a rule, call us old dogs many names and disregard our advice as the "ramblings of an old man".... I can remember that time in my life where I "knew everything there was to know...". I see the cycle repeating...
Missing WDS Functions???
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
I recall using both these features on 7.3s in the past.... But - I'm reminded of the old story - "My wife closes her eyes when we have sex because she hates to see me have fun". Like the woman in that story, the WDS seems to decide on a whim to avoid performing any particular task we ask. Occasionally, it may "close it's eyes" and allow us to have our way. While I like the concept of the tool, the hardware is outdated and the software is overtaxing it.... Side note - just got back from 38SO8 (advanced brakes).... During the course, a balky WDS was lifted from the docking station (the undock icon never even got pressed) and some un-named person scored two points with the help of a nearby trash can - that was a sight to behold.... FWIW... this bubble gives me Master status... less than three years from beginning.