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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. For oil filters... can anyone remember the old CFL-1 days? From a distance the CFL-1 and the FL1-A were very similar... but they were worlds apart, quality-wise. The FL1-A was (still is) a high quality filter. The CFL-1 was a consumer version built to compete with "department store" filters. In todays profit driven society, I can't comment too much for the different brands offering filters that look identical for different prices.... but I really wonder how big business can look us in the eye and tell us they have our best interests at heart.... I'm pretty sure I was born 100 years too late...
  2. They look like an icescraper for a windshield to me... I think ours even has a picture of a snowflake on it...
  3. "Accidentally" break or damage something... DPs have a way of responding to the need to spend money without some tangible return...
  4. We use the PVT and the WDS for fuel pressure testing.... verify the accuracy of your set up first. Ours reads about 7 pounds lower than a decent mechanical gauge,
  5. I might be missing something but all our new 6.0 injectors come with the copper washer installed...
  6. A lot of the oil "leaks" that I think we are reading about some kind of knee-jerk reaction (for want of using a better term). Some anal type sees a bit of dust clinging to a surface and now we have a major leak.... Vehicle costs are skyrocketting... consumers equate this with "better quality" rather than it being a fact of life...
  7. Sometimes, I have lot's of those, Lance... Like Keith says... excape from the problem for a while - come back with a clear head... One old guy I worked with many years ago would always offer this "cheery" advice.... "Cheer up, Jimmy.... things are never so bad that they can't get worse....". The 6.0 (or any truck part, for that matter) is simply "scrap iron on the hoof".... it can frustrate us, but it can't beat us if we don't let it. FWIW, I can no longer say I have dodged the head gasket bullet. After three trucks where I couldn't find the injector spool valve nut, they handed me the frosting for my cake. We are going into day seven of having this half century plus old back hunkered over the side of a SD... Word of advice for you guys - buy shares in Robaxacet - I'm about to send their profits skyrocketting.
  8. Don't have the 2005 version yet but I do have he first two versions.... Even got a chance to see the "missing" pages from the second version. Your parts department or service manager should be able to order in the hard copies of all of these manuals for you....
  9. Got a PM on "another" board.... "i got an 05 f350. Wanted to buy exhaust intake and edge so i took the man's advice and got them installed. Know i picked the truck up and by the way got the exhaust with no kitty put back on (his advice). The problem i have know is that my check engine light is on and reads code p0402 which is egr flow excessive. Can i do anything to get rid of the light. The guy from the place where i bought and got the product's installed tell's me to call edgr, or the afe intake company. He is not helping me, maybe you can. " It was everything I could do to NOT tell him to take it to his dealer.... come to think, that might have been best...
  10. A word to the wise.... before you set out to change the world, you need to re-educate the customer..... I've had my fill of people that spent their retirement fund at Cambodian.... oops, Canadian Tire and now it's up to me to undo that shit and fix it right.... for a buck eightyfive or some such ignorant figure. For many years, I tried to "move the world". All I ever did was buy a job and after all was said and done.... been there, done that, could no longer afford the hat... At least once a year, I ask "what's this trade going to be like 20 years from now?". The changes I have seen from my early roots have been astounding. 20 years from now, we'll still be "meat-things".... but I'm sure we'll have cleaner hands...
  11. I'm sorry that I seem to have struck you the wrong way, John.... I have this terrible habit of saying what I feel rather than what folks want to hear. Your ad reads no different than hundreds of others. Where you managed to pull the income figures, one can only wonder... unless you're looking for hacks that care about hours more than customers. It is rare for my cheque to be even close to the biggest in our shop.... but it's rare for a week to go by where I don't save somebodys bacon big time. What value can we place on a high customer satisfaction profile? Too many dealerships believe that they will have a customer for the next 3/36 without ever paying attention to the very lucrative retail market. My ideas are probably too old fashioned for todays management model... but I have an extremely loyal retail customer following. I ain't rich, but I ain't stupid, either...
  12. Unplug the ICP and see if there is oil inside the sleeve over the wiring harness.
  13. Sorry, John.... I just can't see me taking a cut in pay. If you want good people that will take good care of your customers, I think you'll need to abandon flat rape pay. Give the man (or lady) more money per pay period than some of the hacks and prostitutes we see in this trade. Treat him/her like a human being and realize the contribution they make to the dealership team. On the shop floor, we see the charlatans every day. They make more money than the good guys.... there's a reason for that. Do you realize how many times we see the same old ad trotted out by umpteen dozen different shops? All of them promise a rewarding future and being treated as valuable members of a team rather than "meat-things" with tools.... few, if any, actually deliver. FWIW, even though I am truly an asshole in real life, I have had "one of those days".... several hours looking for the nut off a 6.0 injector spool valve screw..... I couldn't find the nut but I am confident it is not inside the engine. I'm pretty sure that I know exactly how much I will get paid for that little corner of my life....
  14. I have several old "tappet" wrenchs.... back in the good old days, flat head motors would have adjustable cam followers that required very thin wrenchs.... I guard these with my life and the get resurrected with regularity. Still got some old 19/32 and 21/32 sockets around too. Then there's the tool for adjusting dwell on the GM distributor, A VV carb tool set and some old, old specialty tools for the old Honda S600 sports car. I rarely throw anything away... a fact that my loving bride brings up often...
  15. Jason... I remember a TSB telling us to change the pigtail if the ICP is leaking.... pigtail is available separately or can be "stolen" from the ICP/EBP recall kit... FWIW... I go from the bottom.... seems a little easier on this old guy - I don't bend in as many places as I used too...
  16. My last one was an Econoline... no tape to be collected there. 05E15 and 05S34 ojn a bus are no fun for an old guy. I just don't bend in them places any more.
  17. I know how you feel.... I expected my 02 to get involved in the cruise switch deal.... I certainly didn't expect the 94 I got for my kid to wind up in there at the same time.
  18. Oooooo, this bolt can be a booger... Hopefully, you haven't rounded the corners. I use the best socket in my box (I've learned to keep one or two "fresh" 10mms on hand) and make sure I have a good grip on the bolt. I've had pretty good luck with my butterfly wrench but you need to try that before the corners are damaged. Worse case scenario has us split the turbo... after you get the front half out, the back half will wiggle out along with the pedestal.
  19. Seems to me there's a message about "verify warranty" on OASIS. I'm sure that it is flagged good and hard when the RO is generated. Of course we are familiar with our locals but I don't recall seeing any out-of-towners...
  20. In Alberta, we have some dealer selling SOME performance mods. Our store will do big exhausts but not much more.... though we do have a couple of customers who's VINs have been flagged... on these, the sky is the limit (you play - you pay). We don't do air filters becuase of our dust and we don't do chips. There are other dealers that will do the whole nine yards AND do warranty.... If the warranty Nazis ever find out, how do you recover your integrity? I do work on chipped trucks.... I will not do warranty work on the engine/trans if the chip is present. I punch (and insist on getting paid) for extra time caused by big exhausts. It's a cloudy area and each case seems to need it's own treatment.
  21. Seen a few early build ICPs leaking real good... nothing on the late builds as yet... You don't have a DIYer on your hands???
  22. Ooooh... now I'm gettin' a boner.... My latest Toshiba laptop was pretty much skookum last year when I bought it. Hopefully I'll be ready when the boss says he wont buy a VCM for me...
  23. Today I've got a good one. Replacing the entire rear diff in this 350 CC 4X4.... Banks Six Gun, 4" pipes, no cat, lifted, big intercooler, big CAC tubes.... you name it. Gawd knows how much money this boy has in go fast goodies and I have to find out why it has trouble getting 25 pounds of boost.
  24. I came to that realization a long time ago.... I drove one truck that damn near pealed the skin off my face.... Our shop did his trans once and then he bought some super-wowee trans that puked real quick.. They fixed that and then we did head gaskets (the first ones in our shop). He picked his truck up after the heads were done and never made it home before he killed the rear diff. I love my job...
  25. drford... I'll trade you three EGR coolers for an oil cooler....
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