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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Kyle... check the forums on FRT and see what the GM, Dodge and import guys have for suggestions. You always know that Gene and the rest of us are good for Ford stuff. Might not be as good as having the manuals at hand but the price is right. I've heard too many complaints about SomeData and MitchellDemands Money on iATN.
  2. What amazes me is that those guys think these codes mean anything in the real world. and they think they are engine related..... I'm still too active over there for my own good.... maybe I'll get lucky and they'll punt me...
  3. Well.... I'm just finishing up my vacation... "vacation" means taking off the mechanic hat and putting on the carpenter hat. Do I ache??? Hell, I hurt in places I didn't even know I had.... Monday, they will expect me to be bright eyed and bushy tailed... in reality, I will be bushy eyed and bright tailed. What can I expect? I am to friggin scared to phone in and find out....
  4. We had a 6.0 with no base oil pressure - used the borscope through the drain plug hole to see what we could of the pick-up tube... wasn't great but it did help.
  5. I've done about 8 EGR coolers.... most were the early round ones so I was quite surprised to see my first square cooler failure. None of these units exhibited any indication of head gasket failure and are showing no further indications of coolant loss. Even now that I'm getting to be an old hand at coolers, I still can't even get close to the SLT.
  6. What Ed said.... It's a PITA and usually only happens when you don't have the time for it to happen...
  7. We get two hous for a web based course or FMT.. Gaining specialties is a bonus.... 50 cent raise per specialty and if the boss had his way, everyone in the shop would be a Master. Oue shop is small and he has found if he has only one highly trained person in the hsop, the tail tries to wag the dog, if you get my meaning.
  8. I'll agree, Mike.... I used them a couple of times on problematic usints but all they did was make the problem "muddier".
  9. I remember the FIRST factory training Ford offered us. I was at a L/M dealership and we were still selling Mercury pickup trucks. TSBs would come once a month in a booklet (blue paper, as I recall) and on the back of each booklet, was a multiple guess test. We were prohibited from filling out our own tests and the job fell to the tower operator. If it was your turn to fail, it was your turn to fail and there's nothing you could do about it. If you had a troublesome concern (and with that forest of vacuum hoses, when didn't you?) and couldn't remember seeing a TSB, there was no computer and no symptom codes.... Anybody remember back when a tune up involved feeler blades and a dwell gauge? Suddenly, I feel.... so.... old....
  10. I do know that the feed tubes were redesigned for 05. I have heard of a couple with cracking from vibration and *think* there was mention of updated tubes.... Sorry I can't be more help.
  11. I had one that the owner drove until the cooling system was near bone dry... melted the guts out of the oil filter (gotta remember to post pics one of these days)... Both oil and cooling systems had that horrid "death smell". When I got everything back together.... I've rarely seen a 6.0 run this smooth and this quiet.
  12. I feel for ya.... I did SSM 18700 on an ambulance today. Had to do it outside in full sun since I can't open both doors all the way on my hoist. No injectors yet but I'm sure my turn is coming... can't forget that winter looks like oil cooler season for me, anyway.
  13. We're doing the wait thing.... even though I've had FICM harnesses almost out doing other work. The chance to bang an extra few points onto a warranty RO would be nice...
  14. We're doing the wait thing.... even though I've had FICM harnesses almost out doing other work. The chance to bang an extra few points onto a warranty RO would be nice...
  15. Fairlane is where Henry Srs "house" was/is.... next you'll be telling me you never heard of the Falcon (or the old story about getting a douche for the Falcon you got last year ). Currently in my office is the re-assembly of stupid customer tricks - parte deux.... Decided to pull the oil filter base off for some reason..... found a big chunk of oil filter stem had turned soft enough to weave it way well down into the oil cooler housing - anti-drainback valve melted for shit and a couple of other unidentifiable plastic pieces. I wish I could figure out managements take on this unit. We aren't the selling dealer - the customer has, time and again proven that he is too stupid to be allowed to procreate - management is trying to get him warranty for the EGR cooler but avoid giving him a motor - and I think that a CC pressure test will make this thing look like a steam locomotive....
  16. Oddball service tip... I used one of the jacking beams on my 4 poster to lift the exhaust downpipe out of the way. You would not believe the amount of room this opens up for intake installation and EGR cooler hook-up.
  17. The degas bottle can be a PITA to get clean, I usually replace that. There's a TSB that says that flushing it twice will do the trick... I'd like some of what they're smoking.
  18. 04 F350, losing coolant. Degas bottle is empty. Add one gallon... still empty - 6 more gallons and we are showing in the bottle. Rad pressure tester is applied and the pressure drops as quick as the level in the degas. I had already checked the EGR valve and it was sooty... not as bad as some, but dirty, none-the-less. No leaks seen, pull the EGR again and you could hear the gurgling. Went after the EGR cooler and (I'll try to remember to take the camera tomorrow) found the oil filter outlet tube in advanced stages of meltdown. I have go ahead on the EGR cooler and we'll see how it runs after that. Customer states temp guage "acted funny" but he never thought much about it.... I wonder how hw finally noticed that it was losing coolant.
  19. Thanks, Rich... my laptop is a 2.something gig Toshiba with all the goodies I need. Handling the command entries should be no problem since help roadtesting is part of our shop foreskins (oops, foreman) job. I feel that WDSs problems are simply that the hardware can't handle the software and I don't see why they don't just upgrade. The wireless aspect of IDS sounds good in theory, but I can just see what will happen if someone assigns an IP address wrong.
  20. Not trying to hijack the thread but having a warranty admin (even an ex-warranty admin) this close to being in-house..... EBP sensor on 03/04 pays .2 - EBP sensor on 05 pays .2 ...... Another one of those "apples and oranges things".
  21. I would think that the magnacharger filter, the 4" exhaust and the guages might be a clue that all is not well. Add the P1000 and we can be sure that someone is doing something. I wouldn't be surprised about what info might be stored in a PCM.... http://www.vetronix.com/diagnostics/cdr/index.html shows that the RCM is a lot smarter than some think.
  22. I'd be happy to get one of those apart without breaking a lock tang off the plastic connection. There is a CCV tube repair kit available for both early and late builds... O-ring is included as well as keystone clamp.
  23. I'd be happy to get one of those apart without breaking a lock tang off the plastic connection. There is a CCV tube repair kit available for both early and late builds... O-ring is included as well as keystone clamp.
  24. Student guide for the course is FCS-14322-REF. See if you can get one... some good stuff in there.
  25. Great... all that's missing is the spray and the 250# blond in the tanktop and short-shorts....
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