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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. "Rather than eliminate nitrogen oxide via a bulky chemical treatment system that even the EPA questioned initially, EGR would make the motor do all the work by piping exhaust gas back into the cylinders and burning it again—a cleaner, cheaper, lower-maintenance solution, which would set Navistar ahead of the pack." ....... I think Joann Muller needs to do a little better research. From what I've seen of the EGR systems as offered by Ford and by ITEC, I might suggest they try piping EGR flow from AFTER the DPF.
  2. There are two PIDs for brake over accelerator. The first one is a count of drive cycles where a brake over accelerator event is possible. The second is a count of the number of drive cycles where at least one brake over accelerator event has occurred - read carefully - this last PID counts only the first event and not any subsequent events in that one drive cycle. I have one customer that is a two hoof driver and he has just this very problem and over 25% of his drive cycles have had brake over accelerator events. I'm going go get my laptop from work later and I'll try to remember to post a pic.
  3. I was going to say that diesel in the oil is caused by starting the engine
  4. Is this a tip in type stumble that vanishes of you go to WOT? If so, suspect an EGR system concern. While these had an EVRV solenoid that was duty cycled, the EGR valves were positive backpressure feedback type valves. There is an orofice in the valve that can plug off causing the EGR valve to "hit too hard" in light throttle (i.e. high manifold vacuum) conditions. If you have a graphing multimeter or a lab scope, you can sweep the TPS looking for any dropouts. HTH
  5. If I had known grandchildren were this much fun.... I woulda had him first...
  6. I like onions (small 'o' onions) and I've been known to tie one to my belt, which was the style at the time. OTOH, Onions (with a big 'O', and they are like Ogres) have become the scourge of the modern world... I'll stop here beause we are better off if I don't get started... I haven't found much time for forums since my wife hasn't been doing all that well for a while... she's had Crohns Disease for over 40 years.... She's been using a cane (and sometimes a walker) to get around so I've been doing a fair bit of the housework. I'm on vacation right now and, since we aren't really going anywhere, I have a little time to burn. and for some strange reason, I have taken an inordinate interest in particle physics and quantum mechanics and have been reading and watching about everything I can find... (did you know a neutron is made up of two down quarks and one up quark? and no, I do not understand the "math" but I do love to read about the theory.) Dave, better than affording the chips and other add-ons - why is it when the truck is negatively affected by the add-on, it is the truck that is a POS and not the accessory?
  7. Leon... be careful of the renovation trap. I built a 700 square foot addition to our home and I'm completely redoing the interior. My loving bride has been living in a construction zone for far too many years.
  8. In late model F150, we have done a lot of clutch replacements. How to pretreat the clutches was in a real state of flux for a while - at one point, they asked us to soak the frictions in skunk oil for (caution - memory thing) 24 hours... if I am wrong, the time span was still more than the time available in a day..... We sell a lot of trucks with ELDs (electronic locking differentials) making skunk oil a thing of the past.
  9. Ummmmmmm, no I'ver tried my hand at several things... flogged Wynns snake oil product, owned a truck, ran a bulk fuel distributorship, sold parts... There are two reasons (well, three if you need to play the health card) to take a sideways career step. More money, of course, would be most anyones first guess - or what you are changing to will be something you really want to do. If you can manage both of these results at the same time, well, it don't get much better. My wifes cousin was a heavy duty mechanic/millwright. He got married, moved to the states and became a nurse. 20 years later, he is back to millwright. If you pick what it is you want to do, go do it. Happiness is rarely a result of a hefty pay cheque (though it can be argued that money problems can cause grief, too). No matter what I set my hand to, I always came back... because I like to fix things - I like to keep my hands and mind busy with "puzzles"..... My position can be stressful, frustrating and even maddening. But there is an old Scottish saying "What doesn't kill me can only make me stronger". I am currently on holidays - day 4, already. And I miss the excitement and challenges of my workday. But, I suppose, being from Yorkshire, I may be a wee bit touched.
  10. Is the tailpipe loaded with oil? Is the truck using an inordinate amount of oil? If it ain't broke, why fix it?
  11. In all reality, Keith, it has nothing to do with when a claim might be submitted, whether it was submitted at all or even if the RO was never paid (by anyone). You do the job and you get paid - with the sole caveat being that if you are overpaid for anything and they later find their mistake, then that was, obviously, never the techs money to begin with. (there's the story about the guy who looked in his pay packet and found he was overpaid by $300. A week later, he looked in his pay packet to see he was $300 short. He complained and was told "You didn't complain last week when we gave you too much". He replied, "One mistake I can take - but two in a row?"). In Alberta, this kind of stuff is covered by the Alberta Employment Standards Branch. This web page echoes what Alex stated exactly.
  12. I dunno about that new music stuff (I keep telling them youngsters at work that, while I might not know music, I do know SHIT when I hear it) I'm used to people telling me "it's like I'm hanging out with my Dad..." when I pick the tunes. Rather than let my road music set my mood, I allow my mood to set my road music - right from Mr. Melancholy to watch the fuck out... In the FWIW department... the Mayans had it right. With the death of Dick Clark earlier this year, we can no longer have New Years... 2012 is indeed the end of times.
  13. I'm not sure that "imaginary" was a good word to use to describe impedance. It conjures up a mental image of "magic" (pun intended)... which it most certainly isn't. mechanic@agt.net should get a copy to me, if you please. Thanx.
  14. Does anyone remember this zoodad mod gone bad? It is no secret that most civilians can't figure out the simplest of concepts when it comes to things mechanical. How many techs look at the forest of unfused connections wandering away from the B+ terminal and never mention it to anyone? (FWIW, I document every instance I see on the RO to avoid anyone saying "after y'all wurkd on mah truk, it done burnded up".
  15. Ask me my address... I dare you. I know how to get to my house... why would I need to know the address?
  16. Some of the replies in the video include Yugoslavia and Utopia... United States of America was one that seemed to stump nearly everyone - probably for the same reason few people can remember their home phone number or best friends address. Uzbekistan would be a tough one.
  17. I don't recall seeing you in a YouTube video trying desperately to recall the name of a country that starts with "U".... However, I still wonder why Ford decided that you guys should have a double superlative while us Canucks (the redheaded stepchildren) get only a half serving.
  18. Hey... I resemble that remark, Dwayne. Keith, in Canada we don't have "Senior Master" - only "Senior" and after that "Master". We leave it to our southern friends to be repetitiously redundant - or is that redundantly repetitious? Welcome to the club, Leon. Sadly the lustre starts to tarnish all too soon.
  19. If it has MSOF 4WD, the t-case can be placed in neutral and the oil pump inside will lube the t-case (the trans itself should remain in park - and the tow operator needs to remember that the t-case is in neutral BEFORE he finds himself chasing the truck down a hill). For anything else....
  20. If you have little girly-boy hands, you can ?easily? reach the stuff at the back of the cooler (the fuel line bracket and wiring supports). However, if you have manly meathooks (resembling, after a fashion, a smallish ham), you will be happy you removed the intake. Also, not removing the intake can make it easier to snap the return off a fuel injector... not to mention, when some rocket scientist posts that on message board, all of you (I'm not flat rate) will reap the rewards of reduced labour times as well as an increased possibility of broken injectors due to scrambling to make time... Ah... the injector - yes, our store - no, not me - IIRC #4
  21. Take a look at the back end of the PCM and see if it is chipped.... Oil in ICP wiring can do some funky stuff. Check to make sure the nut on the IPR is in place and snug. Assuming that there are no codes and the buzz test sounds good?
  22. Used to be that sometransmissions had a rear pump driven by the output shaft of the trans. This pump would be enough to charge the lube circuits in the trans even to the point that a car equipped with one of these could be push started. Flat towing is rarely recommended with modern transmissions (FWIW, the Explorer? is no longer accredited for flat towing with the use of the new trans/all wheel drive system). Flat towing a 5R110 and allowing the output ahaft to rotate is going to be a recipe for disaster - no oil flow for lube or heat dissipation is going to make short work of a lot of parts.
  23. Way back when our store branched into holiday trailers, I didn't think it was too big of a deal. We sell trucks, what could be more natural than selling something for the truck to pull? A TOY for the truck to pull. And then we started selling boats... we're not a boat dealer but if the powers that be snag a good deal on a decent used boat. Either one of these can be a supreme pain in the ass if repairs or service are needed. Winterizing a boat, for example... I've never owned a boat with any kind of a motor, but it always seems to land in my lap if we need to overwinter one. More, I suppose, because I'm anal about getting stuff done as right as I can than for any vast amount of knowledge. We've even taken bikes in trade - of course they always seem to ask me if I want first choice... last one was a Harley Rocker C and here I am torn between a cruiser and a bagger. RVs, trailers, boats... the store can't make a profit on repairs if you are paying auto tech wages - at least not in Canada (or more precisely, Alberta). Between 20 and 30 bucks an hour is going to be the limit for this kind of labour... but I'm digressing. Enter the ATV (not forgetting the crotch rocket wannabe MadAss 125) and it becomes obvious that we are forgetting about what it is we do... what it is that made us what we are. A dealer.... any auto dealer, is geared to working on corporate products that have not been modified and are less than ten years old. Our tools, our manuals, our schools - they are all designed around a specific niche. And if we stay in that zone, life will be as good as it can be. As you can see around your store, it is when we start to leave that zone of comfort without proper preparation.... does the term "clusterfuck" remind you of anything? Chironex is a recent addition for us. I have here a 2011 Komodo sold from another dealer... between 2011 and 2013 (there is no 2012 Komodo), they gave the motor a 90 degree twist... Yay!!!
  24. As it turns out, my water leak was nothing more than a missing plug in the lower water distribution valve... but I still don't know what the damned knob is for.... I only had to stand on my head a little bit to get at it. Tuesday (Monday being a holiday here in Gods country), I still have a hot water tank in a 37 foot 5er, the landing gear on a 39 footer and a Chironex Komodo (Commode???) that overheats. This is a Chinese made ATV, BTW. Between these and diesels and whatever else happens (the service manager approaches me about 4 times a day to say "You are gonna hate me....") during the course of my day, at least it never gets boring. Thank yahweh that I'm not flat rape....
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