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crankcase press question
Jim Warman replied to batmantech's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
What I was trying to get at... let's say you replace a bunch of injectors ... maybe change a bent push tube or a broken rocker arm or similar... Bringing more cylinders "on line" is only going to increase crankcase pressure. 15 inches.... IIRC, the spec is 12 on a 6.0 with the small orofice tester? (suddenly, I have the urge to compare engines using both tools....)... 15 inches would (if I'm right) have me calling for an FQR (Ford Quality Repaint.... The Ford rebuilder in our area seems to dip these rebuilts in paint rather than spray them... -
crankcase press question
Jim Warman replied to batmantech's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Something I seem to use often yet others might never use.... A little more time consuming that a compression tester to use, it is, IMHO, more accurate and more conclusive than a some other tests. Just a side note... and just my own opinion. Non-contributing cylinders are non-contributing because there is no or low cylinder pressure. Without "squeeze" - there is no "bang"- without "bang" - there is no "blow" - and without "blow" there wont be any crankcase pressure. I've seen a lot of techs chase engine misses with marginal crankcase pressures only to find that the motor they just dumped a bunch of the customers money into is worn out once the formerly non-contributing cylinders start adding to the crankcase pressure. Since Gary's patient is at 15 (I'm assuming inches rather than PSI), it is safe to say that there is a concern with cylinder seal, anyway. -
Kieth... I hope I didn't give the impression that the ostrich approach was viable. One only has to witness one of my "you can't fucking do that to your fucking customer" tirades to see where I'm coming from. Ford, for all intents and purposes.... is, at times, a customer... Muck fe!!!! hoodathunk??? The kicker.... Let us say that I tell a lie to one person... It doesn't matter who that person is... I have told a lie... and this will prove that I am capable of lying.... Once I am shown to be capable of lying, the question now becomes "who am I lying to?" and "when am I lying?". My rose coloured glasses are firmly in place. Allowing this shit to happen is condoning it... Condoning it is no better than doing it. It becomes a moral conumdrum... Somewhere - sometime - somehow... sombody has to step up and say "this is shit and we wont put up with it"!!!! Done as individuals, this might be a little risky... Done as an ad hoc group... If there is this sort of dishonest shit going on, we desparately need to bring it to the publics attention... it isn't the desk jockeys that will get the heat... it is you and me and Alex.... and every one like us... If we allow it to happen, it will be us to blame... Wrong is wrong... and no mount of moralizing will ever change that.
Yes I have... and I live in constant, abject fear that this tool will surely contact something rotating swiftly, become a fast moving projectile and alter the profit picture of our service department for the current period. I have spent a good deal of my life overcompensating for a lack of self esteem. I'm good... I know I'm good... I just can't convince myself that I'm good. And I make enough mistakes to remind me, on a semiregular basis, that I am a mere mortal... If life was fair... I'd be rich instead of good looking.....
What is truly distressing is the idea that this conduct might be becoming "acceptable" business practice.. Our local LubeX is telling customers that their rear diff lube is a "temporary" lubricant and must be changed.... this because of the murky appearance of the fluid FROM BRAND NEW. On occasion, we "dance with the truth" to get a customer approval on a warranty claim that could go either way. I will be the first to admit that, if you do not ask a question, I will not answer it... but if you do ask it, I will answer it truthfully... There is nothing morally wrong with that precept.. it is a case of letting people take advantage of themselves. At the same time, it does bother me... Looking somebody in the face and telling a premeditated lie... something like an apprentice telling me he checked the diff level and finding the check plug full of mud... or something like telling Ford that a qualified tech performed the repair when he didn't. A long time ago, I discovered that, if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.... Alex... your warranty wench has proven her character. A distinct lack of integrity... no idea of honesty.. a willingness to break the laws of the land.... everything she has ever done is now suspect... Have a good day.
Trailer plug testers never, EVER get "lost".... Donated - yes.... given away - yes.... Forgotten - yes Lost? - NEVER. Attach the emulator to something small.... say, something like a 4x8 sheet of 1 inch MDF ... with a short piece of sturdy System 7 chain... This is the only sure way to assure that it will resume it's rightful place of residence... well... nothing is 100% shre...
The word "fraud" comes to mind... Here in the Republic of Alberta, the Labour Relations Board flat out states that your employer cannot make breaking the law a condition of employment (naturally, after you blow the whistle, things can get difficult... but then you might have some excellent grounds for a Jim Dandy law suit). You cannot be dismissed for refusing... One of the overwhelming questions is "do you want to be associated with a business that has no integrity?". Has truth and honesty become a casualty in the modern world?
Back in the '80s, one of my wifes cousins moved to Slave Lake to work as a heavy duty mechanic. He had his own hand tools in a company supplied service truck. One dark winter night, coming back from a job in Wabasca the compartment door where his tool chest was stored swung open... Not sure how long things were left bouncing in the wind... the the drawers had all vibrated open and most were very nearly empty... He was one of those "gotta be SnapOn if it wants to live in my box" guys... Like Bruce, my box score is running in the negative and if I am lucky enough to find a replacement for something I lost, I have usually traded a good one for a cheapie...
I once found a half inch drive extension stuck down a gas filler neck... That has to rate as a unique place to "drop" something... The engine valley on the V10s has always been the most likely place for my small tools to wind up.
A lot of posters over in the monkeyhouse are too busy practicing "one-upmanship" to actually do much of anything. I used to tell them "if you turn over enough rocks, you will find bugs". But, for many of them, the thrill isn't in having a diesel truck - instead, it is in being "smarter" than any tech or engineer. This yahoo is chasing something that might be more inagined than real... and to make matters even more dubious, he is using the good old "pantsometer" as much as anything else. We are used to seeing the perdels for #8 to be out of whack with the other cylinders and, unless I am sadly mistaken, isn't #3 the cylinder that gets most of the solid trash out of the airstream? You have a truck that may well have had an open weave filter for a long time affecting cylinder seal... shit under a valve... exhaust valves that are about <that far> from hanging open due to crap on the stems/guides. The guys testing has shown some differences but I don't see anything scientific or definitive. He does list oil temp with his data - but localized temps within the motor may differ from the temperature surrounding the EOT sensor. What about other engine mods? Zoodad? 10K? Chipped? Is his oil fresh? Or has Spamsoil told him the crap is good for another 30K as long as he replaces the spamsoil filter? You'll be happy to know I will have wayyyyy too much time on my hands for a few days yet....
What..... you don't enjoy a good comedy now and then?
No secret I'm a little behind on some of the back pattin'... there's broken Fords to fix and I spend my time reading "semi-secret" documents (anybody see the procedure for reprogramming a 2012 Focus BCM? Especially the parts where it says "disregard the TSB" and "disregard the key on/key off prompts"?). Or the stuff to keep in mind when replacing a MKT PCM? Been a while since I worked on simple shit like diesels.... If you're going to invite Billy-Boy on board - make sure he does a picture story on changing the HPOP oil... (I'd still like to know what a "longevity module" is - he talked about it in one of his - ermmmmmmmm- documentaries). FWIW, I thinks it's "Presidents Choice" award or something? On second thought, that sounds more like a brand of groceries...
AFAIK... no... And that statement and a buck 50 will get you a cup of coffee. I worked at a L/M dealer in the early 70s that ran an evening shift for a while. The evening shift was smaller than the day shift and even then there were scheduling difficulties as jobs ran into the next shift. It didn't take long for the evening shift to be abandoned.... The store was located in Edmonton, which has a PDC... that never did help as you couldn't put in an "extra daily" after something like 4:30local. You may get "brownie points" and it may even help you towards a Blue Oval award.... but I don't think it's worth anything the DP can fold up and stuff in his jeans "instantly".
I find the reasoning behind decisions like these a little "suspect". Since the only parts that are anywhere near available on a Sunday are likely going to carry the Motomaster logo.... and your stores parts department has turned into a large catalog office because of all the dead stock. Let's not forget that hotline is non-existant on a Sunday and OASIS is usually closed for housekeeping... Even being open on Saturdays is nothing more than a politically driven choice... You finish up from Friday and spend the rest of the day doing PDIs and LOFs. Unless a good customer shows up with a concern and then it will be more posturing than fixing... I might suggest that the people that decided being open on Sundays was a step forward will find that there is little money to be made on this day... and that employee scheduling is likely going to wind up in the toilet.
C'mon, Dwayne... tell us how you REALLY feel... So... whaddaya want me to do with the pail pump you forgot again?
More Worn Rocker Arms
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.4L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
lessee.. Grumpyjim is banned. Jim Warman is banned. The earths orbit nearly changed when they found out that kodaman was grampyjim. Last I heard, Hiram Walker was still OK... but only just... I think I might be forgetting a couple or so... Wait... are we talkin' deezulstop or inford???? Ralph is prolly still a wiener... -
More Worn Rocker Arms
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.4L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
I read on the deezulstoop that deezuls like to idle... What you talkin '? -
Have you tried the buzz test? Don't look for results... listen for them. Backing up a notch... does this "misfire" happen around 1800ish or so rpm when accelerating?
Aaron can be a "colourful" person... I nearly wept when he had to have Brutus put down... FWIW, Brutus got along famously with Koda and Bill when he stopped by here on his way back to Ontariariario. We had some left over elk steak and sliced it thin to make a nice sammich. Aarons attention was diverted for a moment and it appears that Brutus enjoyed the sammich... I think we wound up giving Aaron bologne.... It would be nice if he started posting again... Now and again he would text me... I hate texting... but it was Aaron... how do you "not text"?
At 61..... I am having the time of my life. Through my entire life I have been accused of "marching in my own parade", "walking on my own side of the street" and "having a problem with authority". Each of us has the ability to shape our future (I'm a grade 8 high school drop out - ask me). Things might happen because of our decisions... things might happen in spite of our decisions. FWIW... changing jobs has a small chance of improving your position. Increasing your knowledge... product knowledge, diagnostic abilities, reading comprehension... these (and others I've overlooked) offer large chances of improving your position. Never, ever miss the opportunity to put "U" in your "wurk". Pretend you are a musician... instead of practicing at a keyboard... you are practicing at logical thought process - you are practicing at proper volt drop testing... (give me a break... I've watched you guys putzing around with your ohmmeter). Your job is from 8 to 5. Your career lasts a bit longer...
I took a pay cut when I signed on as "working" shop foreman at my dealer. I'm earning about base journeyman rate.. I don't get performance bonuses as I am straight time (didn't expect to with the jobs I get, anyway) but I do get OT... For medical reasons, we are a single income household... not sure where you would fit in there. While our lifestyle may not be lavish, we are quite comfortable. My duties challenge my abilities.. all of them. At one moment I might be processing an electrical conumdrum in my mind and the next moment I might be saying "Put your purse down and help me over here". FWIW, I am unsure why your shop would pay so little for a shop foreman... In my defence it is my job to show apprentices how to function in the real world and to guide seasoned techs through any concerns they may have. It is the stress and the constant challenge that keeps me going. Do I wish the numbers on my "wifes paycheck" were bigger? Yes... Are they big enough as it is?.... Well... yeah, I guess so... When I meet my customers in a store, the conversation is more like a doctor/patient thing than anything else.
OK... now I'm really fucking confused. Your concern seems to be a lack of power but you are asking about misfire detection... Is the concern a misfire (the first thing to deal with) or a lack of power (something we'd view entirely different)?
He been doing that for a while.... From what I understand it is a real blast... His job is to road test these things after the conversion and fix anything he finds... Not sure how he stumbled on to this but it sure seems like a job made in heaven.
Your post is sadly lacking in a lot of pertinent details. Year? Codes? Noises (does it sound like a helicopter?)? The PIDs you refer to are (ass/u/me mode=on) likely the perdels. Bruce Amacker is our resident perdel expert and has given us much insight into using perdel readings as a diagnostic tool. Perdels only work at idle.... off idle they go to 0% (much like fuel trims on a 6.4). Closer to 0 is better but #8 will usually read a little high compared to other cylinders (even with the long lead injector). High numbers indicate a large change in rotational speed. If the miss is accompanied by the "helicopter sound" you have a bent exhaust pushtube. You can choose which valve cover to remove by removing the Y intake splitter feeding the air boxes (sorry for the Disneyland diesel reference) and feeling for the reversion pulse. Another method of determining a misfiring cylinder is to use an infrared thermometer to check the exhaust manifold ports. Or even , on an IDI, feel each injector to see if any are "hot" and any are "cold".
R134 schrader valve tool...
Jim Warman replied to lmorris's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
I'm taking one of my three weeks starting right friggin' now.... Wound up having my day go right to the wire - getting out early would have been nice. Momma wants to go camping but I think I spent enough time in the holiday trailer this year.... I had a burst of energy and have half the floor and some of the walls in the kitchen done... Will be starting on the bank where the sink and stove will be pretty quick and making changes to the plan for the island as well as modifying the pantry. I'd like to "ride the wave" while I can and get as much done as I can before I realize I'm getting too old for this shit.