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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Too often, I lose a little control and answer as if I was the guy steering the boat rather just another oarsman.... Any shop has the ability to tell an A/M warranty provider where and when the bus is going to stop. But Bruce had admonished me for suggesting that we turn away work. Back when I was the shop owner, I had instances where a warranty provider tried to manipulate my estimate to suit his profit margin. At this point I would give the customer the option of paying for the repair and collecting from his carrier or visiting a shop that might be "friendlier". Now that I am not the shop owner, I make a quote based on my knowledge and comfort level... Not a warranty concern, I recently quoted a turbo to pan engine based on overfull crankcase, interesting stuff stuck to drain plug, 212,000 kms and 8725 engine hours - I did not do a whole bunch of diag. 8725 engine hours..... If I am told that warranty wont pay for <something>, do I roll over and say "yeah, we don't need that"? If we don't need it, why did I quote for it? For the front counter guy part... I assume that they are paid a commission or bonus? I have enough "trouble" with extended warranty... let alone aftermarket wagering... whoops, I meant warranty.
  2. Amen... Adam had one where some enterprising soul carved the NAPA Gold filter out of the cap and installed a Ford filter INTO THE NAPA CAP..... These earthlings... they can be ever so funny.
  3. You mean... like, asparagus Keepthfff... isn't it funny how some of these things can take on a life of their own?
  4. And here I was.... biting my tongue.... weiner. Do you know a guy named Ralph?
  5. You'd prolly eat the can, too..... I figured out why your back hurts... It's from lifting those overweight gut bombs you so love...
  6. A fair job for a fair price... no doubts there. Enough to pay staff a good wage... enough to hedge against inflation... enough to cover the inevitable capital acquisitions (tools, manuals.. name it... enough to cover intangibles (training courses, etc)... enough to cover business costs (mortgage, insurance, employer contributions to government programs, workers compo, holiday pay - in Canada, paying a tech $30 per hour would have his "real" cost at around $50 per hour). I'm not disputing fair job = fair pay. I do not like to "lose control" of a repair process. To put my rep into someone elses hands blindly. Part of the aftermarket warranty process is for the customer to sign a "release" (in Canada, anyway). This release is a statement that the vehicle has been repaired to the customers satisfaction and absolves the warranty provider from any further "exposure". So... If I let a warranty wiener dictate what I may and may not address in my repair efforts, I am exposing myself to any possible problems in the future. The warranty provider will wave the release in my face and tell me I should do better work with better parts... I don't think that the world will look like such a pretty place if I'm lying under the bus looking out....
  7. "Low sodium?" Ewwwwww. Trying desparately to avoid references to a low sodium diet and burning ATF. On a sidenote, fire fighting has become so much more deadly as years go by because burning things (especially synthetic or man-made compounds) creates new compounds. Depending on the heat of combustion, these "new" compounds can recombine into other "new" compounds - none of which have had much in the way of study. For years and years we splashed R-12 around like it was water... and today we are still paying for that. OTOH... I was watching a commercial on TV last night. A new hand soap where you don't have to touch that nasty, germ laden pump plunger on the soap dispenser.... A battery operated, proximity activated soap dispenser. Now... if I could only figure out how to get that nasty, germ laden soap bottle off the store shelf and into my bathroom....
  8. Kinda reminds me of the incident that made bump caps "mandatory" in Alberta. Even though it is painfully obvious that a) -you can't cure stupid and - a bump cap wont quite fend off a falling Fiesta let alone a falling truck. And that brings us to a disturbing realization. Is there really a need for a security camera in a service bay like that? Is there that much mistrust or is someone that power hungry or is there someone so afraid of litigation that we need Big Brother? More disheartening is that this might have been staged (remember the snot in the pizza video?) "this customers a derp -let's have a akseedent". <shakes head and mumbles something about being born 50 years too late>
  9. Be interesting to see how that hoist might have been set...
  10. Much like putting asparagus into a can.... just because you CAN do it... it doesn't follow that you SHOULD... (on reflection.... putting asparagus INTO the can is prolly OkeeDokee - taking it OUT of the can - that's where the trouble starts).
  11. No matter what method anyone has adopted, for had simply stated their "approved" method. What matters is that, no matter what method you choose, there is now a cap on the time you will get paid.... FWIW, and this is a facetious question, those that weld the cage nuts... do you clean, prep and seal the surface from rust, etc.?
  12. What Bruce said. Even as recently as the 70s, we would add a quart of new ATF to a fuel fill in the winter (a fuel fill being 150~200 gallons). Back then, the winter fuel we would buy in northern Alberta wasn't much more than home heating oil in disguise (you could sure tell the power difference) and was, comparatively speaking "dry" when compared to summer fuel. The two stroke "Disneyland Diesel" engines were often mentioned in anecdotes regarding increased fuel pump and injector life but I don't ever recall seeing anything even approaching a scientific study.
  13. I thought canned veggies were never OUT of season? Even this close to the arctic circle, fresh veggies are there to be had...
  14. Took the words right outa my mouth... but before he puts the GPs back in, a wet compression test may help rule out some stuff as well. Now... a GALLON of oil in 100 miles? Not to be the doubting Thomas, but I would have to think that driving behind this truck would be "unique". The inside of the CAC would look "interesting, maybe... I'd want to at least attempt to verify part of that statement. What kind of miles on the truck? Turbo dusted? Does it have the "world famous CCV mod"?
  15. I lived through the "great conversion". T'ain't no big thaing, Bubba!! A lot of Canadians couldn't make the switch - like new Canadians talking the language from the old country, the kids learn from Mom and Dad... and they learn from everywhere else too. "Ambidextrous" measures aren't uncommon as people use familiar measures (teaspoons and cups when cooking, liters when buying soda and gas, pounds when buying this and kilos when buying that)... some of us got a better grasp or feel.... "Yeah, that's about 5 meters give or take a foot" or "somewhere between 18mm and 3/4 inch". Bad thing is that it confuses a very easy system of measure... If the world were a truly metric place to live, the next drill bit up from 8 mm would probably be 8.5 mm. Much simpler than having to figure that the next drill bit up from 5/16ths inch would be ummmm - ummmmm - ummmm 21/64ths (try and say that real fast without looking at your drill index). Almost forgot. When water freezes at 0 and boils at 100.... simple... Obligatory comment on DEF usage..... I'll bet most everyone that got the more power reflash has seen DEF usuage go up....
  16. This question was a help request from iATN (international Auto Technicians Network). Many years ago, it was a pretty good effort - these last several years, it seems like they have been letting lay-people into the ranks. (A lot of "my car", "girlfriends car" kinda requests). I've been going to opt out, but there are some discussion forums that get interesting and there is the occassional chuckle to be had in the mailbox.... There've been some doozies this past while, but I figured one that is going to cost SOMEBODY an arm and a leg is worth the visit..... besides, after that APP truck you pawned off on me, I needed a shot of self-esteem - even if I have to steal it from some poor schmuck....
  17. Having one of those days? Feeling a little "lost at sea"? Wondering if you really might not be able to find your ass with both hands... even if I held up a map for you? Cheer up, at least you don't have to explain this to anyone.... <Hi we have this truck we have changed the fuel rail pressure sensor and catalytic converters both with oe parts and we have bog down when accelerator pedal is to floor if you let up 1/2 inch it runs fine however you have no pass gear COMPUTER CODES AND DESCRIPTIONS P0171: Bank 1 lean P0174: Bank 2 lean P0191: Fuel pressure rail P0300: Random multiple misfire RELATED REPAIR HISTORY Changed fuel rail pressure sensor changed catalytic converters>
  18. At least I gave up smoking - over two years, now...
  19. One thing I think is really great (??????). You can do an alignment 300 feet away from the console - but I think it might make it a little tough to see the numbers without the remote display.
  20. Thanksgiving is in Canada..... Thanksgiving turkey too close to Xmas turkey... now THATs an American deal
  21. I can't speak for K... but that number would barely pay the labour here in God's country.
  22. I haven't plunged into the site yet... I was busy watching one of the DIY videos. It was all about the right way to wash your car.... The wiener.... sorry, I mean presenter said "fill one bucket with warm water and another bucket with plain water..." Did you know.... if you lived in Beverly Hills (hey - what do I know about zip codes?), you can get the cabin air filter on your 09 SooperDoodie changed for between $56 and $68? Asking about the FEAD belt - they didn't ask what motor I had but they did tell me I could pay as little as $23 for the belt. But it got interesting when I asked about front and rear diff oil changes. The rear cost more than the front... no surprise.... WHOA!!! It was the labour that was different. It don't matter that the rear diff will take 75W140 and a skunk oil compared to some 80W90 for the front.... Nosirree, the parts column is identical for both... What bothers me... the journalist will be believed and we will be branded charlatans. Sadly, I am not overly surprised since we've allowed this trade to become a breeding ground for the untrained, the uncaring and the unscrupulous.
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