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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Y'know... the more I think about it the more I have to wonder about the "porcupine" test. I think most of us (yours truly included) have remarked on how unsafe we feel this test is... after all, can't we see even 30,000 PSI in this system at times? But... let's apply a little logic (has anyone actually measured high fuel pressure while cranking other than to say 'yeah - we got some'?). So... we're gonna crank the engine over at sssaaayyyy 170 RPM. The cam will be turning 85 rpm and (without counting gear teeth and only vaguely remembering relative gear diameters) the HPFP is going to be turning something like 120~130 rpm - maybe less. Is this building as much pressure as we fear? And..... AND..... if an injector is merely leaking (and not stuck wide open) what might the pressure drop across the nozzle be? I'm not saying "don't be vigilant".... But I'm wondering if we aren't making a mountain out of a mole hill? Enquiring minds want to know....
  2. If everybody hates this business so much - if somebody can't make a decent living at it - if it is screwing up somebodies chassis - why would they still be here? Because it is so much better than any of us want to admit..... There's lots of things we could do... but only one thing we want to do.... I can see me now... In my handsome blue vest... "That ain't how you work the self check-out you dense bitch"..... "The fuggin' buggies are over there - get one you lazy dork...".
  3. Brad... at 60 I figure I got about ten years left in me (hopefully more) before you see me on "people of walmart". I don't go to the chiropracter because of this overwhelming fear that he wont be able to uncrack something should the need arise. (Read that as my back fucking hurts... I sieze up when I sit down and it can take a while to limber up). I do 6.0 heads over the fender - for me a treat is doing them on the floor rather than climbing up that extra half a foot my hoist presents. Lifting the cab? I don't bend in as many directions (or places) as I used to - what can I say? Old age - I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was
  4. Ummmmmm..... I can't speak for other makes, BUT.... If the ABS light on your late model Ford doesn't work, the beeping will drive you crazy. If the SRS light doesn't work.... the beeping will drive you crazy. So... does that service manager understand the world of hurt he might be setting himself (and his employer) up for? The best case scenario is that someone like me finds the problem and brands somebody else as a crook, a fraud and a cheat. Worst case scenario is that some hapless boob winds up crippled for life and everyone even close to being associated with that car is suspected of involvement. Either way, the rest of us look like crooks because "all mechanics are cut from the same cloth". Your employer cannot require you to perform illegal acts. We sometimes get ROs stating <something happens> at 140 (just a wild, silly, plugged number) kilometers per hour. We have no roads in Alberta that allow me to drive that fast. I'm not saying I haven't gone that fast.... I am saying I refuse to go that fast if I don't want/need to... I refuse to got that fast to make it more comfortable for you to go that fast... If I am to risk my driving privilege, I will risk it for ME... not for anyone else.... Oh.... and if someone I don't know real good says "come with me and I'll drive"... I might pass. I might be an asshole... but I ain't no fool.
  5. Steve... I'm old and that can leave me a tad addled. I'm thinking you have noise in neutral with the clutch engaged.... I'm thinking you have noise in 5th.... no noise in 4th.... no noise in 1st, 2nd, 3rd? T45s is what I "usually" see for "baby coach manuals" but if you turn 'em downside up, they're all sisters. Having said that - does the noise change from accel/coast/decel? The only "special" thing about 4th is that the pilot bearing 'twixt the input and output shafts is no longer a player. The cluster still turns but without thrust. In 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th - the cluster is under pressure (gee... they could make a song about that..) and, of course, a noisey bearing under pressure should be noisier. Having the entrails of a manual trans laid out on the bench in front of you - hopefully you have a bench big enough to afford a meaningful arrangement - is what helps me... Anyway... path of power... looking at the exploded view, I gotta say input shaft - main cluster shaft (and it is going to get tricky from here) - output shaft. If you aren't in 5th, the fifth speed cluster gear is free to spin on the cluster shaft. Shifting into 5th appears to lock the 5th speed cluster gear to the cluster shaft (Clear as mud, right?), in effect, taking one bearing out of the equation. When regarding manual transmissions, it is important to think in terms of "speed" and "gear", terms that are sometimes used interchangably but shouldn't. HTH
  6. OK... so the new machine is here and set up - all we're waiting for is the rep to come by and calibrate it and show us the basics.... Something noteworthy (other than the operating system is Vista) is that the machine has no disc drives for removable media (no CD/DVD drive, no floppy drive) - instead, the alignment program comes on sticks... cool.
  7. You can make anything fit anywhere you want it to - all you need is a big enough hammer One thing I forgot to mention.... I found it extremely difficult to stay at a reasonable rate of speed..... a rate of speed that wont have you saying "HOLLLEEEEE FFFFUUUUUUUU......." when you see the price on the ticket.
  8. Just to add more fuel to the fire.... the online manuals are the ones that you will always be referred to... by hot line, by SSMs, by broadcast messages. These are the first manuals to get changed when a new spec or technique or diagnostic process is announced. Lately, several TSBs have "died" and the info has transferred into the online WSMs. It's one thing to allow internet connections through a common wireless router... but to start assigning permissions for sharing files or other access? A recipe for disaster, IMHO. If you are truly set on everyone having access to DVDs, save your old DVDs and hand them out - all you have to do is backdate the computers clock to access "expired" DVDs (personally, I like them as drink coasters or shiny frisbees). Having a ready connection to the internet opens up other avenues, as well. Online catalogues (especially handy for when you need a camber kit or such) - government regs covering everything from vehicle inspections to child seat requirements/installation - manuals for troubleshooting aftermarket accessories such as stereos, wheelchair lifts, winches, power take offs, ad infinitum - manuals that assist in the repair of holiday trailers and utility/horse trailers - tool shopping - the list for wanting an internet connection go on and on and on. On edit..... the internet connection we share in the shop isn't the same internet connection used by "mission critical" computers. Still, adequate security is still a must. Soon, we will be adopting a paperless RO system... I wonder if private browsing will be allowed on those stations.
  9. DPS6 is an "automatically shifted manual transmission". Two clutches connected to two concentric input shafts. One clutch applies for 1 - 3 - 5, the other for 2 - 4 - 6. In this way, Ford tells us, there is 'never' a time when the engine isn't connected to the driving wheels. On hard acceleration, I didn't really notice any difference between this and a conventional auto trans. Light throttle and low speeds can give mixed signals to the driver - feels like the clutches might be trying to figure out what you really want to do - at one point, I thought I could feel something modulating briefly. Coast downs with no brake applied can feel a bit different - after a few seconds of engine braking there is a "feeling" like the engine disconnects but I can't be sure. No clutch pedal and no shifting by the driver - I understand that paddle shifters may be coming on some models. FWIW, the last truck I drove professionally had a RTO12515 and a 4 speed tucked in behind that (at one point the owner needed a power tower). That gave a few overdrives and some long lloonngg legs. It had a Silver 92 (8V92T for the uninitiated - 425 horse, I recall) opened up to (IIRC) about 2800 rpm. Empty and running 5 axle two shifts could have you from 0 to over 70 mph.... quick enough to make the wiener in the Volvo look twice as I went by.
  10. Mike.. on that particular Beetle, the shifter was a two piece stick and had a spring loaded contact between the halves. Applying pressure to the shift knob would close the contacts and a vacuum solenoid would disengage the clutch. This was NOT the system for someone that liked to rest their hand on the stick.... and you had to get the adjustment right on the shifter. I worked at a VW/Porsche/Audi dealer in the early 70s and only ever saw three of those semi-automatics... Not one of VWs biggest selling options. We saw more Things than those.
  11. This Getrag trans has actually been around for a while.... In production Volvo and Audi cars for a few years (at least) and in race cars for longer (First conceived before WW2). There are other manufacturers with their own versions and some have even more than 6 speeds. You really need to drive one to appreciate it.. Put it in drive and keep your foot on the brake - NOTHING HAPPENS. No "slip/bump" as it slides into low. Take your foot off the brake and you can feel it start to engage the clutch... Too cool!!!!
  12. A long, long time ago Debb was in University of Alberta Hospital for yet another operation.... I told them "put her on Demerol right away after the procedure". I was entering the nurses station for my first visit and the head nurse asked "Is she always like this?". I asked if she was on morphine or demerol... "Morphine" came the reply... I turned around and, on my way out I said "I'll ask tomorrow if she's on morphine or demerol" Debb and morphine are not a good combo - this is testing the limits of one humans love for another... If they aren't serving rice pudding - there is probably a very good reason for it.... of the two possibilities.... it will either kill you or, for some perverted reason, it has some flavour left in it... You can always dine on them dry lollipop kinda sticks...
  13. In 4X4? Around here they crank the hubs clockwise at the first sign of mud. When the NVH issues become too much, we unlock the hubs for them (that's a warranty concern, right?).
  14. Debb has spent too much time in hospiddles.. she would never eat her desert (amongst other things) and having me eat her cast offs (rice pudding without nutmeg close to the worst) seemed to become a way to prove my love. I can tell you about hospital shit lots.... especially the TV part... if you ever finally move to Gods country, ask me about morphine..... morphine is a wonder drug - NOT... You might be getting sick because you are allergic to liberals?????
  15. Yo... eat your fucking rice pudding and get better. Watch TV... you cell bill will haunt you
  16. This is what we are trying to tell you.... for anything current (including Roberts 06) replacing the seals gets rid of that problem. The new seals are redesigned - as in really fucking redesigned. They are installed into the housing rather than on the axle shaft. No more dangling ring after the grit gets at them. You 2WD pansies need to work on REAL trucks
  17. Mike... been a while since I really wrenched much on diesels.... well, that may be a bit inaccurate and I should retract it simply because Monday is another day... I am involved with more diesels that I would like to be sometimes. Having said that, many of the jobs I do get make me wish I had something dieselish instead. We have two techs that rarely work on anything but diesel - Kyle and Dwayne have nearly forgotten what a spark plug looks like. I try hard to remain aware of what they see and do but probably fail miserably at it. Neil Young reminds you not to sell yourself too short. You are here on DTS and that puts you above most of the commoners out there.
  18. I've gotten anal about reflashing... cat battery, plug in the IDS - I do not want an aborted reflash. Battery chargers come with baggage - too much AC - too high volts - something... And it all still takes much longer than Ford is about to pay. Keeping with their "wrench time" ideal, Ford apparently will not pay for reboot time... will not pay for "IDS could not connect to corporate server" time... will not pay for a blown DLC fuse.... One real distinct and (for me) distressing problem is assholes.... yes... we have assholes in our shop... leaving open sessions. These invariable cause lock ups, miscommunications and other irritating and time wasting concerns. "Not me" is the worst offender and I am trying my best to have this waste of oxygen canned...
  19. This post is worth a whole 'nother thread.... If I forget... someone remind me.
  20. Mike... press <print screen>, open MSPaint (or anything better you might have on that IDS) and click <paste> and save as "jpeg". The glare makes it hard to see. Don't forget that the PCM isn't just looking at valve response through the sensor - it is also looking for coherent (as in within the expected range) sensor readings.
  21. IDS is nearing the end of it's service life.... could be that the hardware is having trouble keeping up with the software...
  22. But.... but.... but... the Spamsoil guy said if I ran a bypass filter (you, know, the one that "steals" oil my engine could use) I could extend my oil change interval to nearly forever... The misconceptions that civilians have regarding diesel engines are astounding. Add that the cost of a service on a diesel powered truck is through the roof..... Not long ago, Adam had a 6.4 that some enterprising soul had carved the filter medium out of a NAPA filter cap and installed a Ford filter cartridge - didn't work too good. We also found that moderns service intervals would allow the entry on oil change stickers to fade into oblivion the sunlight allowing the customer to forget his way into a neglect situation. And, of course, there are those customers who refuse to allow the hood to be opened until things just don't work any more. I have to wonder if these new ones with the intelligent oil life monitor have a hidden file that records when (in miles and engine hours) the minder is reset.... bearing in mind it shouldn't be hard to deduce how many times a minder might have been reset without the corresponding oil change.
  23. Would THIS be what you're looking for? Not exactly the detail you were looking for, I imagine. On FRT there was an article about cab removal but the pics, as I recall, were of an Expedition. I vaguely recall <something> on blueovaltechs.com (no - don't bother looking - the site is gone - gone - gone due to lack of interest) about a cab removal procedure but, again, there wasn't much real detail. I can only suggest that you "dive in". It ain't rocket science and the more times you do it, the easier it gets.... The over-riding advice is always "use your head" but it shouldn't be too hard to get the hang of it. As an after-thought, you might browse thedieselstop and dieselman for references and/or links.
  24. Seals for 05 and up have been redesigned... IIRC for the 04 and earlier trucks they still have the older style. The new seals are mostly metal, fit into the axle tube rather than on to the axle and appear to stand up much better in the mud. I would be concerned if, for some reason we needed to make a significant caster adjustment since this would shift the axle, qite probably, away from centre in the tube.
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