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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. OK, guys - it sounds like Aaron has got his ass confined to the hospital. Sounds like it is his appendix (but I almost think it might have something to do with those heart attack inducing gut bombs he favours). Two things to pray for.... #1 - pray that he has a speedy recovery.... #2 - pray that he doesn't piss off so many people that they pitch his ass out into the street too early.
  2. In all honesty, Kieth... I was unaware - another victim of flat rate reading. My only defence is that I often have to wear too many hats. FWIW, I am so very far behind the times on many of our current fluids and I need to do a vast amount of reading to catch up. Like dark green coolant and the umpteen varieties of ATF and other driveline fluids we have (did anyone miss that they sneaked/snuck 75W140 into Dana rear axles?). All I can ever do is refer to the WSM to be sure I am using the flavour of the week. Don't forget... you can put LV into a trans that uses SP but you can't put SP into a trans that uses LV. <shakes head and turns away from desk>
  3. Y'know... that doesn't really come as a big surprise... I'm thinking way back to when we weren't supposed to use gas coolant in a diesel (something about silicates?)... and then "they" started playing with shit. (If anyone has counted how many different types of driveline fluids we now have - remembering that at one point in time all we had was Type A, Type F and GX 80W90). But now we have several different coolant selections... to make matters better, some are "mix with distilled water" (yeah - right) and some are "do not dilute". All we have is a possible problem in the making. Used to be that the wrong fluid wasn't going to be the end of the world - but now...... the wrong fluid could adversely affect a bonding agent, or a gasket material, the frictional coefficient of band or clutch application, the action of a synchronizer blocking ring, the interaction of two or more elements in a cooling system. Even now it is getting hard to properly perform a repair operation - even the most mundane, simple, no-brain repair operation without referring to a manual for guidance in technique, torque values and/or lubes/coatings/sealers/bonding agents....
  4. I ran across one statement in the exercise where Ford was sure to mention that Specialty Orange coolant has no nitrate content - unfortunately, I lacked the time to test other coolants that we currently offer/have. One thing we can be sure of, if somone is on a lease and they discover their coolant level is low - whatever goes in the pumpjack motor will find it's way into the trucks cooling system (John Deere coolant is a big seller up here). One other thing - did you notice how much VC12 they recommend adding if the corrosion inhibitor test fails? 48 oz.... IIRC, that is the size of a big can of Heinz tomato juice.
  5. Anyone had that message yet? We had the 3 way test strips - I ordered those quite some time ago. But we didn't have the corrosion inhibitor test kit. Muddled through the first one in the driveway. This truck had (I imagine) over 600 hours since the odo was at only 16K kms or so. Now that we know what is entailed, this appears to be a service that is going to be a bit of a surprise to some customers. (as in "will that be cash or credit card" surprise). If you haven't got it all ready, order 328-00008, antifreeze coolant ELC contamination kit.
  6. Just so everyone knows, the decision has been made. We are getting the John Bean Prism through NAPA rather than Snappy. You can just smell a product review coming - right?
  7. Here, in the Republic of Alberta we are told "You cannot remove/alter/defeat that". "But what if I do....?" "You are not allowed to do that". "Let's say I did..." "It's not allowed" Thus far nobody can indicate any specified penalty for emissions tampering. However, do any of you ever see any cases being pursued and, if so, are they pursued to conclusion?
  8. Not sure who "they" are.... I like to have adequate documentation on hand if "they #1" expect a repair and "they #2" expect a profit.
  9. Yowzers.... gogo gadget brain.... The penny finally dropped. P167F.... remember that. I think it will become important. Removing a DPF isn't going to kill a motor... however - UNINTENDED ACTUATOR ACTIVITY could. Fords response is going to become "we cannot predict the affects that an aftermarket program will have on the powertrain.... therefore we will quietly deny warranty payment of any and all invoices and throw the dealer and it's agents under the bus by making them tell you that warranty has been denied.... at least until the boat starts rocking too hard in which case Ford will step in, pay for the fucking repair and make the dealer look like a shit heal. FWIW... if you don't sell <that> truck, a different dealer will so fuck you... fuck you very much. Politics... gotta love em.
  10. Mmmmmm - Montreal smoked meat on medium rye with Keens hot and peppery mustard... you can't beat that for a Saturday snack.... Aaron... have you heard? The bird is the word.... Sorry Larry... thtere was just a couple of things I needed to get off my chest - which is actually not so much a chest as it is that area above my beer gut. I admire the spirit and intent of the EPA legislation that you have posted. But do we ever see anyone prosecuted under it's provisions? Since I live <here> and you live <there>. There is always the chance that it wouldn't be newsworthy in my area (especially since Alberta lacks any enforcable anti-tampering laws). And this is where the Catch 22 comes in... All of these companies hide behind "When purchasing from The DPF Delete Shop, please understand that this is a race-only and/or off-road use specific performance product and is "use at your own risk". It may be necessary to remove the unit before taking your vehicle to the dealer for service as it may interfere with diagnostic equipment and/or violate EPA regulations if used on vehicles other than for off-road/race use" statements knowing full well that the majority of their customers are going to do exactly what they shouldn't. The hypocracy we are faced with every day is astounding.
  11. Now... this has to be quite the way to start a weekend. Too bad these types of companies aren't forced to deal with the issues that their products can spawn. I find it hilarious that some Canadians will start quoting Magnusson/Moss...... oblivious to the idea that it is US legislation - not Canadian. In November, I will be a real, honest-to-goodness Grampy - woe betide any sum-bitch that tries to befoul my grandsons lungs by "rolling coal". Add that I am always grateful when a third party gives my customer the chance to say "But this other guy says that....". Sidebar (and you thought we could get away without one) - I was doing an Out Of Province inspection for our new salesweasel the other evening and I was stopped - considering the condition of some item on his 78 Mustang 2 (not a quite junker but not a concours d'elegance car, either). When he saw me inspecting whatever it was more closely he said "The guys at the tire shop said.....". I cut him off saying "Mayhaps they should sign the certificate... Oh... Gee... they can't..." FWIW, these are the trucks we should be using OASIS quick start on - let Ford decide what is what.
  12. Down and dirty way... lift the front wheels clear of the ground - turn the front wheels to full lock one way or t'other. Lock in the hub and spin the wheel... I see steering gears give wander ( see them with too much clearance in the lower sector shaft bushing, too ) but it is rare to see a steering gear give "kick back" IMHO. The design of the valve spool just doesn't lend itself to that kind of thing that I can see.
  13. More importantly - is there a correct way to use them (as opposed to a possible myriad of improper ways to abuse them)? I'm always up for testing new stuff (and I'm always up for free shit!!!) but I like to give stuff an honest try (except, maybe, for glue on oil pan bubbles).
  14. "Usually" is an intriguing word. Rates right up there with "always" and "never". While we suffer through "pattern" failures and TSB driven "streamlined diagnosis", it is important to remember that each and every customer concern might fall outside that "box" that we trap ourselves into. I don't know what I'm looking for... but when I find it, I'll know it.
  15. Larry.. so far I have only had the time to pull the cup with the bottom burned out... I did get some pics but haven't had time to download my camera (Sorry Bruce, I used my shitty camera), However.... there is NO sign of sealer on the cup - top or bottom.... Tuesday or so I should have the other cup out (you need to appreciate how far behind I usually am and how it makes me feel). I would be surprised to find sealer on any of these objects. Edmonton area based automotive rebuilding shops favour "boat people" as employees. They work cheap, owe their souls to uncaring countrymen (people they used to live beside) and rarely complain. Slave labour is alive and well and we are supporting it. You might find that the guy installing the cups improperly has an MBa in his home land.... In north America it was a case of "pizza chef", barber or engine rebuilder. We joke that new immigrants to Canada get a burger flipper and a pail of red sauce as entry gifts.
  16. I've seen how some "techs" use the heat wrench. The word "scarey" comes to mind. It is rare to find the regulators adjusted properly for the tip that is installed. It is rare to see a substrate left without deep gouges - and not a word mentioned. Additional note to the few techs that DO adjust the pressures according to the task at hand.... the valves are juxtaposed (this must be todays word) so that you do not brush them with your wrist thereby changing your flame. The final word.... using the cutting torch without a lens filter. You can say "I can see what I'm doing" all you want. But I didn't fall off the boat yesterday and I will call you every name I can think of. I wish I was younger because - back then- I knew everything.
  17. OK... so we are speccing a new rack. The "short list" is the Hunter WA131 - being as it is the cheapest deal in the latest Rotunda Catalog. I don't want to see us buy a white elephant. The machine will replace a Bear PACE100. The sun is going to be a big factor... the alignment bay and the "alternate" bay are in line (nose to nose) with each other and are juxtaposed east-west. Morning and afternoon sun might affect infrared cameras. Add that I see a LOT of 20 inch passenger type wheels as well as 19.5s on 450/550 trucks. The Bear requires that I install and remove adapters for the 20 inch wheels and the adapters don't play well with dually type wheels. Add again that some wheel tire combos (mostly "rim saver" tires and rims with no bead rail) make it impossible to install cameras properly or securely. Another consideration... The late model Fusion, the Taurus SHO and some off breed marques have a deep front valance... this can block the cross beam on poorly or inadequately designed front cameras. At the same time, you don't want a machine that will take a half day to set up.... Nor do I like the idea of wireless, battery operated cameras. The question(s)... what does your shop use? What are it's strong points? What are it's weak points? If only life were simple.
  18. I find it hard to believe some of this stuff.... The truck isn't finished until you hand them the RO. FWIW.... If they ask me "How long...." and I say something like "45 minutes", you can bet your ass that when they walk away, something else will occupy an hour of my time. Life's a bitch..... and then you die.
  19. 4 GALLONS of oil in 1800 miles? That's one quart every 112 miles. This is the kind of problem that should stick out like a wedding prick. There is no way to "lose" oil internally - losing oil PRESSURE internally is a whole 'nother deal. Is there "goo" in the tailpipe? Is the turbo puking oil into the intake? Have you done a crankcase pressure test? What do the turbo fins look like? Have you had the customer perform an oil use report? AFAIK, the 6.0 can't introduce engine oil into the fuel rail.. but it ain't like I've never been wrong before.
  20. There's the conumdrum.... if the axle is rusted - what might the fasteners be like?
  21. Mike... I think you need to grasp the idea of "team player".... Start with your tag line.
  22. Brad... I'm doing these cab on.... the spare tire carrier projects over the cab but that ain't no big thaing..... Even at my age, I have retained a certain amount of flexibility (sorry for the dig, Aaron ) and working over the fender ain't such a big deal. My days are a series of interruptions interspersed with a series of interruptions.... the fewer things I leave to forget - the better off I am. Larry... looks like I will be doing cup(s) this time... Not sure about bolt stretch happening ( I know many techs that commit the 28 pound torque value to memory and use it no matter which hold down bolts they have ). #7 cup is definitely broke out in the bottom.... #1 cup looks "odd" and blew mist when I cranked it over with the GPs out but the injector was tight and had no obvious visible concerns on removal. I'll try to remember to put a pitch gauge against the bolts just for you. For you and me, quality is job 1..... For Ford profits is job 1. But that doesn't matter.... the world we know is hell bent on having all of us work for Omni Consumer Products. Money? I don't need no steenking money... I got company scrip ( I ain't Nostradamus.... but my batting average is pretty good ). Required reading... the goose that laid the golden egg.
  23. There is always the chance that somebody on the monkeyhouse will leak the documents before we ever get to see them.
  24. Hmmmmm ... I got you pegged as a Windstar kinda guy.... Not just ANY Windstar -I'm talkin' WINDSTAR SPORT! Just kidding.... I could never reconcile two things... I find it hard to use Windstar and Sport in the same vehicle description.... and Ford kept touting these as "the best selling fullsize minivan"...
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