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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Since I work at a Ford dealer, I don't have as many "multiple choices" as you imagine. Ford is a "national chain store". As such, people expect that the repair I perform on their vehicle, should something go wrong, will be repaired under some sort of service part warranty. "Cold" solder joints are a fact of life these days.... (friggin' robots are overpaid, yes?) so we are left with a conumdrum..... I can resolder connections in your FICM/GEM/PCM/ what-have-you and pray like a mad bastuhd that this is going to be the end of it.... Or - I can replace the module at significant cost and transfer the onus onto the rebuilder/supplier (in MY case.... Ford). If I choose to resolder connections and something subsequently rears it's ugly head, there is the chance that a customer is going to be disappointed when he finds that "warranty" is a relative term. Exploring a bit further, we discover that your big ol' fat ass 200 watt gun cooked the fuck out of everything even close to affected joint... of course this will wait for a really opportune time to become apparent... like a consultant or subcontractor might lose a job because he can't go to work.... or some poor dork on a tight budget finds his dream holiday has turned into a nightmare. It's no big deal for me to resolder a connection on my own vehicle (this would be the pick up)and play wait and see. It is a much different deal when we get to my car... something I rarely drive but something I send my loving bride to "the city" in. I really want to be sure I'm not creating a "time bomb" . Your examples are, at least, somewhat amusing. Given a choice, I will replace the FICM for subject A.... no surprise here.... No matter what you tell the customer... no matter what he reads... you worked on his truck... YOU TOUCHED IT LAST!!!!! Subject B.... WTF is this shit about used parts? Subject C..... WTF is this shit? If somebodies cost per mile is "traditionally" too high - he gets the microscope treatment. DriveRight has a device for that. I would suggest that if the fleet operator feels that something is wrong with repair costs - the vendor will change long before an old and trusted employee..... Subject D... can I have some of what you're smoking? The dieselstop is elsewhere.... those guys will live with a problem for years and years and years looking for a cheap solution..... wouldn't want to chance going to the "stealership" now, would we? The world I live in today is very different from the world I grew up in.... from the design and construction of subassemblies to the sophistication of the electronics... much has changed over the years. If time has taught me anything, it has taught me that I don't know as much as I think I do. FWIW... my job isn't about selling parts... My job is about happy customers. Happy customers are the ones that came into the shop, got fixed up quick and are back at work. I've been in "the business" for over 40 years, I teach people stuff every day and I am very much employed. (sorry about the personal dig). It has ALWAYS been about the customer... not his wallet.... but his BEST INTERESTS. Many of my current customers I have known personally for over 30 years. Many "noncustomers" look to me for free second opinions (ain't that a fucking treat?) - I suppose my intentional ambiguity is wrong? Free? Ain't. Cheap? Ain't. Every time I ever set out to save a customer ONE DOLLAR - it COST ME 10.
  2. Larry.... on 03/07/2010 I celebrated my 29th B'day for the 31st time.... The tradition at work is that you will receive a birthday card. It is never kind but always funny.... and a stack of scratch and wins. Needless to say, I bombed this year. Anyway.... Crown Royal? EEEEWWWWWW!!!! At least Aaron is a cheap drunk Happy birthday ya friggin sophomore... One of these days you will get out of bed and say "Muck fe... gravity works". Upside... I get old farts discount at the liquor store on Tuesday.
  3. Henry Ford admired Adolf Hitler as a politician and leader (sadly, I have to agree that the fiend WAS charismatic and could have turned Germany into a world leader if he hadn't tried world conquering) and that has earned Ford some derision. I don't think that it is any secret that Ford tried union busting.... obviously it didn't work. But I don't think that union leaders are shining examples of integrity, either. We shan't discuss my take on "onions" other than to say thatnature ensures the survival of the fittest while onions ensure survival of the mediocre. Fords only venture into airplanes was the venerable tri-motor. It was manufactured in a very few variants but it was a harbinger - laying the ground work for future all metal monoplanes. Incidentally, the real "daddy" of the trimotor was William Stout who designed and built, among eother things, the Stout Scarab... Henry hired him to build a plane... Henry was, as Kieth mentioned, paying the highest wages in the industry... his idea was that his workers should be able to afford to buy what it was they were making. In 1972, I was working at a VW/Audi/Porsche dealer and they were almost insulting in the way they "suggested" that everyone in the store should be driving a mother-corp automobile. Hmmmmm. Henry changed the face of north america... He spearheaded the movement that put cars into the as yet unbuilt driveways of common man. The flathead V8 was the first v configured motor that could be mass produced for automobiles... Not a shining example of reliability due to thermal loading (there were long exhaust passages that flowed between cylinders) - the friggin' thing has two water pumps fer cryin' out loud but it was the beginning of change. In the 30s, it was a pioneer in the use of bearing inserts rather than the more common poured in place lead/babbit bearings. And we should mention the pressure fed oil system.... Zora Arkus-Duntov (the father of the Corvette, if you will) designed and marketed the ArDun head for the flattie. If you look at early drag cars, there are many pics that make you wonder if the engine is a 10 bolt hemi (the early Chrysler Hemi is a study all of it's own) or a series 60 with ArDun heads. It don't matter one bit if you like Henry Senior or hate his blue oval guts. This man has had a profound affect on our lives. Were it not for him, we would all be doing something vastly different to earn our daily bread... Say.... Kieth.... can I have an apple pie with that?
  4. What would you sell to your customer? If it's good enough for him...... gosh.
  5. OMG... Jeff is starting to get the message... Years ago, back when I knew everything there was to know, I was absolutely sure that if I hadn't seen it before, it was never going to happen.... An open mind and a logical thought process will take you a long way.... OPEN mind should not be confused with a hole in the head... Ah... I WAS so much older then... now I am MUCH younger.... What does Mike think it is?
  6. Like Mike is inferring (Hi, Mike... Mike and I've been to at leasta couple of courses together...), Adam, I'm almost betting the farm that Ford will be able to make a pretty strong case about inappropriate fuels by what they see inside pumps and injectors. How are they going to police stuff like this? How are they going to enforce it? Anybodies guess at the moment? But looka here... <digital imaging updates 2010 Digital Imaging - Addition of Tires / Brake Rotors / TPMS Sensors Ford Customer Service Division is adding additional components under a new Digital Imaging (DI) Prior Approval Program. The additional components are Tires, Brake Rotors and Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Sensors. As always, dealership selection for DI participation is based on 126 Warranty Trend Report performance. For additional information regarding the Tires / Brake Rotors / TPMS Sensors DI Program refer to the Digital Imaging Home Page, accessible through PTS Website > Tech Hotline. > That blurb was lifted off of the May/June 2010 Technician Hotsheet (something I didn't know existed until a couple of days ago). What about OASIS Quick Start? is that going to expand?.... and has technology gotten to the point where accurate deductions can be made? As for draining the gas out of a truck and simply adding diesel to call it a "fix"? Not my decision to make.... On the back of the RO, you write "drain fuel tank and lines, flush fuel pump and rail.... yadda -yadda-yadda...". Read lines like that and you know pretty much exactly what it isn't saying. FWIW, Adam, you and I do not have the privilege of opening a CUDL.... innocent by circumstance no matter what happens.
  7. Recently, there was another broadcast message about gasoline in a diesel truck - I may still have it in print in my "library" at work. Additionally, SVB 2010-48N (this is a Ford Canada thing but I am sure that the US techs have an equivalent) covers gasoline in diesel engines. Now... you can simply drain the tank and refill it.... as long as you start a CUDL to cancel the engine warranty on the unit. Why on earth would you want to do that? Simple. A pump like this stands a better than even chance of failing after it is treated to a product that doesn't lubricate it on it's way through. If the pump fails, it can take out the engine. Ergo, should Ford have to pay because some dude had to take a shit and sent his wife to fuel up the truck (when we all know the dude likely fucked up his own self). But the fact remains... none of us wants to warranty "stupid"... we shouldn't expect Ford to warranty it either. Having said all that, I present, for your reading pleasure... <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Subject: 2008 - 2011 Super Duty equipped with the 6.4L or 6.7L Diesel Engine – Gasoline or other non-diesel fuels added to the fuel tank. The following are the recommended repair directions when vehicle operators inadvertently add gasoline, other fluids or non-diesel fuel to the fuel tank. Fuel Tank filled with Gasoline or other non-diesel fuels and the truck HAS been run: If a 2008 - 2011 Super Duty, equipped with the diesel engine has been filled with other than the correct diesel fuel, and has been driven, it is now recommended to perform the following: 1. Drain the fuel tank, dispose of the contaminated diesel fuel in an appropriate manner in conjunction with local laws and regulations. 2. Fill with fresh clean good quality diesel fuel. 3. Use the Low Pressure Fuel Pump to flush fresh clean diesel into the fuel system.* 4. Replace the fuel filters (primary and secondary filters). 5. Replace ALL High Pressure fuel system components; High Pressure Fuel Pump, fuel lines (from fuel cooler to pump and also from fuel rails to injectors), fuel rails and ALL 8 injectors. 6. Use the fuel cooler bleed procedure in order to get the vehicle started. 7. Change Oil and Filter and perform the High Pressure Fuel System test to verify for leaks, repair as necessary. Fuel Tank filled with Gasoline or other non-diesel fuels and the truck has NOT been run: 1. Drain the fuel tank, dispose of the contaminated diesel fuel in an appropriate manner in conjunction with local laws and regulations. 2. Fill with fresh clean good quality diesel fuel. 3. Replace the fuel filters (primary and secondary filters). 4. Use the Low Pressure Fuel Pump to flush fresh clean diesel into the fuel system.* * Note: Procedure required to properly flush the fuel system: · Remove the rear Fuel Cooler Line that comes from the High Pressure Pump at the Fuel Cooler. · Cut a 1/2" length of 3/8" rubber hose to seal the banjo bolt when re-installing into the Fuel Cooler without the fuel line attached. · Place a larger hose over the return fuel line in order to direct the fuel into a suitable container. · Use Active Commands or Cycle the key to allow the fuel pump to flush the lines. · Plugging the Fuel Cooler during this process will prevent air from being introduced into the High Pressure Fuel System causing a no start. Failure to follow these procedures may result in fuel system and or engine damage. Repairs required due to use of improper fluids and fuel, are not covered by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. See Warranty and Policy Manual and Customer Information Guide for details. Questions For questions relating to: Technical Information and Diagnostics – OASIS Shop Manual and Dearborn Technical Hotline (SVB 2010-32) Service Publications and Diagnostic Software/Hardware Support – Technical Information Support (SVB 2010-32) Owner Guide Ordering and Distribution – Helm Inc. (SVB 2010-21) Reporting New Model and other Vehicle Concerns – Submit Global Concern Report (GCR) (SVB 2010-33)
  8. I think we already knew it would be unibody construction and I don't think that the smaller engines were a secret... But we are seeing everything coming out as pretty much all new vehicles. There are many articles on the net about the MyFordTouch dashboard - something I am waiting to see. These things are becoming less car and more user interface. We got our first Fiesta in today... with the DPS6 trans. Haven't had the chance to drive it but those that have driven it have remarked on the performance and the feel. Even more electronics to boggle ones mind.
  9. In 1982, you could bring us a PS pump pulley and, with the parts we stocked (yes... the same store I now work at) on the shelves, you could build a PS pump.... Ford has gone "modular".... While the aftermarket will supply "small" parts (Dorman products and the Explorer/Ranger blend door problem comes to mind for only one of many examples) for a repair that may save a few bucks, it is hard for us to disregard the fact that we work for Ford stores and it should be Ford parts we sell....
  10. I'm not such an "analist" about my SIN number... perhaps I should be but I can tell you a tale of woe that has less to do with ones SIN... and everything to do with being an "illegal alien" in your own country.... Here in Canada, my SIN ends in 555 - to be precise, my sin is xxx-xx8-555 - My "official" Ford number was 8555. My "new" Ford number is 555... Whoopee fucking shit.... FWIW... if someone steals your identity, it isn't because you "allowed" it to happen... it is because they set out to steal your identity. (Side bar... how many times do you see something that isn't "right"? How many tiomes do you "blow the whistle"? - if you aren't part of the solution, you are obviously part of the problem). I am having a LOT of concern with the Canadian governemt... I have my SIN and give it when requested.... What I do NOT have is anything (other than my income tax shit) with that number printed on it and it ain't worth squat to me... I can't get a new SIN card.... I can't get a passport.... I've been paying taxes since 1966... I've been married to a Canadian gal since 1973.... I have my SIN (along with a bunch of proprietary information) and I cannot do FUCK ALL WITH IT!!!!! Why are you dorks so fucking worried about something that is this fucking useless? Anyone want the whole sordid fucking story? FWIW.... Ruby Dhalla is a member of parliament... She is a Liberal and represents the riding of Brampton/Springfield. She is pushing Bill C-428. The scoop? She wants to pay Old age pension to people that have lived here for only 3 THREE THREE fucking years. Aaron.. some of you other Canucks.. you want to be pissed? Now is the time....
  11. Providing wet stacking doesn't rear it's ugly head. So many combustion after-treatments rely on higher temps to initiate a self cleaning process (this is undoubtedly an over simplification). One might opine that cars don't seem to have the sane concerns as Super Duty trucks.... Consider... the diesel engine in the car is sized and tuned to consider the car as being close to optimum weight. The Super Duty is sized and designed to be at an optimum weight that is, more often than not, much different from the "normal" weight. The EGR valve has been, traditionally, a weak point in the system with both the 6.0 AND the 6.4. Ford has moved the EGR valve to the "hot end" of the system... This may reduce EGR coking and sticking... but what shall we see as the next weak link in the chain? With the exhaust in the middle of the motor, will we soon see a "the coffee was hot" kind of lawsuit if we allow underhood insulation to deteriorate above the centre mounted exhaust components? Way back when, we could fix most problems with a new set of plugs, a set of points and a condenser. Since then, the world has gotten a wee bit more complex.... But that was back when we used to dump anitfreeze in the gutter, vent AC systems to atmosphere and, in general, disregard the environment entirely... Since then, we are getting smarter... or at least some of us are....
  12. You work for a dealer.... already you are "different" and you guys say it every day.... <I AM A DEALER TECH - A MASTER TECH- A DIESEL TECH>. Back when I was self employed, I did a lot of things to repair a customers vehicle without spending millions of dollars.... (the year I thankfully closed my gas station my gross sales were over a miliion dollars). Some of you would rate them up there with resolder poorly made robot generated solder joints. We would rebuild... REBUILD starters on the bench... generators - alternators.... carbs.... even to the point of rebushing a throttle shaft.... Every last one of these repairs would be impossible to warranty at a national level.... and it is this selling point we must consider. Most of you guys don't see how complex some of these issues are.... How many of you guys have worked at anything other than (first) a Ford dealer.... and second any dealer
  13. Ohhhhhh..... the volumes that could be written there.
  14. S'funny... how come I never seen you in the coffee room? Our Henry, who art no longer in the board room, hell bent be thy name.... Thy comp'ny sucks, my butt you fucks.... forever and ever... AHEM!!...Whoops, I meant AMEN!!
  15. The Kale Auto stuff (blinker fluid, O pipes and cross drill brake lines) is obviously tongue in cheek.... Unfortunately, Hoffman Group stuff is serious business (I guess) capitalism with a "build it and somebody will buy it" attitude.... after all, people mount lights under their trucks - and then go in the mud. Look at it this way - this shit keeps Pacific Rim and third world country sweatshops busy (subjugating human rights is one of their major products). One mans "what the fuck is that abortion?" is another mans bling. This is why we have lift kits, stacks paired with clouds of barely combusted fuel, P rated tires on a F350 and most modern body piercings (does anyone ever consider what that tattoo is going to look like when they're 60?). Oh, yes, Aaron... the smoke screen and the flame thrower are very, very real and very, very available.... It'll go bitchin' with them Lambo door hinges, the underbody neon lights, the insane u-joint deflection angles and the chip that promises to change the earths rotation if you can get the traction. The world we live in is so VERY DIFFERENT from the world I grew up in
  16. "I see", said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer..... and saw....
  17. You are just gonna LOVE THIS. It's better than blinker fluid and "O" pipes combined. What is beginning to confuse me..... A change in power output is going to come at a change in combustion chamber temps/pressures and a corresponding change in tailpipe stuff. So - are they gonna work after-treatments harder or what? While Johnny Needledick can do just about anything his wallet will allow him, Ford Corporate still has to answer to the EPA Gods, yeah?
  18. Not sure if I'd get in a rush... there is some really neat shit getting ready to come down the pipe as far as I can see... I'd wait a while and see what's next... Like electric Focii and Transits.... and Ecoboost exploders (oops, explorers) and.....
  19. The VMM is (at one and the same time) great and a POS. It is really decent as far as capabilities are concerned... it is vastly different from the cartoon we had in the WDS (but you still get "Run, Gumby, run!!!"). However, the setup time can be a tad daunting as is the mess of cables. I'm sure you already know that the VMM has to connect to the IDS (one cable), to the vehicle battery (cable number two) and to whatever it is you are measuring (cable 3 and likely cable 4). The tech will more than likely have the IDS connected to the DLC though it isn't necessary for most scope functions (but I wanted to mention cable number 5). Having said that, there are some very good preprogrammed tools (my brain is very much on holiday but most of the tools are covered in the tech notes...) tap the IDS tab on the top left, the Swiss army knife tab at the bottom and finally the tech notes in the right column and the blue tick... <POOF> Whoops... haven't used the amp clamps yet but I think we are very close to needing them badly. I think some techs in the aftermarket use current ramping quite a bit.
  20. A preponderance (that is todays word, boys and girls) of Fords software seems to be at least influenced by Micro$oft, if not supplied by or written by the man that had tape on his glasses. This should put a quiver in your quiver... Ever had a case of "APIM freeze"? We've seen it after a customer disconnects and reconnects his battery(s). A short term cure is to disconnect and reconnect the battery(s). Go figure...
  21. When I bought my V-6 Mustang convertible (I like to drive it with the top down when the weather allows - but it was still destined more to be the loving brides grocery getter), we had a "similar" GT convertible in stock. Several people asked why I didn't get the GT. Why would I do that? The car (the V-6) has plenty of power, goes fast enough to get a really, REALLY BIG fucking citation, gets great gas mileage, only has to go fast enough to drive 5 blocks before the ice cream melts... and I have three fucking cojones (ask my doctor... he had several people count them... including the cute little ultra-sound tech that took "pictures".. too bad the rubber gloves kinda killed the mood).. When you have three friggin' jewels in your crown, you don't need a GT. Or a lifted diesel SooperDoodie... honest.
  22. I think that there may be a real good chance that some of the blame should get laid on the doorstep of the owner... Granted, some of the systems on the 6.0 have proved to be a tad more fragile than we would like.... (Dwayne is gonna be all over this like hair on an ape )... but it is this "fragility" that too many owners don't account for. A lot of people bought these trucks - not because they needed the power... but because they're big and noisy and are a true mark of ones masculinity. Do you know that I have been told that there is no such thing as wet stacking? Several times? But these same people can't figure out what that goo is in some peoples exhausts (and, in the case of something with an EGR valve - in the intake). Using some reason... Joe Nutcase bought a 6.0. He drives it like a weiner... I'm talking this truck is usually empty (with a capital MT). This guy bought a "handshaker" (the sign of MANS MAN) and shifts the truck at 1400 RPM. Naturally, this is good for everything concerned... even better if we are watching the tailpipe for that beloved black smoke. Joes cousin has a 6.0... he heard that diesel love to idle... the longer the better. This guy can often be heard saying "I NEVER let my truck idle unnecessarily". Anyway, the VGT gets crudded up and the truck has several excursions into overboost... luckily, the head bolts were designed to contain the cylinder pressures inherent to a 230 HP engine. Unfortunately, this engine has been "upgraded" (I use that term in a guarded fashion)to 300+ ponies... bringing cylinder pressures dangerously close to the failure point of the head bolts... and each and every excursion into overboost is just pounding nails into a coffin (or at leasta shipping container for broken parts). Now.... I could waste everyones time be itterating all of the common concerns we all see day after day - most of which can be traced back to low combustion temps. This, AFAIK, isn't an inherent design flaw with the engine... it is a flaw with intended use. OK, before someone trots out the "but this guy was hauling a big holiday trailer when it failed" card, let's consider what he did with the truck for the OTHER 50 weeks of the year. It sat? We've seen that this is good for them... He drove it like it was an Accord? That's just as good... Was the 7.3 the last of the good diesels? Yes and no... Yes because HEUI injectors was the most advanced deal on them meaning there was little to go wrong from wet stacking (save the odd truck that came in sounding like a helicopter). No because they couldn't meet current emissions requirements (Gee, could that part be important.... I'm going to have a grandson in about November - grampyjim will become Grampy Jim) With the complex technology we have coming down the pipe today, no amount of field testing is going to show all the bad things that can happen... not like real world usage, anyway. Ford used the 6.0 and the 6.4 to design a lot of known problems out of the 6.7 (ask me about mufflers freezing off) but we may see a whole new crop of problems to replace them (though I feel that transmission software *MAY* help mitigate some of the weinerisms). At one point in time, I felt that the Ottocycle diesel was going to be the engine of the future... with gains in petrochemical technology, materials technology and engine technology.. that might still be a viable consideration... but using a much drier fuel (kerosene, perhaps) but DI gasoline engines might be the new king of the hill. Wow... ain't he a windy bahstuhd... like guns, frying pans and the ability to procreate - not everyone should be allowed to have these - the 6.0 is in the same league. I know guys that have been through several 6.0 trucks... with NO FUCKING PROBLEMS!!!!! Not because they're lucky, but because they have an understanding of the true nature of the modern diesel engine as it pertains to "light" trucks. That's my story.... and I'm stickin' to it
  23. This is a link to an article on the car. It will have or be available with the select shift trans.
  24. Not sure if anyone has seen this.... FWIW, there's lot's of them but I thought this turbo would look nearly familiar.
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