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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Let's make sure the truck is at the latest calibration.. check at the throttle pedal to be sure there aren't any aftermarket piggyback things going on... I don't know about traffic laws where you live... you got it up to 81 mph.... was it easy to get that fast or did the truck have trouble doing it? If you got a ticket going that fast would it affect you? Your licence? Your job? Your insurance? The truck loses power at 75 mph.... I can fix this... but give me a road where I can do it legally .....
  2. Even after all this time, I haven't even presupposed a source for the contaminant... so many unasked and/or unanswered queries... Texture, viscosity... there are too many tactile indicators to list... does it feel slippery? Does it feel dry? We need to use ALL of our senses when we set out to solve a mystery.... CSI and all them other shows? They use technology that we can't afford to (did the producers miss the fact that it would be tax dollars paying for these miracles?) You... me... everyone else? We use our God given talents and thought process The pics tell me what this shit looks like... my eyes are close to the worst tool I have.
  3. So... there I was with little to do (other than to try and avoid shoveling out a dog run) other than to splash around in that cesspool we like to call "old timing mans" memory (apologies to Cheech and Chong)... I was actually looking for references about the Chrysler attempts at turbine powered cars I came across this to tantalize the history buffs.... This car is a 1963 concept car (I think Jay Leno currently owns this one) but Chrysler actually began a love affair with turbine cars in the 50s. Surprisingly, they kept experimenting until about 1983ish. Anyway, while casting about for some of this neat old stuff, I came across some unique cars involving electricity. Back in 1980, Briggs and Stratton became involved in a hybrid car project.... A few mouse clicks later and I was looking at ELiiCA. This electric car boasts 640 HP and a top speed of 230 mph...
  4. Aaron, life sounds a tad hum-drum. It is a very mild weekend here in Gods country with temps hovering just a tad below freezing. Yesterday, I began the manly task of mucking out the dog run... well, the ones that aren't frozen into the yellow ice, at least (somehow I don't think that these were the "frozen concoctions" that Jimmy Buffet sang about). Ya gotta love stat holidays....
  5. After me telling everyone that those Bosch +4s were a gimmick for all these years???? How 'bout that McMurray? How 'bout that Dale Jr?
  6. Indeed... IE8 has turned my old desktopper into a dog... I mean this is a REAL mutt... not like that little puppy I have. Google Chrome has helped with the run-of-the-mill browsing but InFord hates it.... Would I sound paranoid if I mentioned that it seems like every time Bill Gates has something to do with it, there's a problem... More than once I've had to reboot an APIM to get something working for a customer....
  7. Looking at the ecoboost WBT, the nernst cell is quite a change from what we're used to (quite a complex little affair from the look of it)and that watching sensor data isn't going to be much help (which is OK since I think we can get more info from fuel trims). We have to remember that the 6.2 is getting dual spark plugs, to - this could make for some interesting electricals... dual, multistrike plugs.. I wonder if we will see spark timing independantly variable and if it might have some effect on emissions. Say "Hi" to Daryl for me... remind him that Stars was screwed up when we tried requesting my course.
  8. Not that long ago, we had an oil consumption issue... the seals on the turbo shaft were puking oil big time... The customer had no concerns with lack of power or lack of boost or.... Warranty asked for the turbo back... They took one look at the compressor and said... "That's dusted...". Their take on the subject? The turbo was pooched in more ways than one... Dusted trumps bad seals. We are caught in the middle.. the proverbial rock and a hard place... Ford on one side ready to deny a claim or audit us.. On the other side, the customer - whom we hope to keep forever and forever... Our only weapon is truth and honesty... having said that, what we don't say can be more important than what we do.... never answer a question that hasn't been asked.... and feel thankful when the question that is asked can be answered truthfully with "I don't know".
  9. On gassers, P1000 is an indication that one or more continuous monitors haven't completed.... it DOES NOT mean that codes have been cleared (though clearing codes clears all continuous monitors - which will set the P1000). On gassers, you can access Mode 6 data. This will show you which monitors haven't completed and will offer some assistance for diagnostic purposes. If you have a persistant P1000 on a diesel, I would "guess" that one of the very few monitored conditions hasn't completed... Flip side of the coin.... I have seen guys try to "clear" a P1000... over and over and over... ain't gonna happen
  10. Stars2 was all screwed up when I was finishing the web course and Kenny was requesting my classroom... looks like I'll be on the sidelines for a while since all the local courses are full. On oil change intervals... there will be, as you suggest, that portion of humanity that resists change and will stick to a familiar schedule when servicing their truck. (When I was a mere child, I can recall Dad getting the oil changed in his 52 Dodge religiously every 1000 miles - at that time, the accepted standard) There will be the guys that get their Blackstone reports (or better, their Spamsoil reports - anyone up for having the fox mind the henhouse?). First, it gives them something to talk about other than "Did you see them bohdayshuss ta-tas" when they think their wife isn't listening... and it give them something to agonize over when one test or another is 20 parts per million too much of something or other. (I don't know about you, but I can't see me tearing a good running engine down because of a "bad" oil analysis... and you can't spell analysis without 'anal') There will be the guys that remember great grampa dropping a quart of Type A into the fuel tank of his old Jimmy 318... it was good then, must be good now... (DPF? fuck that emission BS). I'm unsure if this oil life algorithm is an offshoot of anything they have been doing with gas engines or if it is something brand new.... Lastly, there will be that portion of humanity that never looks at their instrument panel - or, if they do, they look at stuff without seeing it. The message centre could be saying "You're a dork and your wife is fat" and it wouldn't register. Sidebar.... Dwayne must have pissed somebody off... He pulled a Dodge into his bay the other day and the first thing he noticed was a message center displaying something to the effect that the exhaust filter was plugged. These could be a spendy deal.. the cat and the DPF are all one unit.... Did I hijack this thread yet?
  11. Momma told me that there will be no more "American Chopper".... I tried to appear heartbroken as I secretly wished all those other 'reality' shows would take the same route... House shows, restaraunt shows, fa gg ot shows, clothes shows, short people, fat people, wedding people, stupid people... Get a fucking life... live your own instead of watching others do it... Keith???? Are we that bad that we "need" a censorbot? I could fuck you up the ass but I can't be a fa gg ot while I'm doing it? (just a joke)... Earlier today, I noticed in the banner at the top of the page that 42 mechanics were online just waiting to answer my questions... Somebody missed the target audience.... Muck Fe
  12. I would have thought that others would have commented on the new Alberta OH&S ruling on the requirement for bump caps by now.... THIS is the progenitor of this new ruling. For nearly 40 years, I haven't needed a bump cap... Now, If I'm not wearing one, I might be denied recompense if something goes wrong... all because a poorly trained idiot allowed himself to be injured... You read that right... "allowed himself to be injured"... Shit happens... often for no discernable reason.... This, however, is one of those times when we aren't surprised at the outcome....
  13. Surprisingly, I'll bet you a buck 85 that Dwayne is a meat and taters kinda guy.... I'm from the auld sod ( Britain ) but there are times I like to settle in for a good feed of holupchi.... My best friend is a bohunk (obviously, I can call him that because he IS my best friend) and I often help him with his sideline catering business.... A full cours dinner for 200 or 300 would be "average". Anyway.... this guy has all of his Grandmothers recipes..... And they would send anyone with a name ending in "ski" to orgasmic heights.... F*ck... now I want a bowl of borscht....
  14. For the most part, this shouldn't be much of a surprise... the world is built this way... Let's say I steal something.... a pen.... to make it exciting, let's make it an expensive pen... This pen gotta be worth 5 or 6 bucks... This is a pen amongst pens... This pen would give you a boner... (Might even have a flashing light like those Fusion pens we got a few years back). Nobody would likely bat an eye.... Let's say I steal 6 million bucks... now, it might be through fraud.... it might be a sack full of cash... or an envelope full of bearer bonds. Got your attention now, don't I? In reality, only two things have changed.... My scope of opportunity... and the size of my cojones... (Hmmmm, might be only one thing that has changed). Now. it isn't any secret that there is some wierd stuff going on in government - that they can have meetings in-camera isn't a secret either.... but the agenda/theme/topics discussed in an in-camera meeting can be worrisome. Anyway.... there isn't an administration - past or present - Canadian, American, Saskahoovian that doesn't have events they hoped wouldn't escape or they hope that don't escape. Instead of being indignant, spend that effort in doing something about the indignity. Instead of kvetching about shit... do what you can to stop it... Just about anyone can be bought.... the only difference is the price tag... Likewise, there isn't a manufacturer out there that wishes that some part of their history would just dry up and blow away... The first Oldsmobile Firenza.... the Cadillac Cimarron.... exploding Pintos... exploding Chevy half ton saddle tanks.... the A 604 transmission.... the Honda S600 (check that one out... a sporty car built for bout 2 years in the 60s...) ... Nissan choosing the names "Cedric", "Bluebird" and "Fairlady" for their early north American offerings... Chryslers ELB... Cadillacs 3-5-7 (oops, I meant 4-6-8) variable displacement engine... The list is endless. I see youngsters amazed at something.... and the best I can offer is "Ayup... they did that back about '73 and it worked for them then...". For many years, Ford was the focus of the media... not because Ford had more dogs than anyone else.. but largely because Henry Ford had some very good quotable quotes.... and a lot of very bad quotable quotes. ( He admired Adolph Hitlers political skills and his ability to drag pre WW2 Germany from what many saw as a post WW1 rape by the Allied Powers). Henry Ford was caught in the conumdrum of being the main progenitor of the assembly line... only enabled by developing mass producable parts.... increasing his employees wages to the point where they could purchase the goods they made.... and then getting involve in "union busting". Back to the thread.... it is nice that another manufacturer is spearheading the "why me?" list this week, it is poor form to try and rub their nose in it.... Next week, there is every chance that we will be the bad boy... guess what?
  15. Dangerous analogy, Dwayne... makes us wonder if you mean it's all over in under 6 seconds Oh, man... that was mean.... I can feel a payback a-comin'....
  16. I think it's aboout time that the media focussed their attentions in a different direction for a while (anyone see Toyota latest ads, admitting they've "recently" let quality slide?). In the past, Ford seemed to be the company that the media loved to hate. Other car companies would have recalls and safety concerns but there always seemed to be a story on Ford already in the news... Now it can be Toyotas turn for a while. Fact of the matter remains.... executive decisions on which parts and features to include in a vehicle are made every day... and they all center around "the most bang for the buck". Not all of these decisions might have been the right decisions... I don't care how many millions of miles they rack up on their test mules, the real product testing begins when they sell mass production units to the beta testers.... whoops, I meant consumers...
  17. When I was a kid, there was a confectionery in a small town near the army base we lived on... The Chinaman that ran the place (Hey... that's what we called him back then... no racial malice... no insults... he was Chinese... what would we call him? French?) kept the empty pop bottles out back (this is back when the store that sold you a glass bottle full of pop would give you the 2 cents deposit back when you returned the bottle). We'd sneak behind the store and steal an empty bottle... take it round front and get 2 cents worth of candy for it... We were sure that we were pulling the wool over this mans eyes, even though he would only ever let us return one bottle at a time. Today, it's milk crates stacked behind the store... no deposit, no return.... but somebody, somewhere paid to have them made... prolly for more than 2 cents, too... Food for thought.
  18. I am reminded of a "tech" that said "roll them in like a donut".... Some of the guys in western Canada know who I'm talking about. Me? I don't do anything real steady.. I'm like "Mr. Everything" in our store and it shows in my efficiency... today I'm doing an automatic trans, tomorrow a repeat drivability, the next day a truck wanders... So I can't say what removing heads is going to take (well.... I got a pretty good idea what it will take me). What I have seen is shit that scares the bejayzus out of me... shortcuts that haven't backfired...... not yet, anyway. Techniques that no engineer will sign off on, but guys do them. Our society... both in the US and in Canada has grown (shall we say) litigious.... And if push comes to shove, can we say "I did that in strict accordance with accepted manufacturer procedure". We want so badly to be accepted as a "profession" rather than a trade.... Ever see what airplane mechanics go though? And all the airplane techs I know get paid less than we do... Go figure.
  19. And the old wet blanket replies "what about that inscription on the side attesting to the ownership of said device?". At the same time reminding everyone about the time their foot plunged through the "top" (which used to be the bottom) and became entrapped... I've had to go scrounging for shit that I own, and I usually vow to eviscerate anyone harbouring the object of my desire. We have milk crates in our shop.... I have no idea where they came from but, if they are the only thing available, I have used them... and this, by no means, makes it "right". Some of the simplest things... we like to think we are above reproach. What may be important to one, may be of little interest to another.. but if it involves a product, someone paid to have it made... Oh, yes, I have feet made of clay, just like you... but I do try to make amends....
  20. Actually... I was thinking the answer would come right back to where we live... People (and companies) with a lot of money always have someone else to blame.... Trapped in the middle, someone will tell us that they wont pay for that. Trapped in the middle someone else will tell us "Yes they will". In real life, they usually shoot the messenger... I'm a jaded old man... the only thing that surprises me is when people are surprised about the depths of depravity we encounter. Remember our recent chat about scotchlox? I wouldn't be surprised to actually see them... How many guys remember the deal with gold plated connectors?
  21. Keep up the good work.... need any pointers?
  22. I dunno... you can be fast - or you can be good.... I think most of us have been treated to the aftermath of somebody elses fast.... Thats why we have expletives.... Before I became an apprentice, I worked at an auto wreckers.. This was back in the late 60s.... I could pull the motor and transmission out of a late model car in under 15 minutes using only a cutting torch and what we called a "wrecking buggy" - occasionally we would have to call the fire department but broken and burned shit doesn't count... right? Fuck... I forgot.... at some point we might need to put this shit back together....
  23. In all honesty, that must be an Ontario thing (Ontario bing a hotbed of liberal gobbledygook)... It's been years since I saw milk in a bag. Like you, we currently see (in most Alberta stores... certainly in Slave Lake stores) resealable plastic screw top jugs and more commonly wax cartons. I think we still can get tetra packs (the cardboard box looking thingies) but my loving bride and I don't actively seek those out... FWIW (and I am surprised that anyone would spend the time to make a video like that) the bags were first introduced (caution - memory thing happening) back when we had home milk delivery. This would have been the common sight then. At least we drink real beer and not some stuff that should be called "love in a canoe". (Fuckin' near water for the uninitiated).
  24. The shape of things to come? Will the next question be "what made the injector fail?". And where could the answer to that take us?
  25. Endorsed by Orange County Choppers... they can sell shit to folks that don't ride scooters... It MUST be good if Paul senior likes it..... WOW wow wow changes the spray pattern, huh? wow we can all retire now Paul senior.... Wow..... you can't find a better expert than paul senior.... 'scuse me... I have to !?@#%! now.... wow I previewed my post.... did you realize that master bait comes up as !?@#%!? More wow!!!!
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