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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Looking around, I see the true meaning of Remembrance day... Veterans day... Armistice day... whatever you choose to call it.. is being forgotten... If we can't remember our history... well - even now we are repeating it. The events of long ago have an impact on each and every one of us.... whether we choose to believe the fact - or not. John Hitchen is an uncle I never met.... My mothers oldest brother was her hero... Lance Bombardier Hitchen was a gifted football player (soccer to you) though I doubt he would have ever made the "pros"... I have one of his awards that I cherish dearly... He was also an avid motorcyclist... and here the story begins. When WW2 "happened", Uncle John enlisted in the Royal Artillery and trained as a gunner. An opportunity arose as a messenger... a motorcycle messenger. Many messages were hand delivered so that Jerry couldn't intercept a radio communication. April 17, 1942, Uncle John was dispatched to London with a message. That night, London was the target of a bombing raid... Once his message was delivered, John Hitchen offered his assistance to a flak battery... one of the last decisions he would ever make. The battery was destroyed - all hands perished.... Mum would often talk of Uncle John... not surprising. By some cruel twist of fate, in my late teens and in my 20s, looking at a picture of Uncle John was like looking in a mirror. Am I a hawk? Or am I a dove? I don't know.... For decades, politicians have sent our boys and girls into harms way.... In the 60s, Dad was sent to the Belgian Congo (which became Zaire and now the Democratic Republic of the Congo)... There was a civil war going on and the UN (aka the "free" world) decided that meddling was the way to go. Anyway.... politicians will continue to send our youth into dangerous places and then refuse to give them all the tools they need. Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity... but if we are going to send our kids into these places, we should have the balls to give them the biggest fucking stick money can buy. 1100 hours on November the 11th should remind us of this fact... If we adopted a "shoot first - question the survivors" attitude... maybe we wouldn't be so quick the get into some of these "police actions". Interesting side note.... more often than not, the people you are helping wind up hating you.... I am the son of a "war bride"... and I am fucking proud of it.... Lest we forget......
  2. Wow.. I have a lot of thread to read.... however... I need to do two things to Dwayne... First is to apologize for the fuel line stuff.... Kenny came up with a pic or two showing the error of my ways... With the pic of "the hand" still in my mind (ask if you want a replay) I am amazed that we see this fuel system as it is presented.... Perhaps it will look different when we get to see it... All the same - high pressure fluids are something to respect. Second... Dwayne is one of many that has an immense respect for high pressure fluids.... and here he is embracing exposed high pressure lines.... Over to you, Dwayne. As for the motor.... we are entering the twilight zone of new technology... YET AGAIN.... they are testing hand fabbed mules.... we will be testing assembly line built, idiot piloted, misguided missiles... There are ever so many days that the only reason I go to work is because I want to see what happens next......
  3. Larry, my loving bride and I tried everything under the sun to help us quit... the patch - the gum - never did get to the hypnosis part... My wife read Alan Carrs book, picked a day and quit... Boom! About a month later, I recalled all the times I tried to quit and relapsed because she still smoked. One morning I woke up and the mood was right... Instead of lighting one up, I threw them away. My wife hasn't had the urge to smoke since... Me? I don't think I really quit smoking - but it's been a really, really long time since I had one. I quit on a Monday morning so I had stuff to keep me busy for the first days. Quitting is a monumental decision... Patches and gum and pills are only crutches and not very good ones.... So, the difference for us is that we decided we weren't going to "try" to quit smoking... we decided we were going to stop smoking (and yes, there are times I would !KILL!for a smoke) period... Kieth... I have spent many years telling young'ns to put down their purse and 'do it'.... I used to live like "death is natures way of telling us to slow down"... I do look after myself much better than I used to.... but many old habits die hard... besides... this is one of those things I will do as long as I can. And doing it the other way takes too long...
  4. Oh boy.... what's the chances of getting "lot rot" all over again?
  5. >>Read the attached file for the complete details. This information was originally posted on FMC Dealer and now resides on the PTS website. Here is the SSM as well: Originally Posted By: Ford Motor Company 2863 - REVISIONS TO THE DIESEL ENGINE COMPONENTS PRIOR APPROVAL PROGRAM BEGIN 11/2/09 THE EXISTING DIESEL ENGINE COMPONENTS PRIOR APPROVAL PROGRAM IS BEING AMENDED TO REMOVE FOUR 6.0L COMPONENTS, AND ADD ONE NEW 6.0L AND TWO NEW 6.4L COMPONENTS. THESE REVISIONS APPLY TO BOTH LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 DEALERSHIPS AND ARE EFFECTIVE WITH REPAIR ORDERS DATED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 2, 2009. IN ADDITION, THE PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THESE REVISIONS. REFER TO THE FOLLOWING DEALER LETTER FOR MORE INFORMATION: DEALER LETTER, DATED OCTOBER 12, 2009 "REVISIONS TO THE EXISTING DIESEL ENGINE COMPONENTS PRIOR APPROVAL PROGRAM" Attachments prior_approval_efc_10-12-09.pdf (15 downloads)<< Now... here's a good reason for DTS to be at the workplace... Somehow I missed the broadcast message and was told that we didn't need prior approval for the 3 injectors we did last week... I thenk the Fonz would say "Fuckin' AAAAAA".
  6. I don't think this is going to make any difference for us in the field, Larry... We never did have much to do with the compressor side of things. The turbine is still single sided and I don't see where much will change there. Other than the actuator being a little more "positive" (read that as having maybe a little more grunt). Thus far, I don't recall any sticking VGTs on the 6.4s.... so far....
  7. Dwayne... are you sure you aren't looking at a cut-away? I can't see Ford placing 30,000 PSI plumbing where Joe Average can easily get to it... Scarey enough that the "exposed" lines on the 6.4 are buried under turbos and heat shields. The current trend in infernal (sic) combustion technology is to minimize the possibility of external leaks... environmental laws may be part of the impetus for this ( http://tinyurl.com/ycpgakw might give some insight into Alberta requirements). as agencies on both sides of the border tighten the screws on polluters. While the new motor has made promises regarding power output and fuel consumption, we all have to admit that it wont take much of an improvement for the 6.4 to make something else look good. Let's not forget that this new motor is chock full of those goodies we love to hate... The EGR valve hasn't been entirely trouble free on the 6.4. Maybe keeping the valve hot in the 6.7 will answer the problems.... maybe it will create new ones. We'll still have the VGT - without a position sensor... but it looks like we get a waste gate to help deal with anything less than self-inflicted overboost conditions. It adds complexity and(as the waste gate tries to hide VGT problems) it may add to the possibility of misdiagnosis. Time will tell. A the good Lord knows that piezo stack injectors have been a real good answer.... how many liters do we see drain out of a 6.4 oil pan? Hopefully we wont see any more V-Macs or pumps driven off the front of the crank... But we do have new technology thrown at us... Here is a very interesting article on SRC technology http://tinyurl.com/cyk8ub Don't get me wrong... I'm still pretty excited by this new engine..... but there's going to be enough same old same old included in the package that you can't tell what to expect...
  8. What they said, Mike... little guys look at something and ask for help to lift it.... this is wise. The bigger you are - the less you ask for help.... I have a bad habit of swinging 19.5s on steel wheels up onto the ramp of my hoist (between mid thigh and waist level) without help... One of these days. I will move a wee bit wrong.... This is not so wise.
  9. Howdy stranger... say "Hi" to all the poohawks on inford for me.... Oh, yes.... three strikes and you are OUT. We can't even get DTS at work anymore.... but we can still get porn.... WTF is that?
  10. There is a very good chance that I may no longer be a criminal.... YESSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!
  11. I'm thinking you are right, Chris.... It is rare for me to work on cars (or has been in the past). I never did pay attention (or the info might not have been offered) to engine size when I read the anecdotes.
  12. There is no end to what you might see the unknowing attempt.... something the last 40 years has taught me - be amazed, but don't ever be surprised....
  13. I'm still trying to perfect powdered water... just add water and stir....
  14. If you run an oil with low kinematic viscosity at low temps (something like a 0W30 or 0W40 (don't discount 5W40), you shouldn't get into trouble... the 5W20 spec was as much as (or more) for improved CAFE numbers than anything else. FWIW, I have yet to see any Scamsoil product with an API rating... they will say "the same as"... but the containers never bear the American Petroleum Institute logo (or blessing). If you take Bruce' advice and look at a synthetic, be sure to research the differences between PAO base stocks and "pretend" base stocks. As it stands, your main concern will be the oils ability (and the oil pumps) to maintain a hydrodynamic wedge on main and connecting rod journals... rule of thmb on the old cam in block engines was 10 PSI oil pressure for 1000 rpm... 'T' a mechanical gauge into the system... (used to be you could put a "real" oil pressure sender in place of the dorky thing... some simple experimenting would show if that still works). Since you aren't blueprinting the bottom end, oil volume "shouldn't" be a concern... Do they even make high volume pumps for modular engine? But, if you run into an oil delivery concern to the heads, you'd expect the phasers to let you know. FWIW, back in the 80s and early 90s, I heard several claims that running 10W30 in some GM cars would pump up the lifters and result in a start-stall until you went back to 5W30.. I don't recall ever having it happen to me... but I don't recall using 10W30m in them, either... Another FWIW... we use "off the shelf" 5W30 in pretty much all of the exotica.... of course, most of these get oil changes usually after much less than 50 hours of operation.... This assures that we have no shear or viscosity change... we rarely cut filters open to look for debris...
  15. Indeed... I take full responsibility... Distractions, however, can claim even the best focused minds...
  16. My best advice... start at the very beginning... pretend that nobody has ever looked at this concern... Disregard everything that the other dealer has done. Failing to do this can and will trap you... honest - DAMHIKT!!!! I'm not sure what this has for a harmonic balancer... if it's like the one on the 4.0, stick your finger inside and check to be sure the damper isn't floating around loose... What are your fuel trims? Is a vacuum gauge tied into the intake manifold steady? What do the injectors sound like with a stethoscope (this is reaching kinda far... you need to concentrate on things that will affect only one bank).
  17. Ahhhhh ..... But now the customer is gambling hard.... and if something goes south, and Ford says "too bad, so sad" we all know where the blame will fall.... The only "happy" thing I ever get to say to a customer is "your truck is fixed" ... and, sometimes, that turns into a lie...
  18. MSG is another food group.... Also marketed under the trademark "Accent", it fell out of favour in the 80s.... Butter has been in and out of favour for many years... in the 80s, I insisted that we eat margarine,,, today, I refuse to eat something with a chemical formula that resembles plastic... Have you seen the containers that proudly proclaim "an edible petroleum product"? Yummmm This thread is officially hijacked... FWIW... stir fried foods are, IMHO, pretty good for you (much better than most fast food joints)... olive oil can be substituted but it's "smoke point" is lower than peanut oil.... if you reach smoke point, you food will take a burnt flavour... When is the last time you saw a sick China man? I eat a lot of "pungent" foods (capiscum is yet another food group).... I'm not the healthiest person in the world... but I don't live in the doctors waiting room either. I don't recall the last "sick day" I took... Stay away from salt and sugar... everything on the shelf already has far too much of that shit in it.... Fuck me... this is now Gordon Ramsays forum....
  19. Was this warrantee? Was the truck flagged? This is important stuff....
  20. So... are you guys done talking about basic food groups?
  21. Windstar? Most of the Whinestars I have seen have the word "SPORT" on the back.... I have a real problem trying to use the words minivan and sport in the same sentence... Anyway.... How fast does your fuel pressure drop after key off? Check the WSM for the spec.... When the hard start occurs and the fuel pressure takes a bit before it climbs, can you hear the fuel pump run? What I mean is if it could be a faulty relay keeping the pump from priming the fuel rail? Study the chain of events that must happen for the fuel pressure gauge to rise.... key on... EEC relay.... fuel pump relay... fuel pump .... Even if the regulator is faulty (yet holding 5~10 PSI) one would expect to see the fuel pressure gauge give some indication of fule pump activity - even if it is a minor, momentary surge... It is important to form your own opinion of what each step or stage of the key on to engine start should be..... I spent the best part of my morning proving that TSB 08-04-11 is a poorly thought out, under-researched, minimalistic, idiotic, narrow-minded piece of shit.... And this isn't the only document that Ford has produced that bears these traits... I think I'm going to go and take my meds now.....
  22. Well... yes indeedy, he can do just that..... but he needs a way to be sure that he isn't breathing MY clean air and forcing me to breath HIS foul air... There are those of us that are trying desparately to assure future generations will assume the custodianship of a viable ecosystem... and there are those of us that figure I can just go fuck myself... as long as some of us follow the rules - they don't have to... He can modify his ride all he wants.... and, before he cruises the world day in and day out with it - he should ask the rest of us how we feel about clean air for our kids.
  23. FWIW.... I am officially banned for life from the "monkey house"... Man... I didn't think I was this good....
  24. Let's see... CGI block = lighter and stiffer = higher thermal loading per pound.... Old engines built with a bazillion pounds of old school, flexible cast iron could absorb thermal loads that would destroy a modern engine.. Newer engines have operating strategies designed to ameliorate cooling system failures. Let's call this one even. The 6.7 will have one extra head bolt per cylinder... I don't know where and I can't remember what the bolt diameters are... bolt length plays into the equation, too... Some 396 and early 427 "rat motors' had head gasket problems at as low as 11.5:1 static CR... these motors had 5 bolts per cylinder - two sharing... Staking the block deck around the short bolts seemed to help... and remember that these weren't TTY bolts (workshop manuals of the day recommended replacing headbolts after the second use). An extra head bolt you say? FWIW the 427 SOHC used 4 bolts per cylinder and 11:1 or 12:1 compression was ho-hum... I'm pretty sure some NASCAR teams were dancing with 13:1 before Bill Sr yanked the rug out from under the Hemi and the Cammer and cut the balls out of the rat. Mind you, the Boss 429 was likely the real catalyst in the move to sub 360 engines... and the Boss 429? Yep - 4 per cylinder - two sharing. Having faith is for you youngsters.... I've been a motorhead since I was "knee high to a grasshopper".... "Show me the time slip"... I hope the engineers prove me wrong... there ain't many people more "Ford" than I am.. But I've been around enough years to know that even modern day testing will fail to appreciate the stupidity of it's customers and the opportunity for failures to happen... One of the 6.0s biggest detriments is the lack of a waste gate. The VGT sticks - bye-bye head gaskets... The 6.7 appears to have a waste gate... a poor substitute for a positive VGT position controller/failure strategy... but better than what we had... Score one for the 6.7 Speaking of turbo.... ever watch heavy equipment working at night? Those with exposed turbochargers are.... nifty looking. While we need to keep an eye on the dirtymax.... it is the PSD that concerns us.... No sense in worrying about the chinese restaraunt if you are selling pizza...
  25. OK... so I took some time to read into the rest of the thread... almost makes me want to take a shower.... A guy called 1tonpower (ooooh, what a sexy fucking name... "I don't have a real life so I will identify with a pile of metal and plastic... and you can just feel another sidebar coming up,. can't you) has an avatar line that says "serving our country" ... and then he says we should get into creative writing... I didn't realize serving our country meant the same thing as fucking over our country. Anyway.... these guys get all bonerific about a fucking truck. Viewing some of these names reminded me of a recent conversation with a friend that owns a gas competiton rail car. Our local A&W had a "car show" with the evenings profits going to a well known charity... Rick and I hadn't talked for a long time and my loving bride asked where his car was... we explained to her what the aluminum bodywork looks like after the car has flexed a few times and, it seems like we rehearsed it... we both said "it's only a machine".... You ain't never going to reason with anyone that considers his truck as "part of the family"...
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