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Everything posted by Jim Warman
No offence taken, Bill... I may sound a little "off" sometimes because I tend to open my mouth and whatever I am thinking at the moment spills out. Anyway... I have lived in sunny Alberta since 1967.... T'would be about 1980 and Trudeau enacted the National Energy Plan.... Basically, this was Ottawa raping Alberta... The Feds purchased PETROCan (spawning the acronym Pierre Elliot Trudeau Rips Off Canada) at huge cost - and later sells it off to friends of the regime at fire sale prices. If there are any Canadian rednecks - they live in Alberta - but probably not around Brooks (a friend recently moved to Brooks - Derek Bates can explain the northern oil patch to you). This is still fairly rough and tumble... not like it was 15 or 20 years ago... but life here isn't what you could consider "politically correct"... There's good money to be made here.... but it's just as easy to spend a lot of money. One of my fave bumper stickers of all time - "Please Lord - let there be another oil boom - I promise not to piss it up against a wall this time...".
Good thing you gave this thread a bump, Aaron.... Anyone interested can check into the lawsuit here
A problem with quality hops? Dwaynes tolerance for some mods may change
Soot is soot.... that's what the DPF is supposed to catch (I had one this afternoon with soot in the pipe and an Airaid filter). Carbon dioxide is clear.... carbon monoxide is clear... oxides of nitrogen have to react with sunlight to be anything but clear... Sorry, Aaron... the lack of soot in the tailpipe doesn't prove too much other than that the filter is doing it's job.
Wow.... this is quite the load of horseshit this guy is packing.... let's take a look at only a few of the holes... So... let's look at some of this stuff logically. How do we pick who should be able to delete an emissions control and who can't? People that live in even numbered houses? People born on a Thursday? Better yet... why don't we just stop building these things with EGR valves and such on them? If defeating an EGR valve or other device is so good for the motor... lets get rid of all these damned devices... I love the smell of ozone in the morning!!! (Apologies to Lt.Col. Bill Kilgore - aka Robert Duvall).
Glow plug concerns can affect emissions...= light.... Going too fast wont affect emissions (normally) = no light.... It is rare to pull a P0297 by itself.... if it will go that fast, the owner has few concerns with the truck... It is common to see this as a nuisance code.... along with wind noise concerns, fuel consumption concerns and lack of power concerns....
OK...... EGR deletion is considered justified by WHO???? Certainly not by those agencies that have done what-ever research that may or may not be required... Some accreditation - some empirical evidence is going to be required... Too many folks are swayed by glossy ads and shiney bolt on contrivances. FWIW... that's "oxides of nitrogen" - this reacts with sunlight, rainfall and various other ground level pollutants... You didn't see the history of this pollutant and it doesn't fit your concept... I cannot blame you for that... but you need to research things a little better... Hydrocarbon emissions... The EGR was never designed to control this... Particulate emissions... the EGR was never designed to address this... Carbon monoxide and dioxide???? No EGR going on here.... Like I said... the emissions controls are part of "A" concern... Scientists and engineers are struggling with this.... and we have the "cure" at hand"? Something that surprises me.... so many dwell so hard on fuel consumption.... while it has been proven time and again that controlling tailpipe emissions has been unfriendly to fuel consumption... the biggest hit I can recall was the reduction in compression ratio, the removal of tetra-ethyl lead and the addition of the catalyst/EGR system back in (in Canada, at least ) 1973... We can squander our petroleum resources in an effort to buy time for a "better" fuel supply.... Why are you willing to squander our air for you short term goals? What most people do not realize is that EGR flow in a gas engine happens at part throttle... there is no EGR flow at WOT. In a diesel, there is little EGR flow at part throttle and more EGR flow happens at WOT. While there are benefits to the vehicle owner when we consider these types of modifications... it is society that we need to consider... unless of course you go to a different planet at quitting time... There is none so blind as he who WILL NOT see....
My, my... Indeed, we SHOULD all get along together... We ARE Canadians... But you desparately need to understand "transfer payments". What it boils down to.... eastern Canada is "running the country" because this is where the people (and the votes) are. Western Canada is supplying the operating capital... How many Albertans did you meet working in Ontario? I'm talking house buying, going to work Albertans? You complain of the high costs in Alberta.... look to eastern canada.. look to transfer payments... the federal kitty that every province pays in to.... the same kitty that gives Alberta less than she puts in.... the same kitty that gives the east MORE than they put in... Yes... we should get along... but some folks need to wake up before that can happen. I've lived with those high costs since 1967.... One of the things I have come to realize.... If you want more money to be spent on YOU.... there is a good chance that YOU will have to sign a check... I work fucking hard for my pay.... there is no free lunch. I'm sorry, man... By the way... welcome to one of Canadas last frontiers.
Actually, I dropped by blueovaltechs.com . While we are on the subject... how many have heard of "the class action suit" that has been stalled so many times.... After this much time, I see little hope.... Sign up at blueovaltechs.com and see if it is too late to make a difference. But if there was a resurgence of interest... who knows... But, for the most part... we are an apathetic bunch of little, narrow minded people.... we have cojones smaller than those on a flea on a fly on a rats left nut...
Ooooooh, man.... You are about to learn that Ontariariario is the heart of the country... Between that place and the frogs, they think they are God's gift to Canada and that the people that really make this country tick are a couple of buns shy of a wiener roast.... The western provinces are what makes Canada viable.... Unfortunately, enough easterners moved here to elect a liberal in conservative clothing like Selmack (no... I don't care to learn how to spell his name) - OK... I got the snow job, too... And I am sorry.... Bottom line... Alberta is a "have" province... Have you ever heard of "transfer payments"?????
I understand that TSB 07-11-02 didn't resolve the concern?
It can get complex here in the land of universal medical care.... private plans can refuse to pay for things universal plans pay for.... and universal plans will refuse to pay for anything a private plan pays for (and you thought Ford warranty was complex). There have been changes in the past... and I am abjectly behind the times (bills and such are my loving brides responsibility) but I recall AHC (Alberta Health Care) and Alberta Blue Cross as being complimentary.... and, in the case of Blue Cross, not free. As it stands.... insurance is insurance... there is no free ride. Somewhere.... somehow... sometime... there has to be somebody paying the premiums without collecting the benefits... or is this "thinking wrong"?
Al Gore not-withstanding, Adam... I'm not sure there is a "goody two shoes" aspect to any of this stuff... Aaron... since the advent of the thermactor in 1967.... yes... in 1967. the positive crankcase ventilation system somewhere around the same time and the EGR valve in the early 70s.... the hardware has ALWAYS been cause for concern and driveability issues... ALWAYS... it is the nature of the beast... it is called a "cost of being green" (much like buying a torque wrench is a cost of doing business). Zero pollution is a dream... unattainable... will not happen in our life time... however, we can either do our part to minimize our footprint... or - we can unilaterally declare war on our planet and on our grandchildren (some of you youngsters have no aspersions to grandchildren - let alone children today.... I was like that once. Don't get me wrong.... there is a 67 Coronet with a 383.... a 69 Charger with a 440 and a 69 RoadRunner in the works with an RB stroker (500 inches)... The Coronet got ran 30 minutes this year... the Charger hasn't been run this year at all and the RR is in progress... DUH!!!! A daily driver? Give us a break.... Do we need heavily modded daily drivers? Do we need a bunch of <expletive deleted>s deciding that EPA and other legislation designed to reduce our exposure is "bad"? Are these the same guys that will climb on some bandwagon and loudly proclaim that someone else should be hung out to dry because they "broke the law" or "offended our sensibilities"? Since the inception of these troublesome emissions controls, our air quality has shown inprovements... and now some jerkoff is deciding that my efforts allow him to do those things that I would love to do... but know that they aren't in our best interests? He is, in effect, saying fuck you and your family, Jimmy-boy... I wont limit my polluting to a few hours a year... I am going to shit on you every time I start my daily driver... Now.... when we realize that some of these guys are busy "repairing" todays vehicles, we start to wonder if the fox isn't in charge of the hen-house.... In the early 70s, we would see some old school techs with piles of vacuum harnesses under their bench as they disconnected those things they refused to understand... Can't fix it like a real man? somebody has a delete kit or a programmer or some other way so that we can shoot ourselves squarely in the foot... Some of this crap has to change.... if we don't do it.... who will? One thing you can be sure of.... YOUR grandchildren will HAVE to accept the world we give them... Al Gore? Even he can't remember the last time we had an 80 degree day at the end of September in Slave Lake... But what do I know.... I'm old and haven't seen much in all these years.... If I was a lot younger - I would know everything.
Don't forget the "trailer thing".... there was a broadcast message... All the same, some enterprising soul has a class three hitch for the Transit Connect on E-Bay. It is branded as a Valley Tow Rite hitch... even though Valley doesn't show a hitch for this app on their website....
I'm paying just shy of $190 a month.... I'm not sure if my kid is still covered under the plan or not... I just spent $2700 at the dentist.... the health plan reimbursed me $1400... I can't recall about glasses... Alberta Health Care pays the exam fees, IIRC...
of modifications... So... It's no secret how I feel about "our carbon footprint"... being a old fuck, I lived through shit you young guys will never understand nor appreciate.... Yussuf Islam opined "you're still young - that's your fault" in "Father And Son".... If we refuse to learn from our history, we are doomed to repeat it.... Anyway.... a couple of the guys were chatting about the cost... sorry, that should be the "cost" of EGR delete kits. To really appreciate the ramifications of something like this, one would have to research the tailpipe emissions that result from EGR deletes as well as the other changes that 'usually' accompany these kinds of modifications. One of these techs was aghast at the thought of paying over $400 for an EGR delete... The old guys brain didn't kick into gear until he got home ... While $400 may appear to be quite an expense for a hose or two and a block off plate.... let us look at the "real" cost.... So.. ya want something to keep you from having this bothersome little fuck up called an EGR valve from making your life inconvenient... Has anyone done much research on oxides of nitrogen? Has anyone done much research on tailpipe emissions in general? Some of you guys have children... one day those children will bear grandchildren... I look around and, today, I see some of the most "fragile" people the world has ever produced. I can't say if the youth of yesteryear were more resilient or if we just didn't complain like todays youth.... I can't say if it is a case where-in we are becoming the product of our environment... I can't say if it is a case where we have beaten polio and rubela and all the other "childhood" diseases and now we have new shit to replace them. We have spent decades introducing pollutants into our environment... we accept the skyrocketing costs of our health care (quite grudgingly)... yet we view deleting an important emissions control device as "spending 400 bucks....).... with no regard for the costs that come AFTER the initial "investment".... As amazing as it may sound.... "we" should be the experts at some of this stuff... "we" should research the results of our actions.... Need I say it again? "We" have been placed in a position of public trust.... And the best response we can muster is that "I will install that crap because another guy will install that crap..." (Repeat after me.... "Hey sailor... wanna get lucky?". Look at it this way.... a professional doctor will adhere to correct methods and proven procedures... Quacks are a dime a dozen....
We had our first new car up on the hoist today during the PDI... From the look of it, this is one vehicle that will make diesel techs feel good about being diesel techs...
My first aquaintance with this kind of shit would be in about 1973/74. I was working at a L/M dealership and they bought into the Wynns Xtend program... We would dump a can of <something> into a transmission, diff, transfer case, motor, cooling system, fuel tank, what have you. We would do this without the customers approval.... If the customer balked at the idea, he would not be charged for the <something>... however, Wynns would not pay to remove the <something> and the customer was forced to drive away with stuff he never asked for... not to mention the bad taste in his mouth from the experience and the nagging thought that whatever was put in his cars innards might not agree with other stuff... (all you need is to instill one seed of doubt... and your customer will vanish). To make things more palatable for us techs, there used to be a brightly coloured plastic ring in each brightly coloured can. Depending on the colour, the ring was worth varying amounts... Greed, BTW, wins.... Now... as then... it is all about "moving product". Today, they have shiny machines and tools to use as sales aids... "This will clean this" "That will clean that" and your car will remain new for years and years and years.... The transmission flush machine.... we are supposed to dump a chemical into the auto trans... after the "fluid exchange" we are supposed to dump some kind of secret sauce into the trans .... this secret sauce can turn Dexron 3 into Mercon V... quite possible even Mercon LV now.... Seems like they want us to overlook that pesky torque converter and whatever can be trapped in it... The coolant flush machine... same idea... sell product.... flushing chemical and then top it off with a neutralizer and a stop leak.... Muck fe.... they will often GIVE you the fancy machine... all you have to do is SELL THEIR PRODUCT. Looking at flatratetech.com, you will notice that one of the biggest gripes they have is the "flush queen". This is the kind of stuff that can alienate a customer in a heartbeat.
way too much time on my hands... WOW!!!
any jobber scanner do power balance
Jim Warman replied to jimwrench's topic in Tools, Computers and the Internet
I don't think anyone is casting aspersions on your choice of after work entertainment... Most everyone I know has done side work... up until something goes horribly wrong and being a member of the underground economy suddenly loses its luster. But..... a scan tool is just like any other tool. We can buy a tool that does one thing very, very well.... or we can buy a tool that does a lot of things - only not too well... FWIW... most of my adult life was spent as self employed.... I found that I am a lot better at machines than I am at business. -
We have the Wynns version.... my own impression rates this product as just another wallet flush.
So.... in another thread, we touched on using distilled water versus potable water for cooling systems... For over 40 years, I have used tap water in cooling systems... I have seen gnarly cooling systems and I have seen clean cooling systems... "Back in the day" Dodge and Plymouth cars and trucks would come with the next best thing to mud in their cooling systems... (anyone remember the 318 poly motor?). Still, using tapwater was accepted industry practice... or was it? Back in the 60s, this trade was still the dumping ground for the dregs of humanity... if your son wasn't smart enough to be a plumber... he could always be a mechanic.... And we all used tapwater in cooling systems... We weren't taught in trade school (when I went) to use tapwater... but neither were we taught NOT to use it. Indeed, in our practical (in shop) training, tapwater was used universally when we filled or topped off coolant levels. I have never seen any advice from any engineer "signing off" on using tapwater... This is something the rank and file (us guys in the trenches) have unilaterally decided... On a similar note, remembering that I am entrusted with performing several different types of inspections, it dawned on me one day that the light truck I was looking at had inappropriate valve stems mounted in the wheels. A tire shop had replaced the valve stems when new tires were installed. They installed these on wheels calling for 80 PSI inflation pressure. This particular valve stem is only rated for 60 PSI.... I was discussing this with our tire repair supplier when he told me that rope type tire plugs were "illegal".... "SAY WHAT?!?!?!" I've been using them for 40 years in both bias ply (some of you guys wont recognize that) and radial ply tires... Never any problems as far as I have seen..... as far as I have seen... as far as I.... I've used them in my own tires... I've used them in sidewalls to get me out of a bind... "illegal?????". Rope type tire plugs are "accepted industry practice"... But I can't find where any engineers have signed off on their use. BUT.. I HAVE found mentions by NHTSA (and other entities)that specifically state that a tubeless tire repair MUST both plug the hole and cover the injury internally... The specter of future litigation is far too real... yet erring on the side of safety can price us out of the market as other stores adopt a cavalier attitude towards safety. What is a girl to do? Anything that we do to make vehicles safer is going to cost the consumer more money... and you know how far that is going to take us.... Yet, when push comes to shove and the plaintiff brings his expert engineer witness to the stand condemning "accepted industry practice" - I can see the juries eyes flicking between the quadrapalegic and the tech... (My God... am I a doomsayer or what?). I have to wonder how many of those things that we have accepted as "business as usual" all these years actually fly in the face of either legislation or "accepted ENGINEERING practice"? Back in the day, it was common practice to reuse front wheel grease seals when repacking bearings. National Seal company would supply your garage with a storage cabinet if you stocked and sold their wheel seals. On the front was a sign "Always use new grease seals". It took many years for that to happen universally. Back in the day, people accepted that "shit happens".... today, they look around to see how many people they can sue......
Fluid Reference Charts
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in Fuels - Oils - Additives - Chemicals
I had completely forgotten about Lindertech... been a good source of info in the past.... If we look closely at the Ford WSM... and I realize that cooling systems are too fucking simple for us to need to look in the manual.... this would be the manual that states that "Recommended coolant concentration is 50/50 ethylene glycol to distilled water". Now... (we are currently going into melt down with a similar but totally divirced situation) "accepted industry practice" has us using tap water. However... we have never seen an engineer sign off on this practice and, somewhere along the line, we could have a real fur-ball in the making... especially if someone with nothing better to do decides to call 1-800-CALLSAM. Now... do we charge extra for distilled water and try to explain to a dollar conscious customer why we cost more? And isn't the explanation going to sound limp dick to the uninititaed? Do we silently swallow the cost of the distilled water (making sure that we enter a line on the work order to show that we did indeed use the product - about $4.00 per US gallon here in beeyootiful downtown Slave Lake)? If we choose the latter - at least we will be well protected from any class action litigation or other happenings that may arise when someone with an office and a TV commercial decides to stop chasing ambulances. "Accepted industry practice".... there are ever so many things that we have come to view as de riguer... the way we do things.... my current conumdrum is tire plugs. These have been a staple of tire repairs in Alberta for decades... I've used them for about 40 years.... with no problems that I am aware of.... that I am aware of... that I am...... At this point, I think it better that I start a new thread..... to deal with "accepted industry practice".... Back to the chase.... when the WSM states distilled water.... if someone wants to push hard... would coolant colour matter after we use tap water in a coling system? Conumdrum.... I drink tap water (unless there is a water ban on)... why would I treat my motor better than I treat my guts? Decisions... decisions... decisions.... -
Oh no here it comes
Jim Warman replied to LARRY BRUDZYNSKI's topic in Fuels - Oils - Additives - Chemicals
Key statement... the mandate is for 2% biodiesel... For the 6.0 and 6.4 Ford says no more than 5% - we are still good to go... For the 6.7 Ford is saying 20%... Nothing earth shattering yet.... even at 20% there is a good chance that cloud and gel points wont be too much of an issue for "us". All the same... it is one thing for a politician to say "<THIS> is the way it shall be"... it is quite another thing for technology to agree with him.... Manitoba is being bold... one has to wonder how many <million dollar studies> have been chartered for such a decision.... Having said that, how much is really ever going to matter.... Even now, the law says that <this> isn't legal.... but we all do it... Read this part carefully.... VERY carefully.... Some of us do it because we are prostitutes... anything for a buck... hey sailor.... wanna get lucky? Some of us do it because prostitutes will do it... why should they get paid and I don't.... hey sailor... wanna get lucky? but not like I'm a prostitute,, I only do this because the prostitutes do..... Whoops... biodiesel.... small time legislation rarely amounts to much.... But, in this case, it seems the Manitoba legislature has come up with something that looks good on paper... is ONLY inconvenient to those involved and is achievable with little fuss.... Without global consent it will fail. Just to insert some sort of rationality.... The US has something over 304 million residents..... Canada has some over 33 miliion..... DUH!!!!!