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Everything posted by Jim Warman
I think some of the pics are cut-aways... certainly the thought of having fuel lines that can build 30,000 PSI unprotected gives me the willies (don't make me repost a picture of <the hand>.... ) I think that it is a travesty that Ford is making us conjecture like this... I think it is important to make sure that the boot your are pissing on today isn't attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.
YOU guys could start threads on the Ford forums..... however, I might not be able to contribute....
Aside from a few highly trusted customers, I insist on giving a price quote... to start with, the red circle on the QC550 gets real hard to ignore... next, you avoid "that look" when the repair is more than expected... add that you get the customer to approve the work...
Like Larry says... this is a sales tool... Every red circle on the QC550 should equal another entry on an estimate pad. Look at it this way - why look to see if your customer has an "itch" if you aren't going to offer to "scratch" it... It makes no sense to tell someone "your interocetor is broken..." and then walk away... <SUGGEST> the repair..... <MAKE> the sale or have someone make the sale for you... I thought that this was how we made our living?!?!?!
Pinpoint test KA/Chasing no boost
Jim Warman replied to BLittle500's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
I think that is what you are after.... VGT duty cycle is from open to closed (low duty cycle is vanes open - high duty cycle is vanes closed). -
Something that has gained me several customers over the years.... "By the way, ya know your spare was flat too, yeah?". Some of the simplest, littlest things....
So... we can see that the thread is getting hijacked... hopefully, this reply I wont "lose" somehow... Here in the oil patch, many facilities in the field require that diesel engines be fitted with PAS devices (Positive Air Shutoff) such as the Roda Deaco valve. Unfortunately, once these are installed, nobody maintains nor "exercises" them.... Without proper care they WILL fail. I did come across as well as .
Try this then..... if you get an RO and it says something like "check differential", your biggest decision should be what colour paint stick to use when you put the check mark on.... BTW..... you may expect to get in some sort of trouble for your efforts......
That part never ceases to amaze me... "Boy, this old <used???> fire extinguisher can't be worth much" - don't forget to invert and shake the extinguishers yearly (some dry chem powders can settle and clump) and to pay close attention to any maintenance schedules laid out by local ordinances. As another thought, I keep overlooking the fact that our shop has no CO2 extinguishers... I firmly believe any shop that works on diesel should have CO2s handy for runaway prevention. Flood the intake with CO2 early enough and no engine damage should result.
Aaron and Clark... these are the kinds of things that have been around since the first wheel rolled through AlleyOops fastlane - only now it's on steroids... Clarks shop foreman is just one of how many people that go through motions in between paydays.... "This is the amount of effort it takes to keep me employed.... this is as far as I go....". Aarons customer has been around for many, many years.... he was always smarter than the rest of us because he read HotRod magazine and he could identify more than 12 parts under the hood of the car (oddly, it is the same 12 parts that are no longer present under the hood of a modern car). Today he has the internet and all of them experts over in the monkeyhouse told him what the problem is - obviously the parts he wanted replaced were not installed coorectly and that is why his concern wasn't fixed. But - let's digress... let's get back to the thrust of this thread... Communication.... That line on the work order needs to convey what can be a lot of info... It needs to describe the customer concern... it needs to help us rtecreate the customer concern and it needs to give us some assurance that we are, all of us, on the same page. That can be a tall order given the amount of "condensation" sometimes required... Sadly, we can have shop meeting after shop meeting and this is one of the things that will be mentioned at each and every meeting - and nothing will ever change. OK... let's not get maudlin.... So we have agreed that the RO in our hot little hand doesn't have enough info.... Are we going to waste a bunch of our time trying to decide what it is that the customer meant and the SA is having trouble describing? (And, realizing that most techs would rather avoid customer contact)... If you don't have enough info - go tell your SA... Make a punch - write it up as what you are doing - IF WE ARE TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM WE MUST DO THOSE THINGS THAT WILL CHANGE THE SYSTEM!!!! Years ago I was a cub leader... even before my some was born, I was, at one time, coerced into helping to mold these young minds... We would arrange the lads in a circle and whisper something like "There is a stack of firewood by the gate - bring back six pieces" to the first boy. He, in turn, would whisper the message to the next and so on.... What the first kid heard is not what he repeated.... what that kid repeated was NOT what he heard.... Like the commercial said "and they'll tell two friends - and they'll....". Loss of communication has been around for a long, long time... modern society is turning it into an art-form....
Not sure about the sensor but have you checked all the usual chaff points? Particularly at the left valve cover?
Ambulance runs like s#@t on 1,3,5,7 cyls
Jim Warman replied to kellyf's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Don't be afraid to run the buzz test cold... (there is a new flat spot on my forehead). LOAD% and MF_DES are still good PIDs to look at sometimes... -
Mmmmm.... and that handsome devil is STILL personna non gratta on 'some' venues.... Mikill... a funny thing happened to one of our diesel guys today.... he's doing head gaskets on a truck that had head gaskets some time ago.... and, quite amazingly, it ain't the first time we have seen this. In my limited experience... along about the time I utter those fateful words "I've never seen....", I get to see whatever it is that I've never seen... I'm reminded of an old cartoon strip called "The Better Half"... Husband and wife are having an argument about spending... as a counterattack, the wife accuses the husband of "useless" spending... "You just HAD to have that fire extinguisher.... and have you used it yet???? NOOoooOOOOoooOOO!!". I can't really prove that ARPs 'work'.... but head bolts have proved that they don't.... Damn... whoever said that "every retail head gasket repair on a 6.0 deserved ARPs...." was probably very smart... definitely handsome... suave, debonair, well read... and probably the kind of guy you'd like to buy drinks for....
Valve keepers came off valve.
Jim Warman replied to Fordtechnician's topic in 6.0L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Not sure I'd bother with the comp test... air up the hole and listen for an air leak... a poor mans leakdown test. Remove the EGR vale and listen at the intake... also listen at both the EGR port as well as the tailpipe just to be sure. A 'real' cylinder leak test would have the piston at TDC. -
I'll have you know, young sir, that Latin is the language we used when we were discussing what colours we were going to offer dirt in when we invented it...
Since we have, every one of us, a common goal (or we should have), this question <should> be considered very strange.... However, human nature and society being what it is, there ain't nothin' strange.... Our ultimate goal is (or should be) satisfied customers... we identified and repaired their concern in a timely manner, for the amount quoted (for warranty purposes, Ford will be one of our customers) and without leaving a trial of destruction in our wake. Trail of destruction... dirt on the steering wheel and door handles - shit on the seats, the radio turned to some idiotic station and the volume cranked high... the repair process is traumatic and frustrating for the customer.... and here we are - fucking with his personal shit.... Without customers, we are nothing and we will have nothing.... if the guy in the next bay is busy doing his best to rape the customer... you will be known as a rapist - simply by association... It is never "that" asshole at Ford.... it is ALWAYS "those assholes" at Ford... the Stealership, remember? Where I live, we have what they call "neighbourhood watch"... If we see something that ain't right, we call the cops... We pray like hell that, if we aren't home and the neighbour sees something that ain't right, that HE will call the cops.... So.... here I am at work.... and I see something that ain't right.... Do I shut the fuck up? If the customer is unappreciative, the "best" that will happen is that we will never see him again (hmmm, somehow I think this isn't real profitable)... the worst that can happen is that he will get loud and in the "right" face... and if I allowed bad shit to happen while remaining silent... well - I'm the author of my own doom... Peer pressure... are any of us going to sell our soul for something we see as wrong? Or can we stand up as men among men and demand that our associates show a true measure of honesty and integrity? Peer pressure.... this is something that works two ways.... It is the "alpha male" that exerts the peer pressure.... We are left with an obvious choice... we can either be the alpha male... or we can let someone else be the alpha male.... WANNA DISCUSS IT?????
Scorpion or Power Stroke?
Jim Warman replied to Keith Browning's topic in 6.7L Power Stroke® Diesel Engines
Aaron... are you sure that you whizzing in the fuel tank is going to deliver urea? Or will it result in a clear blue flame that they can't extinguish? -
Brad... you done opened another can of worms.... is that plain old "green" antifreeze or the all new "premixed dark green" antifreeze... (this is the stuff that isn't available from Ford yet so they will ship you stuff in Mazda containers).
Better late than never... the adapter is 014-00743
Here in Canada, we have a trade rag called "Canadian Technician". Rislone is a supporter of their online presence... I find it "odd" that a magazine devoted to 'professional' techs would stoop to "miracle in a can" advertising... http://www.canadiantechnician.com/ They have online forums... (anyone up for some sport?)... replete with some real tight assed posters that keep babbling about "right to repair" when what they seem to actually mean is "free manuals"... But then I'm an old curmudgeon with a real narrow view of the world....
Please do me a favor EVERYONE on this website
Jim Warman replied to Tony302600's topic in The Water Cooler
105... I stopped by work. make that 106... I'll try a couple more workstations..... -
I came across this miracle product.... you diesel guys are screwed now.... http://www.rislone.ca/31111.htm
Please do me a favor EVERYONE on this website
Jim Warman replied to Tony302600's topic in The Water Cooler
102 -
Lincoln Continential 4.6 Miss?? Shudder?? Jerk?
Jim Warman replied to skidoo700's topic in All Gasoline Engines
The car should have the PID MP_LRN (misfire profile learn) and this should be toggled <YES>. As Bruce indicated, a series of close throttle coast downs should toggle the indication... do NOT apply the brake... Think about this.... "crowding" the throttle will keep the PCM in close loop (going WOT will send the PCM into <open loop - drive>)... this will affect fuel delivery (hence the need to watch fuel trims). Additionally, crowding the throttle can deliver torque convertor chuggle.... this may not work on your app.... but try lightly applying the brake (just enough to turn on the brake lights) while trying to recreate the concern.... Applying the brake "should" unlock the TCC completely. You can also monitor one of the TCC PIDs - and I can't, for the life of me remember which one at the moment - looking for a sawtooth pattern... seems to me it was some kind of a TCC slip PID (been a long, lllooonnnggg time). -
Well.... that was a pretty good reply..... cut and paste gone wrong... If we look at the document that spawned this thread, we see that, at one time, the test was there to be had... It is entirely possible that there was some sort of advice published that announced the change and I missed it... but most of you guys can just scan for the word diesel and disregard the rest.... I have to weigh many of the things we get in the way of broadcast messages and such as to their pertinance... that I miss as few as I do is quite remarkable.....