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Jim Warman

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Everything posted by Jim Warman

  1. Close.... a sneaky pete was used to fish the rope seal through the top (engine block) half or the rear main journal... the bearing cap still needed to be removed. Larry is correct about the "chinese finger" nomenclature... the harder you pulled, the tighter it squeezed... I'm sure I have one hidden in my "antiques"....
  2. Just so you don't get stymied like I did... VVT testing the early turbo is no longer supported.. I don't recall seeing any announcement or such about this - but that don't mean much...
  3. "Whaddaya mean my brakes are almost worn out???? They were OK this morning!!!!".
  4. I voted too... dogs name is "Spike", right? Jus' kiddin'.....
  5. I came across this and figured that this would quantify some of the directions or advice we are often given..
  6. But ASE comes to them guys about every 5 years... Technician A says thet they will ask for more money..... Technician B says that they will make you write a test. Who is right? ASE tried making inroads into (at least) Alberta... at 50 bux a test (this is in 1980s dollars), I bought a masters certification. The questions ranged from "DUH" to "Who the fuck does THAT any more?".
  7. Aaron... you've seen me... do you think I am going to drag my fat old ass out of the truck and climb a barb wire fence just to see the other side of the marker? I've got a course to teach this fall at the fire department... If there are any guys from the Flatbush department there, I'll try to remember to ask if they know of any story behind the marker...
  8. Flip side of the coin.... <some> aboriginals will slip the socket of a separated tie rod end over the ball stud and secure it with a bicycle inner tube and continue to drive.... The reason they used bicycle inner tube? Convenience... they used to use strips of moosehide... but it is easier to steal a bicycle than kill a moose out of season... I'm sorry if I appear to stereotype... shit happens.... We absolutely require both safety and anti-tampering legislation in Alberta... but our elected officials look at these types of legislation as "political suicide"... Even in our modern times, we still have "eunuchs".
  9. old pics, I stumbled across this one... This is the cemetary at Flatbush, Alberta... about an hour towards Edmonton and visible from the highway. I have no idea of the story behind this headstone... no, it is not "photoshopped".
  10. By and large, if it will move, somebody will drive it....
  11. And the penny is beginning to drop.... I knew a man... he was injured at work... he took a workers compensation payout and opened a video rental store. FWIW, I am one of many donors to the WCB system... He was a shitty businessman (typical blue collar worker - just like most of us) and soon ran the business into the ground... The taxpaying citizens of the republic of Alberta paid a Sheriff to track him down and sieze his assets. TYhese same taxpayers suffered him the costs of his subsequent bankruptcy. This man has an injured back... >AHEM< and cannot work - as such he is now drawing public assistance... again, funded by the people of the republic of Alberta. Yes, you might turn an eye into mush.... but the snowball has only begun to roll down the hill... the ramifications can be astounding... There's going to be the finacial "hit"... the stigma of social assistance, what about your kids? How solid is your relationship? (Do you have a you, pretty wife willing to accept a downturn in your life? or worse, an ongoing physical limitation?). Something like this can go far beyond only being able to count to nine... but we never consider those until after the event has faded in to memory and find that things will never return to the way they were... In the late 70s, I took a sabbatical from these endeavours.... I bought a 1976 Mack R700 - with the 375 MaxiDyne and the Mack 15 speed (the one with three countershafts) I was on top of the world... In less than a year I saw two friends expire from useless, senseless, preventable accidents... And the best thing you can say about it is dead people don't cost as much as live ones... Debilitating accidents aren't a joke... while one might suffer a cut on the finger, it might just as easily be a little more severe.... We have workplace safety rules because people don't take safety seriously...
  12. Ford is starting to realize that "we" are the only people that read those things, anyway????
  13. I think I probably over-reacted to "the oil shouldn't"... it was a tad "blanket" for my mood at the time... ut it needs desparately to be taken in context to the conversation... Ower-reacting is a privelege of age (I hope). At the same time, the crankcase ventilation system can be a viable source of <extra> "fuel". In the end, suspecting a leaky injector is one thing... proving it can be the clincher... The patterns on this engine are still emerging.... and we want to be sure that our assumptions are apart from our known facts. The 6.4 from hell is still fresh in my memory. divrging from the topic even further... the truck is an Excursion... the engine is an early build 6.0. The customer concern is a grating noise when going up a hill - he heard the noise once - he shut it off - he is affluent and buys several trucks at a time (just so you know)... after all is said and done, we notice an oil leak toward the rear of the engine. The turbocharger bearings are toast... the oil leak is diesel fuel weeping out around the oil dipstick tube... On that 6.0, I lost track after about 42 liters....
  14. In a public forum, there was a discussion on coolant filters for the 6.0. Some wit remarked that the 6.0 already has a coolant filter situated beneath the oil filter.... Bruces pics illustrate that there is some truth to that. A note on 'joinery'... how some assemblies are turned from parts into assemblies.... Many years ago, Convair developed the B58 'Hustler' - a delta wing, supersonic bomber - for the US air force (I was a 'things with wings" kinda kid). One of many technological advances for this airplane was the use of adhesives instead of rivets for many components. Even today, where composites and chemicals and adhesives constitute such a remarkable component of modern aviation (and let's not forget that the space shuttles tiles are "glued" on), this old fart has a timne wrapping his head around the concept at times... Now... take a look around your house.... some of your furniture has, more likely than not, been assembled using an adhesive that is activated using either high frequency radio waves or perhaps even microwaves (which are nothing more than extremely high frequency radio waves). The engineers are constantly dreaming up new and intriguing ways to fullfil old (and some not so old) requirements. Thinking of the Ecoboost and the Scorpion sends a cold shiver up my spine.
  15. Look at it this way, Jeff..... ever thought to yourself "I just need to touch this on the grinder to get rid of that burr... I don't need to go get safety my glasses"... "This ladder is too short... I wont need a longer one if I stand on the very top"..... "There's enough room for me to squeeze into that lane...." I'd guess that 99% of the "accidents" that happen in the workplace aren't "accidents"... they are lapses in judgement. We 'allow' the opportunity for something bad to happen - and act surprised when it does... And every last one of us is guilty... some much more than others - and, quite amazingly, too many times, the guy that takes way too many chances is spared and the guy that only ever took one chance can pay the ultimate price (nobody ever said life was fair). We loudly proclaim that we will take responsibility for our own safety.... and we will continue to gamble with it - every chance we get. There is an element of risk involved with everything we do (does that sound paranoid?)... from stepping into the shower in the morning and for the rest of the day... Did you drive to work? NHTSA states that nearly 40,000 Americans die in mvas each year - that's Americans... us Canucks have our very own statistics to become. We can minimize our risk (how many of you guys check the knob on the carbon pile before connecting the AVR?) or we can momentarily lose track of our situational awareness (a VERY human condition), perhaps never having lady luck draw our attention to the oversight. None of us is perfect - none of us is immune.... and the sooner we take notice of that, the safer we might be. Now.... without thinking about it... where is the closest fire extinguisher to your bay?
  16. Insert the eye ad here? I have a face shield at each grinder station and the shop supplies safety glasses.. no exceptions. The brake lathe never seems to get the same due dilligence... I gues this is straying away from Aarons original question but I believe that we entrust the wrong people with our safety - ourselves...
  17. Many years ago, I was young and impetuous... caused myself a certain amount of grief - sometimes ending in stitches... One I'll never forget had me as a bystander, though... it involves a socket, an impact wrench and a pinion nut.... He was fidgetting with his hands as he talked with a workmate... It took several minutes before we could convince him that reversing the impact and winding the nut off his finger was the only option.... I remind these guys that if they hurt themselves on my watch - I will KILL them!!!!
  18. I think the Nimitz is a scale model of that car.....
  19. Just so I learn something.... I have always thought that engine oil has a very high BTU rating. I know in a gasoline engine, oil getting into the combustion chamber can result in severe detonation.... I don't think it matters how stuff gets into the chamber - that it is there is all that it takes... But, is there any empirical evidence linking or negating excessive engine oil in the chambers as being a problem? Just to muddy the waters.... engine oil bypassing worn rings (lost compression) as opposed to engine oil entering a chamber that seals well...
  20. Like when you go in the coffee room and see Kyle doing Facebook??? Tell him not to worry.... all I did this summer was trade a ball peen hammer for a claw hammer.... Ooooops, that made me think - ever notice how many young 'uns have claw hammers in their mechanics chest????
  21. "Back in the day...." ... My Dad turned us into avid campers (well, it didn't 'stick' to my sister - she became 'yuppyfied') back in the stone ages... We had an old, green, canvas wall tent - about 6 cubits by 8 cubits (Not quite 3 meters by 4 meters). I would be about 8 or 9 when we first started camping and it was all I could do to roll this folded up monstrosity across the campsite. Dad could lift this thing in and out of the back of the 1952 Dodge by himself... Anyway, we had been campers for many years by the time my mother ended the adventure.. T'would be sometime around 1962 - Dad had graduated to a 1959 Pontiac Laurentian station wagon (now there was a BBBBBIIIGGGG car). Up until this time, it was always my job or my sisters job to deal with the trash. This one day, Mum could find neither of us (and being the kind of person that would sweep the campsite) and decided ahe would deal with the rubbish problem on her own... After all these years, this would be the first (and the last) time she would ever read the sign above the garbage cans... the one telling you to be sure the lids were on securely lest the bears scatter the trash all over... The tent came down... we drove home.... and I spent the rest of my summer biking to Boundary Bay.
  22. A provision for a quick connect or positive seal is something I hadn't really considered... But am I missing something on the diameter thing? At one atmosphere of boost, this motor is going to 'think' it displaces something over 12 liters. I can't see the engineers overlooking an exhaust restriction, but it has me wondering, at the very least... I wonder if the SRC is going to be upstream or downstream of what aftertreatments?
  23. The DSO number went away in the 70s or 80s... this would be the dealer special order number. The first two digits represented the zone where the original ordering dealer is located. Any subsequent numbers would indicate th invoice or perhaps line sheet for any optional inclusions.... Remember that we didn't have the benefit of computers back then, but the mothership still tried to keep abreast of each and evey unit built and sold. I don't know if you have ever come across a line sheet... look inside the seats (both cushion and backrest), under the rugs/mats, under the dash, behind trim panels....
  24. When my son was much younger (read that as "still listened to Dad"), we (my son and I would go wilderness camping... pup tents, lot's of waterproof matches, a bush gun for critter control and fishing rods. However, my blushing bride had me purchase a holiday trailer. Her idea of "roughing it" is waiting for me to set up the portable satellite dish. I enjoy both types of camping as long as we don't run out of beverages. Tyhe doctor told me if I quit drinking, I'd live until a 100 - I told him it would only seem like it.
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